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Posts posted by thegoldenspork115

  1. They definitely should bring crawlers back. It's an iconic thing to yell save a crawler. It makes side quests easier, it makes hitting the box easier. Everything.

    If a zombie glitches out on an elevator, have it respawn. If the crawler is too far away from you on Tranzit, they could've made crawlers respawn in an area near you. It sure beats them just dying when you're in the middle of something.

    It's not just crawlers that die now. To make it worse, if you damage a zombie even the smallest bit, it'll die when you leave it alone.

    (That's an easy way to clear a train: shoot them all in the foot once, then run away from them and they'll die, yay.... >.> )

  2. Endings:

    Origins, the reality of the zombies story is revealed. It's actually a game played by Samantha and Richtofen who are kids, fighting for the control in the game. This was hinted all the way back in Kino Der Toten. The story as we know ends as the children stop playing.

    That's great and all, but Edward Richtofen was never spoke of as being a child back in Kino Der Toten. You could argue that this WAS all just a game. But my arguments against that....

    1. Richtofen aka Eddy being a kid? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

    2) Does this "game" sound anything like the average game children would play on their spare time? There's next to no way Sam or Eddy could possibly have known about most of this stuff.

    3) How exactly do you explain how Sam knew about some of the weapons in black ops 2? It seems as if her and Eddy are in the WW2 era or sometime near then. Many of the blops 2 weapons didn't exist back then.

  3. Don't dwell on semantics. Ideally Wonder Weapon should just be the "big" weapon of the map, but of course Treyarch won't come out and directly confirm it.

    Now that would be more acceptable if there wasn't already this huge in depth storyline. The map specific important gun being a WW no matter what it is/ what it's composed of/ who it's made by, contradicts so much we've learned since Shi No Numa and Der Riese.

  4. ok when I played nuketown once I dind´t shoot the power generator but those things on top of it. the power generator was yellow and my gun was gold. I dont know of this was just a glitch or something but when i went to theater. My gun wasn´t gold and the generator not yellow.

    This isn't youtube, trolling is not welcome here.

    If you're not trolling, I apologize. But it's sounds an awful lot like a troll. Just saying

  5. Nice list & explainations MMX. I agree but also disagree.

    You could almost add to the list -

    • The Moon Rockets - (One of the original Wunderwaffes - V-Weapons

    [tab][/tab]If they weren't filled with '115', it must have been Ethereal Energy to blow apart the earth like that. (Jokes)

    If there were no Black Ops 2, this topic wouldn't even exist. For me, the Black Ops 2 maps changed the COD Zombies term "Wünder Weapon".

    I completely agree with Rissole -

    I consider it the map specific/big gun weapon of the map.

    I don't even care about the story wise meaning of it anymore.


    The story is still a huge part of zombies. Treyarch may have gotten lazy(or just extremely sly) with the storyline in bo2, but that doesn't mean we just look at things differently now.

  6. PAP the AN94, PAP the SVU, and then you can choose between a ray gun mark II, a ray gun mark I, HAMR PAP'd, RPD PAP'd, or the paralyzer (PAP'd of course). And make sure you have double tap and speed cola :)

    I don't think the RPD is on buried is it? Which is a shame because I prefer it to the HAMR anyday. All that recloil... :P

    Another good one to add to the list though is Predictive Death Wish 57000. Of whatever the PAP'd pdw is called

  7. I abhor using such subjective terms.

    Wonder Weapon - A weapon that utilizes Element 115 or ethereal energy in its operation prior to being Pack-A-Punched.


    Wonder Weapons:

    Ray Gun

    Wunderwaffe DG-2

    Monkey Bomb


    Winter's Howl

    Gersch Device

    Matryoshka Dolls



    31-79 JGb215

    Zap Gun Dual Wield

    Quantum Entanglement Device


    Acid Gat

    H*ll's Retriever

    Silver Spoon

    Ray Gun Mark II


    Time Bomb

    Staff of Fire

    Staff of Lightning

    Staff of Wind

    Staff of Ice


    One Inch Punch

    Not Wonder Weapons:

    M2 Flamethrower

    Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23

    EMP Grenade




    Crossbow Explosive-Tip

    Ballistic Knife


    … and everything else


    The silver spoon, more dangerous than you can possibly imagine... XD I'm not gonna argue with that one, I just find it funny. I was reading these other high techy names then I see "the silver spoon".

