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Posts posted by Boom115

  1. My only question: If there's to be a usergroup for custom mappers, why not make one for the guys that do map ideas/concepts (like me)? o3o


    We do, it's white and it's called member.


    Just pulling your chain of course. Could you explain why this would be given recognition over other contributions by members (i.e. theorists, story tellers, strategists)? Serious question, not patronizing what you do, just looking for insight.

  2. http://strawpoll.me/3877791


    So we are deciding on characters, obviously new characters means new characters with new backgrounds but what the new incarnations mean is that the old group will have redesigns, they will be a bit older than Origins but younger than WaW and BO. Also we have art for them being made at the moment for either way but if you are worried voice actor wise, I at least have someone who can do Richtofen and Dempsey- not sure if they can do the other two. So only vote once. 


    In my understanding there are some limits to the mod tools. You can port other characters, reformat, ect. But actually designing a new character would not be so easy.


    I really dislike not being able to see how many downs a player has. Always useful info, especially if people are score boosting to get higher up the career LBs.


    This seems like quite a rookie mistake for them to make to have the leaderboards sorted by score, and with no other option.  It is equally as useless as the MP leaderboards sorted by score is.  they might as well just make it "time played" lol



    Especially in a mode that favors shot guns and explosive weapons.

  4. Pretty much every game of zombies I have ever played has been ended by two or three zombies. So to totally discount them as having zero impact on a high round run is like saying you bowled a perfect game except for a few pins.


    The question raised by the OP was "is it legitimate?", not what is everyone else doing. Without getting caught up in the classic dad cliches of "If your friends jumped off a cliff.."  I would actually be interested in hearing your defense on how that type of game play would be considered kosher? If Activision hosted an outbreak tournament tomorrow, would that be acceptable gameplay?


    While I don't personally follow leaderboards on either of the sites you listed, I did check and saw that pretty much all folks listed in the top 10 are youtubers. So I definitely don't think it was a personal jab at you. Just seems to be the culture that has been set, and I'm sure you can see how that perspective could easily be adapted by most.

  5. When you bleed out you drop your resupply, if somebody leaves the game after having bled out then you can pick up Their resupply and it will give you an upgraded gun.

    But it only works if you have the same weapon as the player who left. I think that's how it works.

    You cannot see the other players resupply but when they bleed out there's a skull where they died.


    Oh the tombstone, gotcha. I didn't know it had a name. I'll have to try this out!

  6. Yeah I'm okay with the name zombie labs but Research Facility just doesnt fit.





    But isnt zombie labs as a name a reference to the Moon trailers, which I thought was cool?

    Yeah they are for adding zombie labs as an idea forum. They are suggesting research facility as a name change for future zombies.

    Ah sorry for the confusion, as for a name I kind of think research facility is okay



    but, but, but, make up your mind!!!



    Personally, I really dislike Future Zombies being called the Research Facility. We already have a Research Facility and when people read posts that say "Research Facility" in them they're going to think of this new one instead of the original one that still exists. I think maybe something like Research Station, or anything other than a name that already exists for something on CoDz.

    Ideally when Craig fixes the transfer we can merge the two.  The old research facility has almost zero views in the last three months. I don't think most current users were even around when it was an active forum.

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