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Posts posted by jimbob200521

  1. I'm not 100% convinced those are Nova Crawlers as I haven't seen any Nova Gas coming out of them at any time during the trailer. Could just be me, though.

    Are you trolling? Watch the trailer again. The nova crawlers show up in the vid at least 3 different times, and have green gas radiating off of them.

    Am I trolling? Really? No. I paused the video on one shot of the Crawlers Zombies and there wasn't gas coming off of them. This is all still new, so take a chill pill and calm down. We're all still learning about this.

  2. Wow, TONS of stuff here to analyse. Totally reminds me of the ads I'd see in Boys' Life magazines from when I was a kid. Here's some things I've noticed....

    The Control Panel looks like the one from Der Reise. Just speculation, but I think this is another subtle clue from the developers that we've still haven't uncovered all the mysteries in Der Reise, and the Control Panel is part of it.

    The Order form in the lower left hand corner has been filled out and torn out since the page has turned. Can anyone tell what items on this page are being ordered?

    The Gamma Ray Specs match those of the ones Pentagon Thief wears. Now we know what these glasses do for the Pentagon Thief.

    The MEANWHILE... text makes me believe that the events on this level are happening simultaneously with the ones going on in Shangri-La. So this means a different set of playable characters for this map.

    The image in the lower left corner of the 2nd page, looks like an ancient pyramid temple, like the ones in the Shangri-La loading screen. Ancient temples on the Moon??? Crazy stuff!

    Upon looking closer, I'm starting to think that control panel is the same one that's on the landers from Ascension, not Der Riese. Thoughts?

  3. Ok, rant start. Did you REALLY just do that Treyarch? I'm fine with it being a zombie map pack... But the CLASSIC maps? That's the only reason I got the prestige edition, because there were no hardened left, and I wanted the revamped maps. And you know how many free maps your giving away? Half of the community already has the maps due to gameshare, and you just gave them another one. I honestly think you lost a fan-boy here, because: 1. It said EXCLUSIVE TO THESE EDITIONS ON THE HARDENED AND PRESTIGE BOXES AND ADVERTISMENTS. Quote:
    The "Prestige Edition" includes the full game, a collector's medal and display case, four additional co-op maps not included in the standard edition of the game, a special outfit for PlayStation Home avatars, and a real-life version of the in-game RC killstreak car, which can send audio and video to a transmitter up to 200 feet away.
    The same description comes with the Hardened edition as well. 2.Activision did this BECAUSE of CoDz. Well, not just, but forums like this too. Everyone is always complaining, "GAMESHARE TEH MAPZ W/ MEH, PL0X !11!one!!1" I'm very disappointed in Activision as a company, and Treyarch as a developer. They should have at least compansated us more as well, with 3 more maps for free. Or something like that, I mean, a soundtrack and a theme? I know one thing, they better be worth more than five dollars each, because thats how much a zombies map costs in a map pack. I'm sorry... :facepalm: I have to agree with whiteboy on this one... :ugeek: = Gypsie Fruitcake. I know I'm gonna be flamed, but come at me. I'll try to comeback at you with a highly logical counter opposition onto why I think my point of views are correct. And mods... Dont lock it, no matter what.

    Game makers do this sort of thing frequently, example; In Homefront, if you pre-ordered, you got the 870 Express Shotgun as a bonus, exclusive to the pre-order! The gun is now available for download. Unfortunately (well, fortunately for me :P), this is a way for game makers to entice people to buy the "Hardened" or "Prestige" editions of games, full well knowing they will release some or all of the exclusive content down the road. Besides, in the quote you provided from 3arc, it just says "four additional co=op maps not included in the standard edition", not "ZOMG GET THESE MAPS NOW OR YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE!! MWAAAHAHAHAHA".

    Besides, while understandably a bit ticked, I would think people would be happy these maps are being re-re-released. It'll open the maps up to all of the Zombie fan base, not just those that could afford the original package or those that have since the launch gotten into Zombies. Better games, more players, more discoveries (if any are to be made, more people will help the chances); all in all, a good deal.

  4. The new perk on moon is said to give you thrice or three times the zombies slaying fun. Now this is a fun thing to throw guesses around with. My first and most plausible guess is that it allows you to carry another weapon (I want this one the most because it gives you more ammo). My second idea is that it will give you the ability to pap thee times? not likely but gives you ammo! My final idea is that it does triple damage and this seems plausible as well. I dont have any ideas regarding names or any other ideas so what else do you guys got to share with this topic?

    I like the ideas, except triple the damage perk with we already have; Pack-A-Punch :lol:

    If seems as if they added a Perk that directly increased damage, it would kind of defeat the purpose of the Pack-A-Punch. Could just be me, though.

  5. One time fun = regular gun not Pack a punched yet

    two time fun = Pack a punched the first time

    three time fun = Pack a punched the second time...

    This might be my guess.

    I hope for can pack a punch more than once. Because it will make your gun so much better and cooler.

    I'm putting my money on Triple Pack A Punch. Thrice the fun, it could mean a third weapon, but with the round people are getting to once the maps have been explored, a third pack a punch would be extremely useful.

  6. There are a lot of posts about people bitching they have to pay for the new map pack even though they already own the Hardened or Prestige Editions. Let me clear something up for you all:

    If you already own the Hardened or Prestige Edition of Black Ops, YOU GET THIS MAP PACK FOR FREE!

