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What was going on at Area 51? Pieces to the Puzzle


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We know that at the Area 51 on Moon, it was just their 'linkage' to the Moon base. Since all we can really see is the shelf, the tele porter, and the pack a punch, because that's all we can see.

But there's still stuff unanswered back at the Hangar 18 map, and a little on the Moon part.

First of all, I have confirmed that those weird hexagonal plates in the one top secret building at Area 51 are part of the James Webb Space Telescope.


But this raises more questions than it answers. Why, does the government at Area 51 have the parts of the Golden plated beryllium mirror in a hangar, decades before the project actually went into service? Could this be a sign that they had already mastered time travel? And begun to bring back things from the future?

But an ever bigger mystery lies in the plates themselves. The beryllium gold plates, are used to create a casimir effect on the vril generator in the Easter Egg. But why? What does the beryllium have to do with it? Or perhaps the Gold plating has something more to do with it? I know that I've brought this up before, but now I just can't seem to dismiss it as much anymore. And more importantly, if you HAVE a moon base, WHY do you need a mirror for a telescope, when you already have a moon base?

Something big was going here and I can't seem to figure it out.

Something else that we can draw from Area 51, is that the Hangar 18, is that the tele porter technology can be used to create a force field, displayed around the apple on the MP map.

Now another thing, was the bodies. You can clearly see bodies in the morgue, of unknown origin or name, but appear to be human like in many ways. But the most intriguing thing about them is what they meant to the Russians....

In the map description, it says that the base has just been infiltrated by them, so why would Russians want one of these bodies? Clearly, one of the tables has been smashed over into the decon. shower, and they blasted out through the back.

Now maybe these could have been from the Firing Range, but that's a shot in the dark.

The monitoring array, we all know that they were broadcasting signals to and from space and that's what we heard on the smashed TVs in the Archives buildings by the torn chain link fence the Russians escaped through. So there's not much mystery there.

But the last mystery, is the Ascension engine that was at the back of the SR71 Hangar behind the Blackbird. Why is there a jet engine from Ascension in Hangar 18? It could have been implied as the J58, the Blackbirds turbojet, but it was to long. And more importantly, why would a Jet be at an astronautical research base? Jets are useless in space, because there's no oxygen! And the engine doesn't appear to be a TurboFan either, and obviously not a turboprop, so it's really unconfirmed. For now I'll stick with that it's a crude way of implying it's an SR71 engine.

And just another one that popped into my head, What's with how the perks appear? They come down from a twinkle in the air and float down, like a more graceful Hellhound spawn. Now it's not just for gameplay, if they wanted it to be different every time, they would just have it there when it starts, they're trying to hint something here, but again, it's hard to put it all together.

So what we've got here is all the piece of puzzle, not we just have to start putting them together....

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Think i found something out to go with the hexagon plates we need for the kasmir mechanism. When richtofen powers up the golden rod he said realigning the Antikythera mechanism its an ancient mechanical computer designed to calculate astronomical positions it dates back to ancient greece it was made around 150-100 B.C. I think thats why we need the plates from area 51.

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But this raises more questions than it answers. Why, does the government at Area 51 have the parts of the Golden plated beryllium mirror in a hangar, decades before the project actually went into service? Could this be a sign that they had already mastered time travel? And begun to bring back things from the future?

I believe what is implied is that the telescope was developed at Area 51 decades before it went into service, and was being used to investigate the moon base.

And more importantly, if you HAVE a moon base, WHY do you need a mirror for a telescope, when you already have a moon base?

this is a bit out-there theory of mine, but I think that living organisms might not be able to teleport very well. I don't know if the Americans ever actually got their teleporter working, I have very serious doubts since we don't see any signs of them in Griffin Station (that I am aware of).

I think that certain... modifications must be done on a living being to teleport them effectively, otherwise they are grotesquely transformed (fluffy) or lost in the Aether (Richtofen's first teleportation, possibly Yuri dealing with a Gersch device, possibly Maxis). The exposure to 115 in each of those characters would allow them to be transformed or aether-ized rather than outright killed (as happened with other test subjects) I think that the experiments Richtofen had been doing on Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, and Sam enabled them to teleport safely and effectively.

The reason the teleporter was at Area 51 was to attempt to scale up the pentagon portal projects with a massive teleporter of their own, but I see no signs that it was functional. Only zombies created from corpse exposure to 115.

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But this raises more questions than it answers. Why, does the government at Area 51 have the parts of the Golden plated beryllium mirror in a hangar, decades before the project actually went into service? Could this be a sign that they had already mastered time travel? And begun to bring back things from the future?

I believe what is implied is that the telescope was developed at Area 51 decades before it went into service, and was being used to investigate the moon base.

And more importantly, if you HAVE a moon base, WHY do you need a mirror for a telescope, when you already have a moon base?

this is a bit out-there theory of mine, but I think that living organisms might not be able to teleport very well. I don't know if the Americans ever actually got their teleporter working, I have very serious doubts since we don't see any signs of them in Griffin Station (that I am aware of).

I think that certain... modifications must be done on a living being to teleport them effectively, otherwise they are grotesquely transformed (fluffy) or lost in the Aether (Richtofen's first teleportation, possibly Yuri dealing with a Gersch device, possibly Maxis). The exposure to 115 in each of those characters would allow them to be transformed or aether-ized rather than outright killed (as happened with other test subjects) I think that the experiments Richtofen had been doing on Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, and Sam enabled them to teleport safely and effectively.

The reason the teleporter was at Area 51 was to attempt to scale up the pentagon portal projects with a massive teleporter of their own, but I see no signs that it was functional. Only zombies created from corpse exposure to 115.

No, the Americans got to the Moon, in project NERVA, Faust posted I believe it's stickied, the logo or symbol is on almost every zombies breast-pocket. The Wave gun is also evidence going off the theories that CODZL is after the discovery of Moon and preparing to go.

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I've also had Porter and the pentagon theories, or at least other members of 935 and the pentagon.

I looked into NERVA, while it is interesting the logos are not the same (or even that close). I am finding a lack of good pics, so I took some myself.

There's the one on the breast pocket you are referring to

and a more trippy one I took just as I got hit:

which appears on about half of the zombies on moon (the other half being shirtless)

It also appears on the PES:

and on some other crap lying around:

Now, you have NERVA:


Side by side:

They are very different logos, the Moon zombies are not part of Project Nova. Since the logo is found on the PES as well as other things lying around, I believe it is simply the logo Richtofen adopted for use with Griffin Station.

I see no evidence of the Americans actually reaching Griffin Station.

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I've also had Porter and the pentagon theories, or at least other members of 935 and the pentagon.

I looked into NERVA, while it is interesting the logos are not the same (or even that close). I am finding a lack of good pics, so I took some myself.

There's the one on the breast pocket you are referring to

and a more trippy one I took just as I got hit:

which appears on about half of the zombies on moon (the other half being shirtless)

It also appears on the PES:

and on some other crap lying around:

Now, you have NERVA:


Side by side:

They are very different logos, the Moon zombies are not part of Project Nova. Since the logo is found on the PES as well as other things lying around, I believe it is simply the logo Richtofen adopted for use with Griffin Station.

I see no evidence of the Americans actually reaching Griffin Station.

It must have been something different then I know I recall seeing that exact symbol, I will go search for it.

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