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The Clay Bird

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Posts posted by The Clay Bird

  1. The "active" gongs change each time. no way to know before hand you just have to test them yourself. Also, there is no specific order they have to be hit in, just have all 4 gongs ringing at the same time, and you're good to go! :D

  2. But I've never seen them really lie. They may be extremely cryptic, but not lie.

    I'm about to start a search if someone wants to join on 360. Message FatedTitan

    Oh come on, you know Jimmy LOVES to troll! Lol. I'm placing my bets on that, but hey if there really is a secret that's cool too.

    I mean remember codxp when we thought something would happen at round 100 cuz of something jimmy or Colin said?

  3. I hate this idea. If you have to go do stuff all the time or you absolutely have to go mid round play solo. Or just do what everyone does now and make a crawler at the end of the round and go do what you have to do. If you fail at protecting your teammate then thats your fault. If they add a pause option then I know there will be multiple 99s within the first few days of the game. Its just not a challenge anymore if you can pause. Im scared that treyarch will read these posts and actually think this is a good idea!!! The thing thats hard about co-op is the fact that you cant pause it! It will completely ruin zombies for me and alot of other people if they add a pause option!!! Also dont argue with me(like I know you all will)saying how im wrong and I am not being reasonable because really adding a pause option is not reaonable to any of the "good" zombie players.

    this is why I suggested that pausing is a great option to have available, but NOT for leaderboard ranked games. that way those who want the option to pause mid game can do so, they just can't do it to contribute towards high leaderboard rankings

    also, the option should only be available in private matches, can you imagine what a clusterfuck it would be in public matches with randoms? lol pandemonium

  4. Whoa man pretty much everything you said except those two. Lowering the round cap to 50 would be mind numbing and easy. For real dude every zombie killer and his brother would be getting that thing in like 6 hours. Leaderboard would lose it's worth. And I would love to see some more changes to zombie AI, because until they start f*cking up my train on purpose, I'm not gonna be challenged really.

    I understand where you are coming from...

    How about a Round 60 cap instead? I mean once you get to that point nothing really changes (not even spawn speeds) except the fact that you will have more and more waves. Unless they have new boss zombies every 10 rounds, that would be sweet.

    Birdman, KAZ, by phasers I mean George, Astro and other ones including nova gas.. But since Carbonfibah hates George Romero, I doubt if we will see those in future zombies :)

    @way2goo thats what I thought you meant by that... and @LJ I understand what you meant as far as not being challenged, but that's part of the intrigue of the zombies is that for the most part, they are rather predictable. But the challenge is the execution. how pissed would everyone be if they were training, and all of a sudden the zombies made a plan to cut off your path and box you in and kill you? that doesnt sound like much fun. zombies for great players is always going to be easy to a degree, but it still requires execution of your strategy to succeed. they could perhaps make the strategies a little more complex, such as making it more difficult to obtain perks/wonderweapons/etc.. but changing the zombie AI i dont think is the answer to making zombies more fun AND more challenging

  5. by "phaser zombies" do you just mean any zombie other than the normal ones? or do you specifically mean the nova crawlers. because the nova crawler zombies were the worst aspect hands down in black ops zombies. but i agree that the basic gameplay has to remain the same. many great suggestions, i don't agree with 100% of them, but most of them are pretty darn cool

  6. I'm definitely not opposed to a pause feature, but i think it should be a selectable option, which by selecting, you're rounds would not count toward the leaderboards. I think it would actually be kind of fun to have some custom game modes or modifiers (i.e. unlimited ammo, paintball mode, all guns mode, etc) to play with, but no games played with modifiers would count towards leaderboard rankings

  7. only option like this that would be useful would be an option that if a player is disconnected while playing, the game is paused and player is given something like 5-10 minute timeframe to rejoin the game. of course the remaining players once the game is pause, would also have the option of continuing w/o the disconnected player.

    this would eliminate those frustrating mid-high round disconneccts due to questionable internet connections

  8. I do agree on the L4D stuff and personal loadouts, however i think killstreaks would be ok if they weren't ridiculous, and of course i like the idea of old maps in the new game.

    Thing is, it wouldn't be "killstreaks" either, it probably would be more along the lines of traps that cost a ton. THAT I would be okay with. Killstreaks wouldn't work the same as multiplayer, though.

