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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. A similar point was made in plants vs zombies 2. In frostbite caves, iceberg lettuce, which typically stops a zombie dead in it's tracks, now just slows zombies. I feel like glitch could be implemented somehow...
  2. It IS quite annoying that glitch,but lets assume it works fine in this map.
  3. So, in this little segment I purpose 20 questions dealing with the topic of the ONLY info we have on the map: That one photo. Please feel free to comment as you wish. 20- Where is this castle? Specifically? Is it at the coordinates seen in SOE? Perhaps it's one of the locations visited by the reporter... 19-How recent was this out break. As we can see, there are lit spotlights and what appear to be floodlights from helicopters overhead. Signs of recent life are RARE in zombies. Well not rare, but fun. 18-That tall structure in the distance... Is that a rocket base? Or something else? I'd like to think it's a group 601 tower... 17- What is the significance of this place. Why are we here? What are we doing? 16-Who will we be playing as? The NO4? The SOE sinners? Likely the NO4.... 15- 935 disbanded from der reise before the events of the giant, which were really early. So... who's involved with this castle if it isn't 935..... Or is this another reality? 14- Can't help but notice the helicopter lights... Is that the iron dragon? A helicopter? If so.... who's piloting it? 13- If it's not a helicopter... Is it the die glocke? You know that flying mechanism on ALL the chalkboards? 12- Dire-wolves from the wilderness? Please? 11- Will we be able to traverse to the "rocket base"? Not likely.... But maybe by teleporter? Wouldn't be a bad place for PAP. 10- What will the wonder weapon be like? What about the specialist weapon? 9- Will there be new gobble gums? I'd hope so! Or double PAP effects? 8- What buildables do you all expect to see? 7- Serious question: Will vulture's aid return. I think that in a castle with multiple floors and passage ways with a lot of ceilings and secret passageways could use vuture's aid. 6- What about the wonder fizz? Will it make it's triumphant return? Maybe we can only get it on maps with storms like this one? 5-Will ziplines make a return? I feel they will as a means of moving from tower to tower easier. 4- Will there be much usage of wall running in this map? Or what about swimming? 3- WHAT is that SEXY cannon doing on the far left of the image? 2-Thoughts on bosses? I was thinking a massive zombified polarbear, but maybe not the right place... 1- Who's going to be writing the new songs? We got the NO4, who so far have been seen with Sigmen in all the maps they've been playable in. But Annihilation of Beauty was a remix... Same general vocals... Who will be in the driver's seat now?
  4. I hope it's shuster or groph! Loved those guys on moon, and haven't heard from them sense! I think the "Iron dragon" would most likely be linked to a fire-breathing flying contraption like a helicopter. OR... The die glocke.
  5. Well it's two months till it's available on PS4. Also what do you think guys? You think this map will be available for last gen?
  6. Calling it: 1981. Thats my completely uneducated guess as to the timeframe of this map.
  7. Doesn't look like that one's coming back in this DLC me boy...
  8. Not camos, but in both season passes you got Nuketown zombies and The giant, so I'd imagine other maps would be included as well.
  9. kind-of makes you look like this when you pull this shit.: http://sportsday.dallasnews.com/high-school/high-schools/2015/10/06/allen-cross-country-team-whip-breaks-internet
  10. And no, I'm not talking about the wonder weapon. I mean like the annihilator, or the swords. Personally, I'd like to see the triumphant return of the flamethrower here. Or the purifier rather... And lets assume it's upgradable too.... Other options include the tunder weapon, the crossbow, the war machine, reaper's arm. The possibilities are endless. Please discuss.
  11. Ok first: -BO2 had six teams: O4, N4, CIA, CDC, MOTDcrew, and the prisoners Vs Guards. Now: -Notice the spotlight. I don't think the giants are what we're fighting. I think it's something airborne. Either there are teleporters in the map, or we arnt going to be able to go near the rockets if thats what they are. I doubt so much of the map would traverse that far through what appears to be simple widerness. That being said if we can walk between I've got dibs on all of us calling the wolves we encounter "Dire wolves".
  12. Could this be poland? Looks about the right weather, it's on the ocean by the ships in the back there... Mountainous...
  13. Good eye Rob. Although I doubt those are the COTD boats, as they look more like wooden ships. I'd pace this map in Poland actually... Just saying right, fucking, now. IF THERE ARE WOLVES IN THIS MAP. WE ARE CALLING THEM DIRE-WOLVES. Not hell-wolves, not wolves, DIRE-WOLVES.
  14. Hey @Strwrsbob I was wondering if you could get a close up of that cannon for my profile pic? You have no idea how much I love cannons like this. For payment I'll finally get rid of this stupid annoying GIF in my sig.
  15. It's worth more. I don't want to pay 15$ for a DLC when I could pay 4$ for what I actually want. Besides, season pass owners would get it anyways.
  16. HOLY FUCK IS THAT A CANNON!??!?! LIKE A PROPER WW2 WHEEL-FIXATED SINGLE-SHOT CANNON?!? YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS WEAPON! IT'S LIKE A GIANT'S REVOLVER ON STILTS WITH VALVES! HOW WUNDERBAR! Also, either the mystery box is at an angle, or there's a plane in the sky with a spotlight.... New transport system?
  17. Well first DLC is the hardest. Look at Die rise compared to MOTD, Buried, and Origins. Ascension was meant to have a Wonder waffe in it judging by the poster, but that never showed. First map is typically rushed... Except now... Where it's actually quite... Early. We aren't 10 days into december yet...
  18. Or we'll get a full-zombies DLC or micro-transaction maps or something. REALLY like the idea of regular micro-transaction zombie maps. Like between DLCs, Like DLC 1 is released for PS4, XB1 gets it a month later, the same time a micro-transaction map is released for PS4, a month later XB1 gets it, a month later DLC 2 is released on PS4, so on and so forth. Well we're on a mountain now, so unless takeo is cast off the mountain into a watery grave below in the end cutscene I don't think we'll actually be swimming in this sub-zero climate as it appears to be. But hey, I LOVE BEING WRONG!
  19. Jesus you sound spoiled. What? 6 guaranteed maps, DOA2, a zombies campaign, new mod tools, and more to come isn't good enough for you? Also, look at "Gauntlet" what is that? Is it 3 climates in one? Is it an addition to "freerun" mode? A new gamemode? Edit: Also: Totally called this mountain-top map.(Well not call but said I'd like it if they did something like this) They should make REALLY good use of wall running here, but I don't think we'll see any water physics yet, which is a pity...
  20. That translates to the iron dragon... WHAT FUN! Also: WOW! This is REALLY early. To put this into perspective we didn't hear about Die Rise or Outbreak until January! It says right there 4 DLC packs so I guess it's unlikely they're finally starting a 5 DLC pack season.
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