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Posts posted by anonymous

  1. In my opinion, ZNS holds the best classical EE's: The radios and (scrap) papers. How many answers did we found on questions we have since SNN. Gersch and Brock and Gary returned. When I found this site and I read all the old WaW and BO1 theories, I was sad I missed making and discussing all these things. Now it feels like these times. I like these things more then the big EE's.

  2. I vote for @tEfugleskremmel and @Doppelgänger. They both made great theories and have a really good sight on the storyline. Doppelgänger also welcomes every new member and see here a theory of him:

    For tEfugleskremmel, well, just take a look on his user page and you see almost every comment of him is gold.

    They both showed me they are obvious worth for being UotM

    • Like 1
  3. And how do you think about the comic book? I think Kino loading screen is the first page of the book because it includes loading screens of previous maps. But the NDU and Verrückt comic book loading screen in BO1 are different. Could that mean these pages are after the Kino page, or how do you think about this?

  4. Currently, I see the multiverse as the Wheel Spire Theory, like @NaBrZhunter once explained to me. See the multiverse  as some sort of egg, filled with many small dots: Universes/dimensions. In the middle of the multiverse we have a special universe/dimention: Agartha. The space between all those dots in the egg is the Aether. Could the Rift be some sort of line/tunnel connecting each universe with the middle universe, Agartha? I dont know anything about the Rift, but this is how I look to it. Of course, like you said, there is a big possibility that time is different everywhere and that time in some places goes faster then in others.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Nightmare Voyager said:

    There are statues of Keepers and ancient bows that the Keepers owned (named Wrath of the Ancients) made out of Apothicon Bone. Was that not a big enough hint that this was a Keeper construct?

    The problem is that I dont have BO3, and I only play DE at friends. I never investigated the map enough to discover the statues. What I did discover were these iron circles around the pyramid, and later also on the wall. They look a bit like a solar system and I remembered them when I played Origins at home. When I was in a cave I saw the circles there and I thought of the DE ones

  6. No Kar98k and Olympia like shitty wallweapons anymore, for when you had no bullets and little money. Also no ww2/cold war guns in general anymore. Even in BO2 there were still some WaW and BO1 guns. The mystery box' defininition is a box which provides weapons from all ages......not anymore, there are only 2060 weapons now.

  7. And I read once that the MPD can only travel forward in time, and we know that CotD was in 2011, so Shangri La and Moon have to be later. However, it is a small possibility that Samantha messed with time, but why would she do that? And never thought of that meaning of Great Leap Forward, good point. It could be that once Stuhlinger conviced his "deaf" friends, and finally built the first obylisk, decades are over. But then we would again meet the problem of how Moon could be after CotD, 2011, but also before 1960

  8. 1 hour ago, tEfugleskremmel said:

    My theory is that, with the exception of Tranzit, we are shown that Richtofen continually resets them when they fail to light the beacons, which to me says they're in an infinite loop similar to Brock, Gary, and the MOTD crew.

    But does this mean that Richthofen also resets time, so the N4 start at the same time as before, or that time continues, and Richthofen only some sort of "revives" the N4? If its the last one, it could be possible that the N4s first attempt to build the tower in Green Run is in 1960 and when they finally build the last tower in Buried, its around 2050. If it is the first one this is evidence that the person in the MPD is capable of messing with time and to turn back or put forward it: Samantha could have done this is BO1 as well.

  9. 48 minutes ago, jiipee95 said:

    I wouldn't want another "feeding" process in this map... at least not for the wonder weapon(s)... If it's equipment like Hells Retriever then it wouldn't be that bad. But it gets boring to spend those early rounds feeding something just to get the wonder weapons :/

    I agree too, even in der Eisendrache I already thought they shouldnt put that game element in it again.

  10. 3 hours ago, Doppelgänger said:

    EDIT: I added a section discussing these escape routes that you can use to escape across the map.

    Basically the idea I had was that the second tunnel might teleport us away from a Pack a Punch room.


    Also, what does everyone think about the Pack a Punch in this map? Do you think we will be seeing a Division 9 version of the machine?

    Wheres that section, the escape tunnels look very interesting. Also, where in the trailer can you see the map you posted in your first post in this topic?

