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Posts posted by Tac

  1. Not sure how you meant "wouldn't" in your post so let me re-word it.

    Alpha said that by October 1945 Der Riese would've been under Soviet control. The reason why that can't be possible is that in the CotD radios, Richtofen is planning to kill Maxis on October 1st, 1945. That means that the events of the Der Riese RADIOS had to have been AFTER October 1st, 1945.

    You are both right actually, the war in Europe ended September 2, 1945 I think, so the Nuremberg Trials hadn't begun yet, so I guess technically it could still be under GER control. But I think maxis was aware the war was over since he was writing to the third Reich he knows a ton. He ended up not telling Richtofen, and didn't mass produce the dg2 cuz the war was over.

  2. True Alpha but don't forget Richtofen is still testing at this time due to the CotD radios. Where remains to be seen but people believe it is in Der Riese. I think it was on the ship but that is a different topic. Someone else said to me in one of my threads ( I apologize for not remembering who) that since they were cut off, they may not have even knew that the war was over and/or they still believed they could carry out their duties for the Third Reich.

    EDIT: actually to further my point is that Maxis is still alive so Der Riese was still in German control at that time.

    It is in DR because we here the monkey screech, and DR had an Animal Testing Lab, CoTD doesn't.

    Also, why wouldn't it be under GER control? Maxis being alive doesn't really point to anything your speaking of, or at least the way you worded it.

  3. They say they travel too far forward in time so it's implied they go back. And I agree it is a stretch to them Cushing clothes based on time period, thats why Ascension is after Shangri-La

    good point, however Dempsey also mentions "wait! you took us hear on purpose?!"

    ok i know it obviously means the "place" and not the "time" but it could be taken either way depending on your outlook on the timeline.

    bottom line is though, Treyarch like to mess the map order up so it IS more than likely Shangri-La is set before all the maps year (timewise) as NDU was the first map we played but the second outbreak.

    i still believe though that it set after COTD and before 2012 december due to the dark clip of the preview and what looks like planets aligning (either that or is some sort of lunar eclipse which would be possible also due to the mayan calendar in COTD)

    Well, the 2012 thing isn't relevant though since CoTD is in March of 2013. And I do think it just means place.

  4. Alright, well I agree that teleporters screwed things up, but we can't judge the maps off guns. Given that like the same guns are in each map means there at the same time, so that's not really a strong argument.

    Personally I don't believe in the whole THIS MAP DOESN'T HAPPEN thing, if were there, it happened.

    Now it can't be W@W timeline. The maps with characters: SNN, DR, Kino, Ascension, CoTD, S-L. Now off my evidence, it has to be before Ascension, so:

    SNN, DR, Kino, S-L, Ascension, CoTD

    They CAN'T WASH/CLEAN CLOTHES!! They aren't going to wash their clothes, or fix their wounds. They don't change the clothes and appearance for nothing. In Ascension, Richtofen is aging because he has grey hairs, has a huge scratch on his cheek. In Shangri-La, he is younger, has no cuts, and has his old uniform. I'm not sure if the Gersch quote is breaking the 4th wall, or maybe CoTD is after and S-L is before, but that doesn't make sense.

    I think they used the teleporter in Kino to CoTD, then turned around and used it for S-L, THEN went to Ascension.

  5. They say they travel too far forward in time so it's implied they go back. And I agree it is a stretch to them Cushing clothes based on time period, thats why Ascension is after Shangri-La

  6. Well SNN is based on Makin and Knee Deep, Makin is in Makin Atoll, which is an island in the Pacific. So I believe SNN but NDU, as stated, is sketchy.

    Yeah. NDU I believe would just be somewhere around Germany, due to the nazi trucks and zombies around the place, and also there is a lack of japanese weaponry there, which would not make sence in the pacific. SNN is japan for sure, the Doc and Tak mention it when they get the rocks on Kino. We can really not be sure about NDU, though.


  7. Why, cause of the clothes?

    Then if Ascension comes AFTER Shangri-La, how is Tank making a reference to Gersch in CotD?

    it doesn't make sense, story wise, to go from a place they've already been to a place they haven't been yet, even if the clothes do change around.

