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Posts posted by FatedTitan

  1. Hate to say it, but I don't see them adding the Theater option. I'm not saying they won't or that they can't, but I think they don't want people flying all over every map finding every single little thing without actually doing anything. Make finding EE's a challenge. Make it where if someone wants a picture of a clipboard, they have to set themselves up with a crawler and stuff. Not just go into Theater and take a picture. I dunno. I just don't see them doing it.

  2. MW2 has been my favorite CoD game actually. I liked the variety. It does have it's issues, just like every game, but nowadays it's not as bad because most of the noobs move to the newest game. The maps were great. The problem with their support was because they were dealing with a lawsuit at the time so things just didn't do well. Bowling was pretty good for MW3. I saw him talk on Twitter a bit. In fact, when he was there we had a new cycle of guns for Infected every two weeks. Since he's left, we haven't had one gun switch. Bowling got a lot of crap he didn't deserve.

    I think IW will be giving another chance to to make the game. This is the big question. Has Treyarch showed them what they're doing with the game? Because if not, the next game is going to be a fail. If the gamble that Treyarch is doing pays off, and from all that I'm hearing I think it will, then IW cannot and I mean CANNOT put out another game with the same multiplayer we've had since the beginning. Treyarch is going to change everything with the way this game can be played. IW doesn't need to be left in the dark or it could kill their sells for whatever the game is.

  3. So there's a pyramid on the moon. This pyramid is what Richtofen finds and when he touches it it zaps him and teleports him to Shangri-la. Well here's my question. Griffin Station did not exist when he teleported. And even in the modern Moon base that we play on, you cannot breathe near the pyramid. So how did Richtofen not only surive but talk normally around the pyramid when he was first teleported there. Why did he not die due to lack of oxygen?

  4. So I will admit I haven't browsed this part of the forum much, but I read a few threads about the shrink gun and it got me thinking. The golden rod is not big enough. Hear me out.

    In Shangri-la, when you shrink zombies, eventually they grow back. The shot is not strong enough to keep a subject shrunk for a long time. Perhaps it takes longer with things that are not living, but eventually that meteor is going to grow back to normal size while in the golden rod. The whole thing will break due to the size.

    So is this the fate of Richtofen?

  5. That's not Five. It looks like a nursing home where he put up his past war medals and such. Does it resemble Five? A few areas do. But overall, you can easily tell it's not Five.

  6. Risk is what they need. Treyarch isn't dumb. Sales of MW3 compared to Black Ops at this time in the year are down over 4 million dollars I believe. With games like Battlefield taking some of the market and complaints of repetitiveness leading to losing sales, you have to take a risk.

    Treyarch knows that CoD only has so long if they stay the status quo and do what they have always done. People don't want to continue to get the same thing repackaged with some different maps year after year. You've got to take risks. And if this risk pays off, it could be HUGE.

  7. Not only have we not seen a trailer yet, but we haven't got any information on it really. A few pictures here and there, but almost nothing else.

    To anyone who is already disappointed, what did you want them to do? Do ANOTHER WWII game? ANOTHER game against Russia(though it may be...who knows)? There's only so much you can do without it being a sucky game.

    Treyarch isn't IW. This is a completely different game. They will make it very different. We'll see what happens. Until more information is released and people have actually played it, I will be optimistic that this could be the CoD that makes me buy another. If it doesn't have zombies, I don't plan on getting it anyway. But maybe this one can change my mind about the next IW game(don't plan on getting it).

  8. So if you see it, there are some interesting lyrics that caught my eye.

    The first was the references to everyone being dead. This is also backed when it says "Everything dies, look to the skies, to see the end of all creation again." With what we know now, we can look at the end of the Moon EE to see the rockets coming down from the sky. Are the rockets the end of all creation? Is everyone dead? Hmmm...

    Next interesting lyric. "You stand for nothing and overlooked something..." What did we overlook? Have we missed something this whole time?

    Another. "everyone dies, everyone lies, they're waiting for the second coming again." Second coming of what? Is this supposed to reference Christ or something else? Everyone lies? Does every character, even the three "good guys", lie to use about their intentions?

    There are probably more interesting lyrics that didn't catch my eye. What do y'all think the explanations are? Could these point us to what's to come?

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