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Another Side of the Story

bad karma

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A pair of eyes shone out from the darkness. But no one was around to see. No one alive, that is.

The figure ventured out from the darkness. Instinctively, it sniffed the air, searching for food. There was nothing. That didn’t matter. It wasn’t hungry anyway. The being shuffled down the hallways of the research center. It knew where it was going: Out. Out from this place that had almost killed it.

It had reached its destination. The power was on anyway, so it didn’t need to go from room to room, linking the device. Slowly, Subject Two-Six approached the MDT.

Two-Six wasn’t supposed to have survived. The scientists had assumed him dead. They had been wrong. 2-6 was no ordinary zombie.

2-6 had been like any other zombie. Mindless. Hungry. But the scientists had other plans for him and the rest of his brethren. They had attempted to train them to follow commands, to eventually become the ultimate fighting force against the Allied forces. But the training had not worked.

How did 2-6 know all this? Because he was the exception. He had learned. He was their super-soldier.

2-6 had learned how to react when the scientists had told him to do something. He had been the most successful of the subjects. None of the others had even come close.

But then, one day, they had lost control. 2-6 was driven crazy by an ill-timed fire alarm. In his panic, he attacked his handler. They shot him ‘till he dropped. And that was the end of that.

Except it wasn’t. 2-6 had survived. And he remembered everything that the scientists had said in front of him. He was almost…..human.

If 2-6 had any grasp of irony, he would have laughed at that. But he didn’t.

He had changed in other ways too. He could think complete thoughts. He could do simple tasks. He knew everything the scientists had discussed. He was the smartest zombie in the world.

2-6 had hidden, waiting for the scientists to leave. And they eventually had. When 2-6 finally ventured out from his hiding place, they were all dead. The zombies had broken free, and were running rampant. But 2-6 had not joined in the feeding frenzy. He had lost his craving for flesh.

But then, suddenly, a bright flash had come from the center of the room, scaring the zombies away. 2-6 stayed and watched. Four humans had emerged from the MDT. 2-6 fled, for he saw them carrying weapons. He did not want to almost die again. Throughout the night, he watched them and the zombies that attacked them. They survived. 2-6 was in awe of this. But he stayed out of sight.

Eventually, the humans escaped through the MDT, charging it with one of their weapons. They stayed gone, so 2-6 knew they were Out. 2-6 wanted Out too.

The remaining zombies in disarray, 2-6 walked to the MDT, and activated it. He knew that on the other side of the energy that fizzled in the device, was Elsewhere, a place he could escape to. He wanted to be free of this horrible place. 2-6, never hesitating, walked into the MDT.

When he regained consciousness, he found himself in a brightly lit place. He was in a theater. He had heard the scientists speak of theaters. But he could smell no humans. Only zombies. But…wait. What was that sound?

Why do you not listen to me, little zombie? I need your help to punish that evil Richtofen for TAKING DADDY AWAY!!!!!!!

2-6 listened. But he did not heed. He saw no need to.

Ah, I see. You are one of the special ones. The ones daddy let me see. No matter. My zombies are sufficient enough to over-whelm him. Oh, here he comes now! You’d better run, you naughty zombie, or that nasty Richtofen will murder you!

2-6 ran. He knew what murder meant. He did not know where he was running, but he soon found himself near another MDT. He didn’t hesitate to jump in.

Good-Bye! I’ll see you on the other side!

2-6 came out in a Russian Cosmodrome. He knew of this place. The scientists had friends here who were working on weapons. But as before, nothing living remained.

Hello again, little zombie! Welcome! I have prepared this place for Richtofen, but you had better hide before he gets here!

2-6 obeyed. He had heard of this Richtofen person. He was evil.

Little zombie, you must run to the teleporter! Richtofen has come through, and my zombies are keeping him busy! You can escape!

2-6 did as he was told.

And so it continued, until 2-6 found himself on the Moon. But the evil Richtofen and the other humans had followed him, and he was scared.

Little zombie, run to the teleporter! I can make it take you somewhere safe!

2-6 did as the voice said. But just before he was teleported to who knows where, he did something amazing. He spoke.


And he heard the voice laughing.

Because I have plans for you, little zombie.

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