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Posts posted by Boom115

  1. It is one of the the ciphers hidden throughout the Map.


    Cipher Key: wewerethereatthebeginningandattheend

    Decoded Message: Though Edward's was integral to our initial analysis of Deviniumm , the rift between us grows each day. I fear his loyalties lay only with group nine three five and their insatiable desire for yet more devastating weaponry. I myself can no longer continue on this path in all conscience. Though my actions will inevitably be viewed as treason, I am more concerned with just how Edward will react when I tell him of my contact with the allies

  2. There already has Topic about it.

    I know videos that teach how to install it and play, but in French, some people will even create a patch FR or something like that.

    Since the Dead Rising mode exists, I do my best to learn all about it, but I do not have good graphics card to play and I think even I been banned.

    The other topic mentions the first map available. This shows some new maps and modes that I have not run into yet. Not that I have been tracking the game that closely.

  3. In my personal opinion the ice staff reigns supreme. In longevity and raw power it it knocks the others out of the park. I think it is also the easiest the build.

    My staff rank would be:

    1. Ice
    2. Wind
    3. Fire
    4. Lightning
  4. Hey dude, welcome to CODZ and PSN.

    Feel free to add me, a12yr_old_virgin. I might be able to help you set a few new highs.

    I just have one favor to ask; do not, I repeat, do not, shoot if you happen to go down.

    may i ask why? i can see if i had m1911/cz75 itd be worthess, but what if i had say a paP ray Gun and could cover you?

    I think he has been playing a bit of die rise ;)

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