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My theory on the absence of the DG-2


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I have seen a few topics and posts now about where the DG-2 is or if it is even in Ascension. I thought about it a little and came up with a reasonable explanation. Notice that the special weapons have only been located on maps they were worked on(with the exception of the Raygun I suppose). The DG-2 was at SNN because Richtofen brought it there, and it was at Der Reise because it was made there. The Winters Howl is only on Five(correct me if I'm wrong but I have not seen it on any other map)because it was the special weapon the Americans worked on. The Thundergun appears on Ascension because it was made there(Project Thunder).

Now why does the the DG-2 not appear on any of the new maps? Well we find out in Der Reise that they planned on mass producing the DG-2. But what if they never did? Since it was never mass produced it would not make it's way to places not involved in it's creation. If there was more than 1 DG-2 they were probably lost at SNN or Der Reise.

This can also be said about the special grenades and other weapons. Monkey Bombs have only appeared in the Group 935 locations, blame Richtofen?(I'm not sure if they are in Five or not, I feel like I have seen them). Matryoshka Dolls and the Gersh Device are only in Ascension, blame Yuri? You probably won't see the Sickle in any maps outside of Russia either. The Bowie Knife actually has American origins but lets say it will stay the way it has been.

The exception to this theory is the Thundergun. If it was produced in Ascension(somewhere in Russia) how did it make it's way to Kino(somewhere in Germany(probably)). I could bring up Kowloon but...blah. There was no indication that it was mass produced(I think) so I find it odd that it is in Kino, other than the fact that Treyarch just wanted to put it in the game.

These facts lead me to believe there could be one more special weapon out there, one made by the Japanese. The Germans have the DG-2(and the Raygun), the Russians have the Thundergun, and the Americans have Winters Howl. I don't see our hero's returning to Japan anytime soon though.

I think thats about it. I highly doubt the DG-2 is in Ascension, however I like the theories of a possible PPSH. You never know with Treyarch. Let me know what you guys think.

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