    6 minutes ago, Nieno69 said:

    I think it is a Step like the void bow to male crawlers and Feed the plant.... and then IT grows or goes away and Open a New path... nur we have to wait

    There is a division 9 sign behind the plant, like there are dragon symbols in DE. In the DE trailer you see the dragon symbol at the beginning, just like you see the division 9 symbol at the beginning of the ZNS trailer.

  11. It had some bugs when it was just updated, and I couldnt log in, but right now the site seems OK to me

    And mostly I visit this site on my phone, so that could give some issues sometimes. On my PC it always works great and fast enough

  12. 11 hours ago, BlindBusDrivr said:

    Sorry guys, no Nacht connection.  Since the B-29 wasn't introduced until May 1944, this adds to the evidence that the map takes place in late WW2.

    No, I didnt thought it had to do something with Nacht too, however I was interested in any theories about this. Perhaps they could convince me to think this is the same plane. Great post anyway, and that powerup drop, looks organic to me, like Zombie Flesh in Grief mode. Or perhaps a temple idol or something like that.

    4 hours ago, Tac said:

    The zombie actually isn't dead when the plant picks it up, so that's worth noting.

    It looks dead to me. But in the discription of ZSN there is spoken about new, deadly traps. It would be strange if they wouldnt involve it in the trailer, then, so I think you and @Doppelgänger are right: Its a trap

  13. 21 minutes ago, Doppelgänger said:

    It seems to have only just died. The video has the zombie walking past the plant, then skips to where the zombie is on its back with it's limbs blown off. Strange that it contains such a cut, so they could be hiding a way to get the plants to feed on the zombies or perhaps the weapon that killed the zombie. Who knows. There really isn't much we can extrapolate from.

    The first scene we see a zombie walk next to the plant, then the cut, and then we see a dead zombie laying on the ground grabbed by the plant. We see indeed not how it is killed. It could be the plant, but how the zombie was laying, I immediately thought of it was shot down by a player

  14. On ‎11‎-‎4‎-‎2016 at 11:01 AM, Doppelgänger said:

    Hopefully with the release of Zetsubou No Shima,we may see a bit of backstory into the Division 9 research facility in Shi No Numa considering they were both owned and operated by Division 9. 

    As for the discussion, I believe Morg City was based on Chicago and New York City, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is located in the same area as those cities..

    Yeah, I hope so, however ZNS looks much more tropical then SNN, but its both a base of Division 9 so hopefully we'll get more information about it.

    @NaBrzhunter I messed a bit with my phone and it works, Im able to respond on posts again :D I felt yesterday really sad with the new DLC coming up but being unable to talk, lol.

    And @HellsWarrior Great new site theme

  15. I talked about this with @Steelie in the comments of a post, but now I decided to make a topic about it. Is Origins + BO3 an endless loop/paradox? After the O4, the Primis left the Origins universe they try to save the multiverse, like they try in Black Ops 3. What if BO3 ends with Primis travel back in time to the Origins universe to warn the French Knights who almost found Agartha? They succeed to convince and stop the knights so they save the universe of the “Great Evil”, like Takeo once said. If this never happened, the Ancient Evil will never awaken and would never destroy all the universes, aka multiverse. Or well, the Primis thinks they saved the universe… As a memory and warning the Knights make that Primis walldrawing as we can find in Origins. Thousand years later, the Germans occupy Northen France in WW1, and ignore the messages the Knights left in the caves. They keep digging trying to find Agartha, not aware of the Ancient Evil they will awake. Nikolai Berlinski, Takeo Masaki and Tank Dempsey have all the mission the find the German scientist dr. Eduard Richthofen. The whole loop will start again.

    “Every story has a beginning……and an end” -Origins trailer

    Let me know what you think about this theory, and if you have any information to support or debunk it, please let me know.

  16. 12 hours ago, DilRobskii said:

    The way I look at it, since fluffy is back it makes sense that it would be Maxis or Samantha. After all it is their "puppy" Just my two cents from what I've seen from the other maps and such. 

    You got a point, its indeed Sam and Maxis who caused the first Hellhound, however, that doesnt mean they are the only ones who can control them. In Green Run, there are Hellhounds too controlled by Richthofen

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