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Black Hand Smith

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Posts posted by Black Hand Smith

  1. I think there should be a flashbang and if you open up a portal and throw the flashbang into it, It stops the Denizens from Spawning for a few minutes. 


    The bus should not be available until you turn on the Power. Then you have to fix the Bus in order to get it working. 


    Screw Tombstone and replace it with something else.

  2. We have come a long way since world at war. What started off as a simple Game mode about Nazi's that happened to be undead.....turned into a story about a scientific Experiment gone wrong.....from there it turned into a story about betrayal and vengeance. Adding new conspiracies and secrets for the players to find out and connect the dots. Eventually we discovered Samantha in the MPD and set her free, leaving richtofen in charge of the Undead....However things started taking a change for the worse with black ops 2.....We began a new set of quests that either had us completing the same tasks over and over again or in some cases those quests had nothing to do with the story and were just there for filler. Then the final nail in the Coffin of confusion.... Origins.... Is it a parallel universe? or perhaps it's the point of view from Samantha....or maybe it's a Paradox world created by the Rift opening..... nothing is Sure....and nothing can be proven...


    So I ask you now...Should treyarch let this mess of a story die and Start a Brand new story unrelated to the Original story? Or should Treyarch try to Fix the current story at the risk of Messing it up even more?.....





  3. Well....we all knew extinction had nothin to do with zombies but there could still be an extinction sequel. It's the final chapter but many books have final chapters. What happens in the next book depends on whether or not they decide t continue it

  4. Hello....and welcome Back.....Today I would like to talk about a key component to Zombies which was first introduced to the Game on Verrukt. This Key element is the Power switch. 




    The Power has remained relatively the same since verrukt until Shangri-la. In shangri-la there were 2 switches and instead of just powering up the map it showed us a unique way the power was provided. By taking energy from Water. Although the result was the same we still got to see something new.


    Then in Tranzit we had a new quest to turn on the Power. We had to build the Power switch. This is a simple task that takes a minute or so to complete if you know where the parts are. You could also turn off the power if you wished However there were 2 maps that had a New Unique way of turning on the Power. These maps were Motd and Origins




    Motd used Energy from the Afterlife to Individually power up Perks and Gates. This is the first true deviation from the system all of us were used to at the time. 




    The Final Change we saw in the Power Mechanism was in Origins where the Objective was to Capture the Power stations individually in a Domination like theme. This Power was different because it Erased the Power switch with Large Containers that needed to be filled. this brought us a new challenge. Now instead of the Power staying on we had to capture it all over again if the Agarthan Zombies managed to capture a power station. Thus you needed to turn the power on again.


    So with all that said I Would like to see what other ways treyarch could spice things up in future zombie maps. Leave some suggestions and how it would work. Also add some challenges as well.


    In my opinion I think the Baghdad Battery would work Nice for a zombies map 




    The Baghdad battery is a very old object that is theorized to be some form of Power, Mostly from Alien theorists. Although it has not been proven to have been used in the past. I believe such an Object could make for a very interesting game changer if Introduced to zombies as a functioning Battery.  Of course it wouldn't be able to power an entire map but What if we had to carry a baghdad battery around the map and Place it in Perk machines we wanted to use? Imagine there were only 2 batteries in the Map and you would then have to choose which perks you wanted active at the time. Then when you need to switch another perk machine on you would have to remove the Battery and place it on the new Perk machine. I think this would be challenging and force players to come up with new strategies.



  5. if I were to make a Chernobyl Map for Zombies it would take place not after the Meltdown but during the Meltdown. Zombies are everywhere and some of them Are glowing green. There would be a system similar to the Excavators on Moon where you would have to prevent the Meltdown from Contaminating Areas of the Map. If an area gets contaminated then you would have to put on a Hazmat suit. 

  6. just gonna make it quick and simple. Zombie eyes will always be a part of the Game and they will always come in a variety of colors. So far we have seen Yellow, Blue, Red, and Purple. I personally don't see the difference between orange and yellow so orange does not count. 

    now I ask.... What Color would you like to see Zombie eyes become in the future? personally I think Green or Black.







