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Posts posted by jimbob200521

  1. 8:00am - Awake from slumber. Bitch about how I shouldn't have been up so late, then about being awake, but download maps anyway. Play.

    9:30am - Bitch I have to stop playing, rush to drive 35 minutes away to get fingerprints taken at 10:00 for new job.

    11:00am - Go to old job, open restaurant. Look forward to zombies like I did the day before release. Work & anticipate.

    3:30pm - Rush to DMV, register car for friend, all the while bitching I'm not playing. (Unless I "forget" to do it hehe)

    4:00pm - Salvation!!! Let the slaughter commence!


  2. If they take out PHD Flopper in this map, I will be immensely let down. I don't care how small and tight the map is, Mustang and Sally, Ray Gun, LAW, etc REQUIRE PHD Flopper. And I think that, seen in some of the clips we have, that if you're riding around in that mine cart through the waterfall room, diving off of that (if you can) to save a team mate would be epic :P

  3. I go back and forth lol I'd like to see the gun in there, I think it would be cool to have more selection. But at the same time, I'd rather see the Stoner or a way to add/select attachments on guns. I don't see a good way to implement that, however. It would be deadly to stop and have to scroll through a selection of attachments for a weapon :lol: haha yah but i think someone said that there should be mini mystery box of some sort or a wheel you buy it and it starts spinning and you get a random attachment.

    That's a great idea, actually!! Takes a lot of the "this attachment is best, I'll get it every time" aspect out of it. It'd be a great way to make it fair for all.

  4. I have such a bad feeling about the new guns. Something tells me that there are not gonna be any ak47s or m60s. Someone else has this same feeling?


    There will def be the 74u. The trailer has it in there in multiple clips. So there's that :lol:

    but he said 47. u are one of the main proponents of the 47 no? even tho i have no idea why i would much rather see a more randomized chance of getting any of the so far available wonderguns over an unneccsary other smg or ar.

    but ya i dont see why they would add another standard weapon but i really think that since the last two maps had matryoshka dolls (since they were in ussr territory) i think we will see a brand new secondary grenade, maybe somthing with more of an indian/asian theme idk.

    dont see it being solely monkbombs

    I go back and forth lol I'd like to see the gun in there, I think it would be cool to have more selection. But at the same time, I'd rather see the Stoner or a way to add/select attachments on guns. I don't see a good way to implement that, however. It would be deadly to stop and have to scroll through a selection of attachments for a weapon :lol:

  5. I dont remember them putting a raygun in the acension trailer... but other than that I highly doubt they would take the raygun out like that. It is a classic gun.

    Yeah, it's been there since the very first map. I don't see them taking it out, either.

  6. possibly this is how the place is powered, as there is a wheel which moves inside which turns on when the power is on.

    and by turning the power on, you remove water from places, alonging the slide to open, and more areas to be opened up.

    Exactly what I was thinking! [brains] for you!

    Once water is turned on, new areas open up as water is drained or re-directed. Water turns wheel creating power, a great twist on an old theme. Plus the water slides and moving carts appear to be greatly implemented, as well.

  7. Since when is "electric" one of the 4 classic elements? :lol:

    = Fire, Earth, Water, Air

    I don't think the four wonder weapons for the four elements is all there is going to be. We've had:

    Air - Thundergun

    Water - Winters Howel (Which sucked b/c the only map it was in was Five :( )

    Fire - ..?

    Earth - ..?

    I know we've had the Wonderwaffe and V-R11 but I don't see either one of those being fire or earth. I'm sure I'm forgetting something and will get flamed for it, though.

  8. I've always wondered what would happen if you kill George very close to a perk machine. Anybody remember in WaW (Shino iirc) if you get a perk, then while they are drinking it, pick up a box gun, you could get three guns? I wonder if the same would work in CoTD; just time it right, kill George, buy a perk, then grab the Wonderwaffe while he's drinking the perk. Any thoughts?

    BTW, I didn't mean to steal the thread, but short of a random glitch (maybe he was tapping Y while grabbing the Waffe), I can't think of why he would have this happen :S

  9. My CoTD started download at 3 AM for me. This was the Escalation time releases, which I posted on my blog the night before release:

    Hawaii (US):

    12:00 AM

    Alaska (US):

    1:00 AM

    US Pacific Time:

    2:00 AM

    US Mountain Time:

    3:00 AM

    US Central Time:

    4:00 AM

    US Eastern Time:

    5:00 AM

    South America (General):

    6:00 AM

    United Kingdom:

    10:00 AM


    12:00 PM

    [brains] for the post, I haven't seen anyone break down the times like that before. Thanks!!

  10. It is possible they have their own round. The monkeys... the last monkey you need to kill for the round to be over COULD be the monkey shown with the power up.

    Not a bad thought, but if you look at the pics from the vid I posted, there are two monkeys; one dead, one alive. I doubt the monkeys are the last thing you need to kill in the round.

  11. I hope a lot of this is false. Fire shooting zombies? No, projectile zombies would be bad. Waiting till round 20 to get new guns? Eff that. Fire boss instead of George? A George type zombie would suck in every map. Fire zombies that have to be cooled off? No thank you. It's not that I don't like a challenge, I just like my zombies, for the most part, they way they were. I hope a lot of this isn't true!

  12. Alright, I see people everywhere saying give us the AK47! Then I see people countering with why? What good is yet another assault riffle? So here's your chance, do you want it or not? And why do you think it would be benificial or harmful to zombies?

    My opinion is why not throw it in? I don't see it being worlds better than any other assault riffle we already have, but I don't see it being any worse, either. The clips aren't any bigger, I can't imagine the damage being any higher, or anything else like that. It would be cool to have but nothing game changing. Personally I'd rather see the M60 or something like that. Maybe even a more effective shot gun. Just my 2 cents.

  13. I hope that they are not releasing Map Pack 3 early so they can release the classic maps as Map Pack 4 and spend the rest of the time drumming up hype for MW3.

    The last map pack for World at War was at July.

    I hope that will not be the case here.

    QFT. While I would love to have the classic maps released for download, I would much rather have another new map to add to the collection.

  14. I watched it again in 50% speed and I paused it at the exact moment the monkey shows up and you can see on top of the nuke there is some red portraying out of it on the top, but no green.

    Touche, my friend! Alright, new theory: There are two monkeys in that screenshot, one dead and one alive. The nuke is clearly red the whole time, changing to a red carpenter before the monkey jumps out of scene. Green = dead monkey whose perk is no longer changing. Red = live monkey who's perk is still changing. Hmm...why does it feel like I just stated something everyone else already knew? :lol:

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