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About HoneyNutzz

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  1. I agree with everything except the "How powerful he really was" part. I think Jesus waited until he died to heal him not to show how powerful he was if not his father( Meaning God of course) What made me think was the "father" part. But u could be right either way In the end, Lazarus can just mean "Back to Life" and not have any reference to the story. The guy that posted "The names of the guns are usually jokes"
  2. Dang 62 views and not 1 reply. -.- Either way. I found somebody that will help me :)
  3. Hello guys! I have 1200 ms points to buy the map pack but one problem. I live in Honduras and it tells me that its unavailable where i am So here's the thing! Can somebody recover my gamertag and buy the Map pack for me? And can u send the content to me thru like rapidshare (obviously deleting it so nobody takes my content) I may change my mind after awhile if i ever buy a flight ticket to the US just to download it. But i need to trust u
  4. Hey guys I'm having a Theory that Treyarch has something up there sleeves. Well in some multiplayer maps u can see references to Zombies like for example: In NukeTown when u walk upstairs to one of the buildings, you can see Edward Richofen on one of the books. I don't kno if anyone saw this but on the map Firing Range, when u go up the stairs on the building where there's 2 rooms u can see a red flag that says "Please Wait" like when u PaP in "FIVE" the same red flag. Is there any other multiplayer maps with Zombie hint's?
  5. This is cool thing. Maybe it's a clue but i have no idea but it made me think. When u PaP in FIVE with Robert Mcnamara he says something like: " Get this thing to USMC" something like that. MAYBE just maybe in Ascension we can play as SOG char's. My brother had a theory about Ascension when u look on the back cover of the game. It shows the Rocket, Woods, Hudson, Weaver and i think Mason on the bottom images.
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