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Posts posted by ZombieRambo24

  1. 9 minutes ago, NaBrZHunter said:

    You are acting sensitive and inflammatory. It's the image you have chosen to portray to the site. Not to mention supporting folks who violate the spirit of the Code of Conduct, saying those who support it have their 'panties bunched up'. Starting off on the right foot. The best thing I can recommend to you is a good, full read of the Code and an apology to those who you have treated with your unique form of....human respect. 

    Im good dude. ur on the internet asking for apologies. Im not famous and havnt offended any special interest group. your funny af. not a good look for you.

  2. 6 minutes ago, NaBrZHunter said:

    You are acting sensitive and inflammatory. It's the image you have chosen to portray to the site. Not to mention supporting folks who violate the spirit of the Code of Conduct, saying those who support it have their 'panties bunched up'. Starting off on the right foot. The best thing I can recommend to you is a good, full read of the Code and an apology to those who you have treated with your unique form of....human respect. 

    Im sensitive... apologize? this is strange.

  3. 1 hour ago, NaBrZHunter said:

    I'm gonna go ahead and disagree, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, since you're new. But what MadGaz does out here is basically just self-promotion. If you wanna see what a REAL discussion thread looks like, they're all over the place, but here's an example. Hard work and research; none of these invites to leave the forum to hear more. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/topic/179035-ascension-group-and-communists/


    I won't refrain from saying that the majority (right, not all - this thread, for example) of what he posts is scarcely more than what's in the description section below his videos on YT. 

    Ok. thats great! thank you so much. ur awesome!

  4. 1 hour ago, Spider3000 said:

    @ZombieRambo24 Since you've joined this forum, you have been disrespectful and insulting to other members.

    Please, for your own sake I recommend that you stop if you plan on being a regular member of CoDz.

    The following is quoted from the Code of Conduct, which I also recommend that you read.


    "Example: If a user says to another on the forum that they are stupid, dumb, illogical incompetent, etc., that is an example of a user tearing another down, and is considered to be ‘flaming’. Even sarcastically saying “Wow, you’re a bright one, aren’t you..” or “Did you figure that out on your own?” would qualify as a form of harassment."

    chill out

  5. On Monday, January 11, 2016 at 2:10 PM, Hells Warrrior said:

    Lets give @madgaz182 a bit of a break, to be honest, he is creating topics and getting people discussing the game (current maps and DLC maps). I'm all for that as long as it's with the CoC (Code of Conduct) I haven't got an issue with it. With thousands of topics on here, it is extremely possible to have topic titles very similar considering the niche game we all play. 

    thanks for finally saying something positive about madgaz and backing him up. he brings new ideas and honestly means no harm and does not try to break the effin CoC dude.

  6. hey madgaz182, i understand that you just meant "that bell" being whatever kinda bell it is by trying to describe it from your own knowledge. keep promoting your youtube channel my friend. it doesn't irritate or bother me at all. the "do you know jesus" ads on this site bother me more than random guys/girls promoting their youtube channel. i might even subscribe if i like it. i don't think your providing misleading content. ur just speculating. you even say stuff like "i noticed" and "is it possible?". its just ur opinion on this new amazing map. we got to remember alot of stuff changes from trailers to in game content. im all for collective thinking. and you made me think from a different perspective. cant wait for February 2nd! keep doing what you like. peace and positivity.

  7. Anyboby else loving their new der eisendrache theme for ps4? it came out on the 5th of january 2016. i was hoping we would have some new zombie music like with the shadows of evil theme. but the music for the new theme is just the zombie lobby bo3 music we hear when the character is poking at the campfire. ive been analyzing it like crazy. i cant wait until feb 02!

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