    Stop bitching. Like someone else said, you've had these maps exclusively for 9 months, and now you get a free map plus songs. Suck it up and enjoy what we're given. A lot of hard work goes into making these games/maps, and it's not right of people to sit here and bitch about it. /Rant

  7. i did buy the prestige edition i would find it unfair if people dident buy it its there fault i busted my ass off for 3 weeks mowing lawns and pulling weeds with my bare hands. :x

    What about the people that did bust there asses as well but couldn't come up with the money? I get that it's limited, but like me; I seriously did not have the money at the time, but do now. One way to look at it is, you still have a unique case, medal, etc; you paid for your maps then, everyone else would pay for them now :P

    But it's still not fair. That would mean LEGALLY Treyarch would have to make 4 new zombie maps, exclusively for download for owners of the original classic maps. And then people would complain then.

    Well, when you're right, you're right. But, alas, I guessed right about this one :P

  8. Does anyone else notice how it looks like two pistols combined? Maybe you have to connect two weapons from the box to get the full wave gun. If this is true, the new perk that is suppose to "triple" the zombie experience according to treyarch, might be required.

    Hybrid weapons anyone? :)

    I'm thinking it is just how it looks, but part of me wants to believe that you have to get the two parts of the gun, each doing something different, and combine them to make the Wave Gun :P It'd be like 3 weapons in one haha

  9. [brains] for you!! This could be big. I wanna know if it's him, because it certainly looks like him!! Than again, in some of the other high res pics, such as the asylum, you can see another soldier with the same rankings on the table. Interesting?

  10. I didn't cry but when I heard about the all Zombie map pack including the W@W maps, but I did freak a little :P

    Had to look weird to the neighbors as I was sitting on the front porch having a smoke to start yelling yes!! Finally!! I did a little bike pedal mid air as well haha

  11. it's official, people are spamming about Rezurrection :facepalm: can we stop it with the spam please guys

    Regrads Yellow-card8

    I'm not sure how it is now but when I made this thread, there were no others in the Shangri La section about it. I agree, spamming is annoying, but if there are others like me, they may not see the new board section. Merely letting people know it's coming.

  12. Fresh from Black Ops site, Resurrection will be an all Zombie Map Pack and shall include the new "Moon" Map, as well as the original 4 re-made World At War maps!!

    Plus a new perk and two new wonder weapons, The Wave Gun, capable of cooking zombies from the inside out, and The Quantum Entanglement Device.

    For those that already have the original World At War maps, you will get his DLC for free.

    Link for the announcement: http://www.callofduty.com/intel/490


  13. one way i could see a possible release of the classic maps, without treading on the "exclusive" would be as follows.

    if they released each map individually at say, 800msp for nacht, 1000msp for verruckt, 1200msp for shi no numa and 1500msp for der riese then the hardened/prestige owners would still have their "exclusive pap pack" :?:

    also,that way only someone that really wants them will actually get them.

    Why would they have to legally release 4 new maps? Nobody signed a contract when they bought the game saying those maps are exclusive to pre-orders only lol

    that's just a bit silly. you don't have to sign a contract when buying a new product, the contracts are already in place. if i buy a box with "cornflakes" on the box, i'm entitled to expext cornflakes in the box. likewise if i buy a box with "exclusive" on the box i am entitled to expect an exclusive in the box. . . .

    "Only available on TV". Some things aren't as they appear haha

  14. i did buy the prestige edition i would find it unfair if people dident buy it its there fault i busted my ass off for 3 weeks mowing lawns and pulling weeds with my bare hands. :x

    What about the people that did bust there asses as well but couldn't come up with the money? I get that it's limited, but like me; I seriously did not have the money at the time, but do now. One way to look at it is, you still have a unique case, medal, etc; you paid for your maps then, everyone else would pay for them now :P

    But it's still not fair. That would mean LEGALLY Treyarch would have to make 4 new zombie maps, exclusively for download for owners of the original classic maps. And then people would complain then.

    Why would they have to legally release 4 new maps? Nobody signed a contract when they bought the game saying those maps are exclusive to pre-orders only lol

  15. i did buy the prestige edition i would find it unfair if people dident buy it its there fault i busted my ass off for 3 weeks mowing lawns and pulling weeds with my bare hands. :x

    What about the people that did bust there asses as well but couldn't come up with the money? I get that it's limited, but like me; I seriously did not have the money at the time, but do now. One way to look at it is, you still have a unique case, medal, etc; you paid for your maps then, everyone else would pay for them now :P

  16. Been doing this since the map came out :P

    Good strategy, though!

    One variation we've done with 3 or 4 people is the majority camp at the end of the bridge, while the other person runs a circle in the power room (Mustang and Sally, Ray Gun, or JGB are necessary for this). Splitting up makes the zombies on any one person lessen, making it easy. Camping together works well for a while, but sticking together too long makes too many zombies come to one spot and ammo will run out quiiiicccckkkk. YMMV

  17. Best thing I've seen for the first 6 rounds (with 4 people) is stay in the starting area for 6 rounds, pick up the M14. If you're half way decent at playing it's easy; everyone pick a window and shoot. After that you'll all have well over 5k, so open up, get the AK, and camp at the end of the bridge. If you get stuck, head down the tunnel. You are still able to hold at the end of the bridge spot and as long as you don't go into the cave, they won't spawn from there.

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