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Posts posted by selectyeti89

  1. five is to tight, thats what makes it hard which is good. and nova crawlers wont ever spwn anywhere but the basement so dont go down there and you wont have any problems. And im sorry but 27 on kino cant even considered good at all, I mean im sorry but there is so much noobs on this site its actually annoying me. I might have been to mean saying round 30 on five is only considered good because it actually is a hard map. but come on 27 on kino.... :facepalm::facepalm: :cry: :cry:

  2. Five is ok but its hard to Find Good players at it, in almost every game ppl raqequit/ die before round 5

    I know thats why me and my friends always say the reason why its called five is because kids always ragequit by round five. :lol: :lol:

  3. ok I see what your saying and that does make alot of sense actually, some wonder weapons are better for different maps and play styles. so sorry, I was just thinking of my playstyle when I said this and I still do think for hoarding the jgb is the best but maybe not for camping, run and gun, etc... also I wasnt trying to start a "flame war" I just wanted to share my opinion in a way that might make alot of people argue :twisted: :lol::lol: .

  4. well you suck at all the maps loooking at your highest rounds. :lol: :lol:

    There is no need to start a flame war... their pointless. :facepalm:

    oh ok I misread their post. and btw :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: right back at you.

  5. yellow card.....THEY ARE FACTS the wunder waffe kills 10 zombies max, is that not a fact? the scavenger starts taking two shots to kill at round 35+, is that not a fact? the thundergun has less ammo and cant spawn pickups, unless there is a glitch which has happened to me before, is that not a fact? the v-r11 almost cant help if you get trapped and has low ammo, is that not a fact? so just stfu about them being my opinion not facts. THEY ARE FACTS. you just cant handle the truth and whatever I say you think the wunderwaffe is the best. I dont think its the best but ya all wonder weapons are good. I was just saying like if you want to get to 50+ the JGB would be tour best one to do it with and it would make it alot easier to do, and btw the reason why I said the mustang and sally was because I was doubting you get to those high of rounds by the way you are talking. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: . also the lawton is always gonna distract them just as much and isnt gonna be making any crawlers on round 55 when you get trapped. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: :lol:

  6. The title is 31-79 jgb215 really is the best sounds like im staring a flame war??? no I was just trying to show the fact that it is the best wonder weapon for high rounds yet. oh and btw the wunderwaffe did take away jugg in der riese just not on black ops.

  7. I do agree with alot of what you guys are saying but statisticly the JGB will always be able to kill the most zombies. And thats all its really meant for, its not meant to get you out of a corner or anything although it is still good at that. and I really do think the wunderwaffe is cool but if your trapped in a corner with 24 zombies your almost definitly dead.

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