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Posts posted by RZArazorSHARP20

  1. I watched a live stream go into the early 90 rounds and the wind staff was still doing work.

    Edit: with a charged shot. Should have specified

  2. oh really the Wind staff is permanently a one hit kill... no, not at all, it actually takes two shots at like round 22

    Actually you can kill an entire spawn of zombies with Wind and Ice staves using their upgraded blast as high as round 100. Only issue becomes ammo conservation, which is why you use the tank method. Tedious but useful.

  3. No, if they do that, they should do it as a standalone: Zombies classic: 

    75 Dollars, for all the old games and DLC, reasonable price for a game consisting of (assuming maps all basic maps are 4 USD and complex maps are 6 USD: 





    Der Reise 









    Tranzit (full) 

    Die rise






    And then just toss in the extra modes for an extra 10$ the grand total is 90$, but reduce that due to the fact it's all copy and pasting (despite the fact it's ALWAYS been copy and pasting) and that sums up to about 75$ by my logic. 



    -Charge us all once again for re-buying the same shiz

    -Encourages players to swap to next-gen

    -Easy enough to produce 



    And before you say it, no, it would not work as DLC for CODZ 2015, too many maps to be productive.

    At the end of the day we need a stand alone. I'd buy a re-release of these maps but I'd really love for Treyarch to just develop this game mode into a full blown, sixty dollar game

  4. I really enjoy the tasks on Origins. While they aren't objectives, they certainly aid in your survival. And as someone who occasionally hops on with rando's just to have fun, it's nice to see how many things you can accomplish. I dunno, I always enjoyed tasks in zombies. As someone who is more of a fan of moving freely through a map rather than camping or training, I like having stuff to do.

  5. They all have their merits. Ice is probably the least effective in later rounds, yet if you have it you can give yourself zombie bloods all game for extra perks. Fire and Lightning both dispatch the Panzer's quickly and Wind (as mentioned by boring guy) is the best for getting out of a jam. I have no true preference at this point, an experienced player can make the magic happen with any staff.

  6. More and more I find that even when a round is starting off well (No Man's Land round 4 or something) people instantly want to start filling the fist chests. I find this a negative strategy, let me tell you why.

    One of the keys to a good Origins round is patience. Willing to take it slow early so that later you can roll through rounds. This means the need to hold a zombie. When you decide that you want to fill a chest on round 5, with four players that basically means that you need to kill every zombie on that round in the chest area. Add into this that if a giant is coming, people start rushing to fill the box, and inevitably the last zombie is not only killed, but the robot resets the box anyway.

    Instead of trying to force it, I propose this. Buy either an MP40 or AK74u, and build the zombie shield. Competent players should be able to survive with a zombie shield and sub machine gun on a pre-round 7 game. This means with smart point usage a team can have Ice, Wind and Lightning built and both puzzles completed plus Fire Staff only lacking the Panzer part. This means you'll have everything but Fire Staff upgraded by Round 10. By then there are more than enough zombies per round to have all boxes filled by round 12 - 13 at the latest. Which means you can be working on your elemental fists when the One Inch Punch is still one-hit. Getting staffs built is so much more important than the chests. Thoughts? Opinions?

  7. I can't believe that Treyarch made D.O.A so that when your teammate loses all of their lives, you give them yours.

    I was playing with 3 random people (bunch of noobs) and they kept dying on the first rounds. :facepalm: They all had no lives left, I had 3. As they kept needing to be revived, I was getting pretty mad. I heard the life (holy) sound, and i had a life " :D "... then a second later I looked at my score and saw that I had no lives. :? I was like "WHAT?", then of course I died. I went on the COD Wiki to see what happened... So apparently when somebody loses all of their lives and you have at least one, you give them it, in trade for a bonus. But I would rather have a life. Its just not fair. :evil: It's like if a teammate died in Zombies you lost your guns.

    If you're trying to get far you can't do it with randoms anyway, so it should give you a chance to work on surviving with limited lives, and give you a chance to work on your own game. If you play with good people, you'll probably be the one stealing lives. I doubt you'll complain then...

  8. Treyarch clearly did this with the knowledge that in a couple months no one is going to be playing BO multiplayer anyway, so why not allow people to keep playing by giving out 5 zombie maps, something that MW3 won't offer...

    I myself am thrilled. I already have the 4 Classic Maps, but I get Moon for free because of that, and now the quality of play on the Classic Maps is going to go up exponentially...

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