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Map Enviroment and Weather Conditions


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Hey CoDz,

So in everything we have now, we've seen quite a few exotic environments in the maps, from deserted Asylum to Infested swamp and even the Pentagon. But also even interesting changes in the weather conditions or lighting of the day. (COTD being the most obvious and perfect example of that)

So for future maps to come, what would YOU like to see that hasn't been done yet?

I'm personally hoping for a heavy rain style map, where similar to COTD, rainstorms will come and go for a round, making it hard to see more than ten feet in front of you. That, OR as I have suggested in the past, have map where it's like a subway station or cave and there's few to no lights, and like Moon, where you could toggle between the spacesuit and hacker, have the option to find night vision goggles and start out with a flashlight as your light source before finding the power. ;)

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Heavy rain is a good one.

How about a map that starts at dawn and as you move up levels the sun rises into full day. Or the reverse would work as well dusk into night.

I think fog as a constant wouldn't be all bad either. Like say the outside of a map was always foggy but inside it wasn't. NVG could apply in this scenario.

What about a coastal map where the tide would come in and out making certain areas harder to move in or cut off completely. This could block off your favorite kiting routes or give you a super defensible position depending on the circumstance. It could also reveal traps when the tide goes out or maybe you could use a boat when the tide is in. Point is they could do a butt load of things with this premise.

Thunder and lightning would be a cool one too.

I've always liked the idea of a picture perfect day outside and zombies fucking it all up. Like by a tropical beach (see above coastal idea) or in a 1950's park/neighborhood. Perfect sunshine a couple lazy clouds in the sky, maybe even a rainbow... and zombies eating your face lol.

A tornado/sandstorm(as retrozombie115said) could be cool like it comes and goes randomly and when it hits you can't see and walk slower so you better be inside.

There's so much they can do with the environment. I hope they continue what they started in Blops and keep bringing new enviromental factors into play. (Cotd:Fog, Shang:Day/Night, Moon:gravity)

Edit:::Retro also stated night/day first. [brains]

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