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Why is there a movie being made?

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How, in all of the undead world, is there no zombies effecting Hollywood? I just don't get how the outbreak didn't cause a downfall in the whole world.

Are the characters going to go back in time and kill the zombies?

Was the zombie outbreak covered up and ended?

Is the outbreak still happening and just being covered up?

Are the zombies just going after our crew?

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I'm bringing this back up. I've been in the story for a while. your answer was brief and quite dumbed down.

As I understand the theory is that the 3 missiles were sent to destroy mass populations of zombies, well that means that it would be no secret to the world that there is an outbreak of freakbags. Unless Moon is way after CotD i don't see how these events can match up.

heres a few facts this is based on

-there is multiple type zombies, American zombies (Washington D.C. and Area 51), Nazi zombies (Nacht, Veruckt, Der Reise, Berlin), Russian zombies(Cosmodrome), Japanese zombies and Tibetan zombies.

-I know the whole story to zombies, been a lurker since the first MP for black ops, bought all maps in WaW

-is CotD hinting at a parallel universe?

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Well, I believe that Moon is after CoTD to begin with, so I don't think that the rockets effected CoTD in any way. On top of that, every time you time travel you go into a separate dimension, or a parallel universe. So even if Moon was in the 60's, it would be fine because there have been many parallel universes in the entire story.

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