    I hate almost all of those ideas.

    only one i agree with is a progression system like a ranking/prestige system to recognize player's and their accomplishments in the game over and above a plain leaderboard.

    the rest of those ideas sucked. sounded like they wanted to completely change the game mode. there will be a lot of upset people if BO2 zombies strays far from the established gameplay style that has made it so popular in the first place

    You don't like adding the old maps, or some tower defense type things? I entirely agree otherwise, but these two in particular I think would be good.

    im not really on board with the tower defense stuff. would feel too much like horde mode in gears or something. i do support including smoe better areas condusive to camping strategies in the new maps for the players who prefer that style as opposed to training.

    im not opposed to the classic maps either, but i would prefer that those have to be unlocked by playing the new maps. give players incentive to learn the new maps in order to unlock the classics

  9. I hate almost all of those ideas.

    only one i agree with is a progression system like a ranking/prestige system to recognize player's and their accomplishments in the game over and above a plain leaderboard.

    the rest of those ideas sucked. sounded like they wanted to completely change the game mode. there will be a lot of upset people if BO2 zombies strays far from the established gameplay style that has made it so popular in the first place

  10. and for the QED near the perk machine, actually not only the person who throws the qed gets the perk, but everyone on the team that is within a certain radius of the machine will get it :)

  11. obviously the members of this site are going to be big zombies fans, so I think you all are giving a little too much infuence to the zombies part of the game. Like I said, undeniably it's a bigger part of the game than it was in WaW where it was literally a time killer minigame to start out, but has ballooned into something much bigger. BUT the fact of the matter remains, is that Call of Duty is not a zombie videogame, it is a FPS war/combat videogame, with a really kickass zombie mingame mode. Sure I have a lot of friends who love playing zombies, but i have way more friends who never have touched zombies, and are just interested in the multiplayer aspect. I think we can expect to see similar DLC's as in past games, but perhaps especially with elite, may see some more spread out releases with perhaps a couple more zombie maps than in past games

  12. There's no question that zombies has grown exponentially in its popularity, however the fact of the matter is, the Call of Duty franchise is still built on campaign and multiplayer. I do feel like they will continue to expand the zombies franchise even more for this release, but I think 10+ dlc zombie maps is a little over the top. I would love to see maybe 2 maps per dlc, depending on what they do with the different modes, but it would be cool to see a classic style zombies map and a new style map each dlc. maybe continuing the story we have so far with some, and beginning a new story with the other? I'm very excited to see what the boys down at Treyarch have planned for us next year 8-)

  13. Gameplay wise, Do you guys think that all things considered it normally takes longer to complete the moon easter egg (as well as completing the rounds after it) or doing the shangri-la easter egg all 4 times (+ rounds after) i feel like the shangri la egg has the potential to go faster if you have good luck with the box early, as there really are only a couple of tedious parts (plugging the holes and lighting the gas )

    just looking for your guys' thoughts! :)

  14. had a brand new glitch last night that I had never come across before... we had an invisible zombie. in the biodome we had killed the last crawler, and a new round didnt start, and no zombies were around us. all of a sudden i started to get hit and there were no zombs in sight. we shot in the direction we were getting hit from but nothing. so we went down to NML and teleported back, and luckily the zombie respawned correctly and we were able to start the new round. p glitchy

  15. The invisible excavator glitch is very common and happens randomly as far as I know.

    The round number problem happened to me a few times and I found out that if you use the wave gun/zap cannon or gersh device and teleport while zombies are being shocked/bloated (and havent dinged yet) or they are still being pulled in by a gersh then there is a chance the round number won't come back.

    My advice is to put you wave gun away and use whatever your other one is and make sure the zombies are running back at you if you use a gersh device.

    the times that the round number glitch has happened to us, each and every time it was when we hacked the pack a punch machine before teleporting back

  16. for me its definitely the round not starting glitch. because i have had 2 games specifically where we had put in 3-4 hours into it and were in the 30's (4 players) and were sailing along smoothly, when all of a sudden we come back from earth and the game is just over. at least with the other glitches you can continue to play the game :twisted:

  17. This is pretty self explanatory. Which of the many notorious Moon glitches is the most frustrating, or your least favorite. Feel free to discuss these glitches as well as share your solutions to them if any.

  18. I dont mind the game being set in the future one bit, the fact that it is Black Ops II, i really was expecting it to be set closer to the time frame of black ops 1. there's a lot of decades between the 1960's and 2020's. The cold war era is so interesting to me, i think they could have done a lot with that, however after blackops 1 i trust treyarch with what they are doing. no doubt they will make a masterpiece

  19. i personally love deadshot... the auto headshot usefulness is rather limited but is pretty good with guns like the python, fal, m14. however the steady aim aspect is awesome... the ak74u plus deadshot on moon = headshot city. even up to round 30 it kills zombies fairly quickly.

    i really dont care to see any of the perks go away forever. just perhaps 1-2 may be omitted from some maps if space doesnt allow for them all

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