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Inventory Menu?

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My idea would be to implement a new Inventory Menu to the next CoDzombies.

How it works

-Pressing the (select)key brings up a screen that shows all items that have been picked up and which player holds them.

-If all players hit the (select)key within 5sec the game goes into a pause mode that will allow players switch and combine items they have picked up.

Ex) Player1 picks up the head of a hammer and Player3 picks up the stick......all payers press (select) and they combine them to be able to board windows faster......take this example and think of all the possibility's it could mean for a figuring out a major Easter egg

-This pause function could also be used for a emergency break

-To stop people from just randomly trying to put stuff together....if you do it wrong 3 times the object breaks and u have to go find it again

Other ideas of things to put together

Parts of an ammo box-->max ammo(10pieces)

x4Hammer Head and x4Stick-->Faster window boarding for players that have completed hammer

Shin-Guards--> No crawler Damage(10pieces---2plates 6straps)each player

Body Armor-->Take one extra it before going down(12pieces---4plates 8straps)each player


Some these items would be randomly on the map the rest could be a out of the mystery box

-This would give people who have tons of money and nothing to spend it on something to go for

What do you guys think of this idea???

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No offense, but this isn't Skyrim. It's zombies. Making do with what little you can carry is good enough.

I don't think it is like Skyrim, it's a neat idea. However, randoms could make this pretty annoying. It seems like it would be better if you could buy shin guards of the wall and barriers going up faster would be an effect of Speed Cola or Double Tap.

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