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Posts posted by lllpasswordlll

  1. A new name has surfaced in the zombies story line, (The Kronorium) who or what is it? Is the question we ask, is it a person? Place? A book? All we know is that Richtofen has gained knowledge from such a "thing" but let's dig more into it... A radio in ZNS (Zetsubou No Shima) "he explained everything to me, he will explain everything to you" now let's look at it this way, Maxis is the one talking, now by "you" we can assume he is referring to Richtofen so, by the shadows of evil bio, it states "Richtofen armed with the knowledge gained from the Kronorium" I can assume this is what he means by, he'll explain everything to you, another detail to somewhat back this theory up is. In the same radio it says "his very existence defied logic" now with something with the name of "Kronorium" we can guess that such an Entity defies logic and Time itself 

    Let me know any ideas you might have on the topic of The Kronorium (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


  2. @Monopoly MacMac we cannot forget that a new name surfaced as well, the "kronorium" do these ciphers say "m"? Does maxis himself say the letter "m" he probably did I just didn't hear it but there's something about one radio that really tickled my fancy... "He explained everything to me and he will explain to you" and by you im guessing he might be talking about Richthofen, something to back this theory is the shadows of evil bio "Richthofen armed with the knowledge of the kronorium" this "kronorium" could be a place, person, perhaps a book, but in all Richthofen got his plan from this thing but what I believe is maxis is talking about the kronorium why? "His very existence defied logic" think about with something with the name of kronorium it kinda addsup

    Reply back if you have any ideas/theory

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