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Posts posted by Boom115

  1. Excavation site challenge

    Must get to the excavation site as early as possible (round 3 or 4 max).

    Perks, Jug and quick revive only

    Shield allowed

    Weapons MP40 Mauser and grenades only.

    Once quick revive and jug have been obtained (plus shield built) you cannot leave the 2 footprints at the excavation site - you go down you can purchase jug again and get sheild, quick revive once used cannot be obtained again.

    Highest round.

    How does that sound?

    Good challenge.

    But why MP40? Perhaps we can use STG/AK74u only with Mauser since they are available without leaving the excavation site. Just an idea. Also for the limits you can just say "you cannot leave the site during the round." Can buy jugg/revive at the end of the round.

    I think those modifications are sounds and would make for a fairly good challenge. Any issues with that HW?

  2. Thanks for taking my suggestion onboard.

    Are these challenges all solo?

    They can all be done teams except the Round one, Fast-a-Punch, and Bro-Fist, because that would give certain people more zombies per round. Perhaps I should split them in two separate sections.

  3. Question for Dig Weapons Only challenge: is everything that is not mentioned fair game? For example, you mentioned no staves. Would that mean the Maxis Drone, Thunder Fists, etc. are allowed?

    Good call out! I'm going to say no, the challenge is relying only on the weapons. The initial melee is fine, but the upgrade would basically make it a breeze through round 20. I'll update the original post.

  4. Shouldn't you be able to use the Ice Staff on the Dig Challenge?

    I thought that would make it a bit too easy. Boomhilda is powerful enough in it self. If any others agree that it should be added; I'll modify it. I have seen a few versions of this challenge and I though this was the most challenging. Opinions?

  5. 1 million points (puts little finger to corner of mouth and sniggers)

    Hahaha, No there's no tricks. The only thing I can recommend is only having two teammates pick up the EMPS. Open up the portals prior to throwing the first EMP. It may take you two or three tries to time it correctly; but it seems like the easiest way to get it done.

  6. PS siren sounds at the start of the round I run into the crazy place in the wind tunnel and run about 30 rounds completely forgetting the Mech is still out there. Round 39 I leave to replace my shield I run up the tunnel there's two mechs waiting for me. I turn around to run back and there are ten zombies spawned in at the bottom of the tunnel. I turn back to the mech still standing in place, dolphin dive in between them both. Success I'm free! Boom robot foot.....

  7. Welcome to the Excavation Site 64 challenge thread. If you or your team have completed and set the record for one of the below challenges please link me to your game play or leave your gamer tag with the time of your game. I will check your game in theater mode for proof. Additional challenge ideas or tweaks to current challenges are welcome and encouraged. Forum member only please. Thank you for reading and good luck.


    Co-Op and Solo Challenges


      [*:3ngxlafq]Obtain perks from the wunderfizz only.
      [*:3ngxlafq]You must take the perk the machine gives you.
      [*:3ngxlafq]No Double Tap reward or additional perk spots from digging.
      [*:3ngxlafq]If you are downed you can get a new set of perks.

    User Rounds Kills
    1. [/td]

    Spawn Room Challenge

      [*:3ngxlafq]The Rules are pretty self explanatory, don't open any doors.
      [*:3ngxlafq]Quick Revive and rewards from the Challenge Chest are allowed (Double tap for 30K, upgraded gun for 115 shots).

    Generating Rage (Naitrax's challenge)

      [*:3ngxlafq]Player must hold out the round on a generator pad.
      [*:3ngxlafq]Player must switch to a different generator each round.
      [*:3ngxlafq]You may not repeat the same generator in the six pad sequence.
      [*:3ngxlafq]All perks, weapons, and sheild are permited.
      [*:3ngxlafq]All 4 perks of your choice or(Jugg/stamin-up/QR and Speed preferred)

    User Rounds

    Archaeologist Challenge(Hells Warrior's challenge)

      [*:3ngxlafq]Players must stay in the excavation site.
      [*:3ngxlafq]Players must use weapons found in the excavation site (AK74U, STG, and the starting pistol).
      [*:3ngxlafq]Jugg and Quick Revive only. The shield may also be used.
      [*:3ngxlafq]Players may only leave the site between the round, if a zombie is not saved you may not leave

    Verboten Features

      [*:3ngxlafq]Maxis Drone
      [*:3ngxlafq]Bro Fist/Thunder Fist/Falcon Punch

    User Rounds Kills

    Dig Weapons Only

      [*:3ngxlafq]Only use weapons from the Dig Mounds.
      [*:3ngxlafq]Perks and Upgrades can be used.
      [*:3ngxlafq]If wall weapons are dug up you may not by additional ammo for them.

    Verboten Features

      [*:3ngxlafq]Maxis Drone
      [*:3ngxlafq]Bro Fist/Thunder Fist/Falcon Punch

    User Rounds Kills
    1.The Twirp 1134 29

    Dharma's Care Package (way2g00's challenge)

      [*:3ngxlafq]Achieve the ultimate solo set up in the lowest round possible
      [*:3ngxlafq]Ull's arrow
      [*:3ngxlafq]All 4 perks of your choice or(Jugg/stamin-up/QR and Speed preferred)

    User Rounds
    1. way2g00 11

    Solo Only Challenges

    Round One: The Generator Challenge

      [*:3ngxlafq]Get as many kills on round one as possible.
      [*:3ngxlafq]No restrictions other than achieving the kills on the first round. Get creative.