  7. I believe remastering a Game should not be ...OOh lets just add a few more FPS to the game and re sell it.....Nah screw that. I think it would be better if they remaster a game that no one can Play anymore or there are so very few copies left in circulation due to time.


    Remember Gauntlet Dark Legacy? That game was the Shit back in the day. Remaster that, Add 4 player co-op Local and Online, and Remaster the Graphics. Then you have a remastered edition that is worth Buying. 


    What about something Like Pokemon gen 3. Look what they did with the 3DS version. They have updated it, Added new capabilities, and a whole bunch of Goodies as well. 


    In my opinion If you are gonna remaster something. Don't just add a few FPS to it from good to slightly Better. Go the Full length and Update something Fans love from the Past

  8. What about a Game Like Half Life 3? People have been going crazy about it for the Longest time. Like we see in Half Life 2, The controls are meh by today's standards and the Graphics are heavily outdated. So How do you believe a game like that could work after being in development for so long? I personally don't think it's going to Live up to the Hype. 


    I think a Wonder Weapon can not be made By random Survivors and Needs to be a cutting edge piece of technology. A water gun filled with soap does not count and a jet Gun s just a get engine

    Interesting thought, but shouldn't the fact that random survivors made weapons that can effectively kill zombies come into this equation?


    Sure, It can effectively Kill zombies. But then again the Pulse thingy in Buried can Kill zombies effectively and It can not be considered a wonder weapon. I think we should categorize the Sliquifier and the Jet gun as SUper weapons. Give it it's own category

  10. Well, Here we are, many are getting hyped about advanced warfare while others just shrug it off and stopped giving a shit.

    so now I ask a question....Is Hype good for Games?


    There are 3 levels of Hype when it comes to games


    No Hype - The " I don't know what that is and I don't care" type of hype


    Interested - The " This game might be good, let me try it out" kind of hype


    and of course.


    Over Hype - The " HOLY SHIT THIS GAME IS GOING TO BE SO AMAZING GOTY!" type of hype.


    In my opinion I believe over hyping a game can actually make a Good game look rather Shitty. A good Example is Titanfall. by itself it's a pretty good game. However before the game's release people were calling it the Cod Killer and praising the hell out of the Beta. When the game came out it quickly went from Titan Fall to Titan Fail. 



    So what's your opinion about Hype? Do you believe it makes or will make good games into shit? Has there ever Been a game you were over excited to buy but then when you actually had it, you felt unsatisfied or you expected more?


    I would take the servant files with a grain of salt however since they pass through a middle man (the CIA). And since literally everything else says Ludvig, then Ludvig it is.

    Since Ludwig is a German name, and Ludvig is a Scandinavian name, I'm saying his name is spelled as dr. Ludwig Maxis.

    It's probably neither here nor there, but the only time it is spelt Ludwig (from what I remember) is in the Servant Files which Maxis wrote/programmed himself. The CIA/Majestic 12 people didn't make it, they only accessed the "Datenbediensteter" (translated: DATA SERVANT). Then again, it does say that it's been translated from its original German.

    Either way, who really cares. It's just Treyarch laziness with the spelling of a major characters name.

    Edit - I made a topic a while ago questioning if Maxis was really German based on Richtofen saying "Stupid Maxis & his stupid accent". A lot of the same arguments are in that thread too.




    Well....the accent thing can be given a free pass considering they ARE Germans.....yet they always speak English ....so......Yeah theres that.

  12. Either treyarch is really smart and they are hiding something.......or they just fucked up the spelling........Personally I would like to think they did it on purpose but then again when they spelled nikolai's name wrong in origins they fixed it right away... so......I have no clue.

  13. So a beach= no but a submarine/sunkenship=yes! Have most of the corridors broken down and waterlogged, there's a way to remove the water and walk around at normal speed, but you couldn't swim to higher areas. 


    Sunken ship and submarine sound good. Areas with air and areas without air How about an electric Eel ?

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