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Posts posted by Boom115

  1. Or purhaps the so-called-camp. Team is too lazy to actually think of anything new:

    Eletric cherry, a huge boss, locked-downed perks and what-nots, area-baced-sounds, a different box, weird perk-machines, a safe area that is escaped from by falling from a high place, a grouped item storage system seen in the stats screen, an old weapon we think will be awsome but ends up being nerfed as heck, the sheild returns, wonder weapons can be upgraded by different means then pack a punch, an Easter egg with an ending, different characters, cutscene with guns not available in-game, multiple wall-outlines for the same weapons, things that need to be fed zombies for a cool powerfull reward, a new tacticle, a new way to power things, no bank or perma perks, Easter egg song activated by non-teddy bears and a code (aether song for those who haven't heard it), audio logs, harder-then-normal area (bridge, crazy place), No balistic knives, fire sales, specially dressed zombies... Need I go on?

    This :mrgreen:

  2. If you mean where do you reinsert the staves. Theres locations in all three robots that are staff specific, and also in front of the original staff locations. There is a detailed guide in the stikied section that should help you out. Oh and welcome to the forum.


  3. It's you.

    *Can go prone with it on your back for complete immunity to robot stomp (actually I made that last one up it would be cool but don't try it hahaha :lol: )

    Wow that was like learning about Christmas for the first time, and then two seconds later being told Santa isn't real. You should of seen my eyes light up.

  4. This was perfect and extremely well explained. Good on your sir. The tidbit I would disagree is the crazy place. My understanding of the aether is that it is command central; and I doubt Ric and Sam are fending off hordes whilst overseeing the apocalypse. I believe its on a different plane, a sort of purgatory realm. Now my understanding of the storyline is not as in depth as others on the site; but do we think brock and gary also gained access to the crazy place? If so what happened to them, im sure they were not equipped for the argarthan zombies.

  5. I'd love to see someone make it past round 10 with no jugg-*watches relaxing ends first room challenge*- oh, nevermind.

    In all seriousness though, jugg is the lifesaver of this map hands down. So if you're looking to give yourself an aneurysm go for it.

    I actually did a no jugg challenge the other day, I made it to 25. Lets just say the zombie shield is a beast.

  6. I made a post on this a few weeks ago, but it is good that everyone knows of the four different types now! Although when I tried it, the electric-flopping did absolutely nothing. I don't know why.

    Must have been pushed down the list during origins fever. I must have missed it.

  7. Sorry, how does a bank make points "pointless"? I enjoy keeping it stocked, it makes setting up the game easier, and has no change in the games difficulty. You might be able to get all your perks and weapons on round one, but if you have a hard time getting past round 40, you will still have just as much of trouble getting past it, no matter the points.

    It takes the challenge out of the early rounds. You can have infinite box hits, 5 perks, and three upgraded guns by round one on buried, or round 5 on die rise, and have all doors open. Plus you can easily replace anything that you take out. That's why I like origins so much. You have to put in effort on the low rounds. They aren't just handed to you. Sorry to be off topic.

  8. According to this person, there are 15 perk mound spawns, not 12, so you are missing 3.

    Yes, we haven't identified all locations. These are just the 12 locations that I and others have found.


    Nice resource, I'll browse through this and see if I can confirm the info.

    Also, I didn't know this, but the spawn locations of these 15 perk mounds are different than the 32 regular dig spots. The orange mound actually disappears if you are watching it in Zombie Blood and then it expires. So there are 32+15=47 total dig mound locations on the map.

    I believe this was called out further up in the thread. Although I don't think I added it into the original post.

  9. I believe you have it correct from what I read on some other threads. Having Zombie blood wouldn't technically be a different method; it's still with standard or quick. Also there is a separate achievement for getting revives(also starting the generator) in zombie blood. It seems like that would just be over kill.

  10. I just went back and looked, in theatre mode it shows the second one spawning right as I pick up the second zombie blood...so I would say its not possible to have two in one zombie blood. Even with the graphical glitches...this looks legit.

    So it is possible you would just have to have a horse shoe stuck up your...you would have to be very lucky.

    I misread you comment first time through. :mrgreen:

  11. I got all nine perk slots in co op. I haven't attempted it in solo, so I can't say for sure. Haven't had a chance to update with your new info BS, ill do it this morning. Thanks everyone ;)

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