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Maximum players?

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Since it's running on the multiplayer engine, and I can't believe no one's mentioned this already, I wonder if there will be more than 8 players? Though I could see that being rather hard to pull off from a developing point of view with so many players/zombies already in the map.

Its not hard for the developers, but hard for the machine. A pc with a decent graphics card/processor wouldn't have a problem with 16 players and 48 zombies but as it stands that many characters on a map would result in a retardedly low frame rate for the people in that situation with a console since they are running on 6 year old technology. The only way they'd be able to do it is to make the textures and render distance look like crap and you know they won't do that. I like the 8 person though. I hope they'll add more players for pc though

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I posted this before but...

It would be cool if for at least one of the 8 player maps, it played out like Verruckt. Four players on each side and only the power dividing you. It would leave the game feeling normal. In the event you are playing with all eight, everything would seem crowded, but cheaper. With solo everything would be roomier but normal price. All the way down to the zombies. Everything would even out really nicely.

SIDENOTE:Has anyone else noticed that Shangri La could have been split down the middle in the power room with a fence that only opens with the power on. If that were the case it would have drastically changed the gameplay, I think for the better. Think about making your way all the way around one side and flipping the power switch, only to realize the other one is out of reach. It would lead to scenarios of two teams fighting there way around, just like Verruckt, with way better gameplay. Or one hell of a challenge in solo.

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