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Vehicles in BO2 [Update2]


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I made this thread a while ago, so i decided to post it in here

The Poll on the old thread of this had 14 votes for Yes and 5 for No

In WaW, as you probably know you could use tanks in some of the maps. In a recent job description for Activision it mentioned work to do with vehicles in treyarch's FPS games, now it wasn't talking about killstreaks because they were mentioned aswell in the description but not with vehicles.

In WaW you either loved or hated the tanks, personally i loved them and hope they return in BO2 along with some other vehicles...

I think that on big open maps, tanks/humvees/jets/helicopters/boats should be available to use. This might seem overpowered however i have some ideas on how to make them balanced.

Just a side note, in BO there was an equipment section, i think all lock on launchers with 2 rockets in them should be a equipment like the STRELA and unlocked at a level close to prestige, other rocket launchers like the LAW, RPG as normal rocket launcher secondaries. Now here is how i would balance vehicles:

Air vehicles

One player will drive the air vehicle and control the rocket turret, and the other will control the machine gun. Players in the air vehicles can only earn specialist/support killstreaks from kills they get inside the air vehicle. They have 1 set of flares which have to be manually deployed by the player (like bf3). SAM turrets can destroy these aswell. Enemy players will get 1 point towards there pointstreak for destroying the vehicle, and an extra 1,2 depending on how many players are in the vehicle.

Enemy ASSAULT killstreaks that are controlled not by the player like the attack helicopter will make there first priority to destroy ANY enemy non killstreak air vehicle making them extremely useless against enemy killstreak vehicles. Jets would not fly as fast as Jets in BF3, Helicopters would fly roughly the same speed as the gunship from black ops.

Non killstreak air vehicles can only destroy other non killstreak vehicles.

Ground vehicles.

Like in WaW it takes 1 person to drive and use the rocket turret, and one person to use the MG. The tanks take 4 rockets from a launcher to destroy. Unlike air vehicles, Enemy killstreaks will not attempt to destroy tanks, and the tanks can not destroy them. Humvees however are much different, they have a much higher speed and much less health, the person that drives it will be the gunner of the MG aswell, as there will be no rocket turrets on these.


You will have 2 tiers of vehicle perks, Ground and Air. Each will be unlocked at a certain level (im assuming prestige will be lvl 50 like bo)


Lead foot [increased tank/humvee speed] (lvl 20)

Ordnance training [Makes reloading the rockets on tanks and MG's on humvees+tanks quicker] (lvl 10)

Hard Exterior [Vehicle is immune to Napalm and Motars] (lvl 40)

Greased bearings [Turret rotates quicker] (default)

Explosive deflector [Places a trophy system on the vehicle, deflecting a max of 2 rockets](lvl 45)

Magic wrench [Repair broken vehicles, however more wont spawn until there all gone] (lvl 39)

Bullet proof structure [immune to bullets, the person controlling the MG is safe from gunfire when not in cover.] [lvl 18]


Water cooler [Decreased turret overheat] (Default)

Hard Exterior [Vehicle is immune to Napalm and Motars)

Safe landing [Ability parachute out of the vehicle if under attack, however can still be killed by the explosion of the vehicle if close enough. (Lvl 25)

Bullet proof structure [immune to bullets] (lvl 10)

Heat seaker [Ability to lock on to other enemy air support/vehicles] [lvl 45]

Aerodynamic [Faster movement, ability to evade enemy missiles if no flares left] [lvl 35]

Flares x2 [1 extra flare] [lvl 50]

You can't upgrade these perks to pro.

Where will the vehicles be found?

Ground vehicles(Tanks/Humvees):

These vehicles will be found on medium sized maps with large roadways for the tanks to go through

like in WaW, at the start of a game 1 ground vehicle will be placed in each spawns (could be tank or humvee) then when both are destroyed another two will spawn shortly after. If vehicles are fixed with the Magic wrench perk, only one vehicle will spawn if that one is running.

Air vehicles:

Air vehicles will be placed on large open maps (easier to use and to speed up gameplay)

there will be a hanger with either a jet in or a helicopter outside of at both main spawns in the map

Instead of jets needing a runway to take of they will just slowly rise off the ground and then fly like a proper jet (if that is possible, i know you can do it on GTA san andreas but dont know if it is practical in real life )

After both are destroyed another two will spawn shortly after.

Additional information

Both ground/air vehicles can not capture flags.

Killstreaks controlled by the enemy (AC-130, gunship, reaper) can attack both ground and air vehicles.

If a air/ground vehicle is in the radius of an airstrike/napalm strike there health will be significantly lowered if there not destroyed.

If Tanks are on the map when the match starts, when there destroyed the next set of vehicles will most likely be Humvees.

If Jets are on the map when the match starts, when there destroyed the next set of vehicles will most likely be Helicopters.

Ground vehicles can run over enemy players.

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