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Everything posted by Ehjookayted

  1. While we all know and love the stage and have had the most success while on the stage, it is time to unveil (for some of you might not know), the other areas of the map where you may successfully train together and rape massive zombie hoards! The lobby, the starting room is a great location where my friends and I have done some work. The pack-a-punched M14 is a good gun, no doubt. And yet, the unknown place, and perhaps the best of all? THE ALLEY. 74u is a brilliant weapon, if you keep the door closed to the upstairs room, this train is MAGNIFICENT. There are plenty of escape routes as you run in a counter clockwise motion in the area where the mystery box spawns. To shoot the zombies you can drag them back to the back alley area while purchasing 74u ammo along the way. This has become one of my favorite places to run, to get away from my sometimes awful teammates, and to use probably the most overpowered weapon in Zombies, the AK74fu2! Comments, questions, concerns?
  2. I made it to 48. This either puts me at 2nd or third. Screenshot That's 48 rounds, 303,760 points, 3031 kills, 304 headshots.
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