    User Rounds Kills

    Fast-a-Punch(way2g00's challenge)

      [*:3ngxlafq]Earlist Possible Pack-a-Punch

    Verboten Features
      [*:3ngxlafq]Free Pap gun from the Maxis Drone

    User Rounds
    1.way2g00 5
    2.The BS Zonbie 5
    3 LJx19. 6

    Bro-Fist Challenge(Wooodd's challenge)

      [*:3ngxlafq]Fill all chests in the lowest possible Round.
      [*:3ngxlafq]Least amount of kills will determine a tie breaker.

    User Rounds Kills
    1.The Twirp 9 164
    2.AlphaOmega 10 200

    User Rounds Kills
  8. This is what i also believed boom that if 4 people play to 40 and 1 quits. Then the rest of 3 go 50 the 4 player board would stand on 40 but this is not always the case if the person that quit was host and it succesfully migrated then it would still count for 50 even tho it was only 3 players for last ten round and it will still be a for person board this is why u see say 2 people at top of leaderboards of 4 player at 136 but theres only two people at 136 when there should be 4

    I know it's possible but extremely rare this happened to me once and only once shortly after die rise came out. Maybe others have a better technique? Also for the two people on top of the four person leader board. Ive talked to people that would connect their second controller and just let the the guest account die every round for the ease of running it two player. Not saying this is always the case, but it does happen.

  9. You pretty much covered it. But... my biggest peeve is when people take the shovel in origins. Jk... its annoying but o well. I used to hate it when the game started and someone picked up a mk14 right off the back and just killed zombies with that... come on be a team player and get some points

    You have to want it more, be aware of where you spawned and be ready to mash sprint lol. I don't know about you BS, but im shoveled out. I haven't even been picking it up lately after combing the map for mounds all those days.

  10. Here is a tip I haven't seen anywhere. The Mp40 and Ak74u are available out of the mystery box with the Mp40 having the adjustable stock and the Ak74u having extended clip. What I haven't seen mentioned is that the upgraded versions of these are different than the ones off the wall. The box Mp40 upgraded keeps the stock and the box Ak upgraded holds 50 bullets in a clip instead of 40 in the wall version.

    The B23R as well. The aug is a pretty beastly point builder btw, welcome to codz. The lightning bolt hits where the wunderfizz is (I'm amazed at how many people still dont know that). If you are having issues getting the lightning staff pieces, try jumping off the rear of the tank where the rail ends.

  11. 65 - 70 K/D Knife here. Play a lot of Grief, hence so low K/D.

    If this system actually worked, I would be a skull or bones now. Just disregard it. It's not worth the trouble of people constantly friending you and asking for higher ranks.

    But if you really care, then more kills.

    The downs is vs don't seem to have an effect on my rank, I down myself all the time to block PaP. Although I haven't played much grief since the new map came out.

  12. But even then, respawning every round at round 20+ because you cant get enough points to buy jug before you down again isn't fun. Why would they stay?

    When this happens, I blame my team and not the player. Getting 2500 should be easy if your team works well together

    Agreed I don't condone rage quitting in any fashion, help them to a gun and let them take shots at your train until they have enough. The only time I quit is if I get in a lobby of glitchers or I attempt to look up their glitch online and try and knock them into a death barrier :)

  13. Ha I had quite the opposite experience. I had two players quit because they got a down, not died out just went down and the third timed out some rounds later. I swear zombies lobbies are like two sides of the coin. Either you get a fun and supportive team or know it all jerks who talk about their high rounds until they quit out on round 7. I find the latter to be quite discouraging, but I still like to give people the benefit of the doubt and continue to play with randoms. I have several long time friends I met in randoms lobbies.


  14. Does anyone know the respawn times for the orange mound ie can u pick one up on level 12 then another on 13 or does it take 3 rounds what about two in same round ud be real lucky but is itt possible also has anyone found a way to at least locate the mound without use of z blood and tanks agn boom i didntt know about the fire cave or back of tank building near gen twOo thanks g

    No problem flopper, sounds as though you're a digging master now. What game were you playing that you got all 9 on round 15, thats quite impressive.

  15. Wow, you had me hooked through out the whole piece. You have a real knack for story telling! If they made a prequel to well origins and it followed this storyline I would be completely content. Possibly taking the idea of the cycle and introducing the possibility of the same story continuing during the course of the groups reincarnations. I will most definitely be reading your other story.

  16. I would like to see electric cherry added to all maps, not flopper as it would make die rise more easy than it already is, and depending on the effects it has on touching lava, could make Tranzit not as good either.

    EC perk is underrated and would be perfect for the PaP room in Tranzit where just about any reload would shock anything close by.

    I would so love to dolphin dive off the high rises. Although you're right it would completely tarnish the hard earned records.

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