    But agreed.

  8. No one is trolling. (Surprised I even have to say that) jeez can't anyone on CoDZ have a decent debate without getting defensive?

    I get what your saying. Though. But still. My observation:

    Let's take the jet gun for example.

    I would call the jet gun a "wonder weapon". And I would call the DG-2 a "Wonder Weapon". See the difference in capitalization? That's the way is see it. An exceedingly powerful weapon deserves the adjective of wonder. But not the title of Wonder Weapon. Once again that's just the way I see it.

  9. Everything suggests that Nuketown happens in the 60s but the following maps indicates that it goes well in the years after 2025.

    what bothers me the most is when they announced that the map that just going after the nuclear bomb nuketown multiplayer ...


    Assuming that's Nuketown from bo1? That was like a 60's based map wasn't it? Either way, that's really weird to think that zombies an multiplayer cross timelines

  10. Wunderwaffe: german for wonder weapon.

    A term used by nazi propaganda to describe "superweapons" that - once used by a party who's chances were slim to none prior to using the weapons - would suddenly turn the tide and result in a unexpected victory by the losing party thanks to said wunderwaffes special advantages.

    Nowhere does it state that only weapons from the program are Wonder Weapons.

    Because if that was the case then the term wouldn't still be used today to describe powerful weapons.

    So it really has nothing to do with Group 935 other than the fact that Maxis made them design, create and produce wunder weapons for the Third Reich.

    The program itself wasn't made by them, it was made by the Third Reich and they funded Group 935 to create such super weapons. Recall Maxis's complaining about how he needed more time and money to finish up and mass produce the DG-2.

    Okay so Group 935 didn't create the WW Program. That's not what this thread is about.

    The point is that the gun must be created in the Wonder Weapon Program to be considered a wonder weapon( still my opinion btw)

    Looking at it from your perspective, any gun could potentially be a wonder weapon. As long as it saves the day so to speak.

    You're basically saying that the Wonder Weapon Program had no significance in Zombies whatsoever. If just anyone could create these wonder weapons, the WWP would have no reason to exist.

  11. Hey officer, I was on my way to the presidential party, just after I dispose of these...things...hm. Come to think of it I don't actually know what these things are. Haha.

    1) 3 bags full of money. The bags say "Bank of America".

    2) a black ski mask

    3) a life size cut out of Jennifer Lawrence

  12. My opinion...

    Ever hear of the wonder weapon program? The Program run by Group 935? The program that gave birth to the Ray Gun, Wunderwaffe, Etc.? It's called the Wonder Weapon Program for a reason. Any gun that was not made by Group 935 could not possibly be considered a wonder weapon, because it wouldn't have been in the "Wonder Weapon" Program.

    The Jet Gun, Sliquifier, and Blundergat are most likely not wonder weapons. The jet Gun is just a "portable jet engine". The Sliquifer could POSSIBLY be a wonder weapon because of the liquid in it. Although it's still assembled by a group of survivors. The Blundergat I would argue that it's not, but idk about that one(or even the acid gat for that matter)

    I think a proper name for the Jet Gun and other weapons like it would be "super weapons".

  13. When it all comes down to it, it is just misspelling.

    But, for the argument of nationality, let's look at Origins.

    The Nazi Party / Group 935 ideology is shown in Origins. That's why the Robots are named Odin, Thor & Freya. The reason the Futhark symbols are shown when in Zombie Blood.

    Deutsche Mythologie (Teutonic Mythology)....

    I like your reasoning. I've never even considered Norse Mythology to be a part of the storyline at all. I've always overlooked it, despite me having studied the Norse belief for a few years now.

    Thanks for bringing that up!

  14. Nope.

    Ascension is the easiest in my opinion. Simply because Buried is on BO2 and BO2 is pure torture to play. (Unless you're playing Nuketown or MOTD.)

    Really. Hm. I've always considered bo2 to be much easier. :/ but that's my opinion.

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