    There's proof both ways, each of which convincing to the people saying it. We'll have wait and see.

  8. Based off appearances, it makes sense that it would be before Ascension, it's not like they changed clothes, grew a stache, and healed wounds. They wouldn't use old skins if they had the new ones, that just wouldn't make sense IMHO. I think it has to be before Ascension after Kino.
    There was a quote where Dempsey says "Thanks Gersch, or something like more rewarding than Gersch"or something along those lines

    There is proof both ways, well have to see.

  9. It has to be, simply because of the CotD quote about Girsch. Ascension had to literally come after CotD and Shangri-La. I mean, even the "Send the crew to Paradise" achievement name should be proof enough.

    The ach is no proof, they can time travel, so they can easily have been before Ascension. Given the things seen, Ascension can't be before S-L, even Alpha agrees with me

  10. Me to, I'm not speaking about when there necessarily, more about the story. But there is no way Shangri-La is after Asvension, just not possible.

    Clothes again? No offense dude, but that isn't a legit reason, even with the lack of scratches. It is possible, but we aren't sure still.

    How is it not legit? They don't change the clothing around for it to mean nothing!

  11. Actually, Zombieofthedead got it right.

    When you do the CotD easter egg, Tank makes a mention of Gersch, aka the Death Machine Easter Egg form Ascension, before they teleport off the map. Therefor the order of events would be as I stated:

    DR to Kino, Kino to Ascension, Ascension to CotD, CotD to Shangri-La.

    Doesn't matter what time period the maps actually take place, we're speaking of the chronological order of events in our story.

    Me to, I'm not speaking about when there necessarily, more about the story. But there is no way Shangri-La is after Asvension, just not possible.

  12. Ok, in basically every situation before, the map that the Zombies map is based off of, it's in the same location. An example:

    Verruckt = Wittenau Sanatorium. It is located on the outskirts of Berlin.

    Verruckt = Asylum = Ring of Steel (SP). Ring of Steel takes place in a suburb on the outskirts of Berlin, in Pankow.

    Therefore, I believe Verruckt is in Pankow. See where I'm going with this?

    So in SNN:

    SNN = Knee Deep. Knee Deep is in Pelelui Island in the Pacific Ocean. We face the same enemies in each map, Imperial Army.

    So with that, NDU:

    NDU = Airfield. Airfield is also located in Pelelui Island.

    NDU = Airfield = Hard Landing. Hard Landing is located on Pelelui island, so we can confirm that there is two different sides, the swampy and then the war-torn.

    So that's why I think they are in the same place. The only discrepancy with NDU is that you fight Japs not GER

  13. Wouldn't make sense for them to go from a place they haven't been to a place they've already been.

    Granted, the outfits and such may not make sense, but I think, chronologically, It would probably go something like this;

    DR to Kino, Kino to Ascension, Ascension to CotD, CotD to Shangri-La.

    Disregard the ACTUAL time period these maps all take place, this seems like the right CHRONOLOGICAL order.

    See I think it goes DR to Kino, Kino to CoTD, CoTD to SL, SL to Ascension

  14. I don't think that 3arc would involve aliens though. I think that they would have us go there purely for the 115 aspect. If there are aliens... well I won't get into that now. But they have a map model to use now, and there is basically a teleporter in the middle of Hangar 18 lol

    Lol, true, true. What they said about there being easter eggs though, then there really wouldn't be much reason to go there in a zombie map, given that we'll have already seen them. We should get back on topic, though.

    Urgh kk. Well!.!.!.! About SNN, I think I have located it along with NDU (yes its on topic)

  15. lulz, I'll be you the map pack! xD We'll see, although I have a strange feeling it might be a while before we find out. I think it could be after this map pack. Map Pack 4 A51 anyone?

    Oh god I hope not. If that happens then I'll end up killing myself (The area 51 part). Yeah, it could be awhile, but I hope not.

    I don't think that 3arc would involve aliens though. I think that they would have us go there purely for the 115 aspect. If there are aliens... well I won't get into that now. But they have a map model to use now, and there is basically a teleporter in the middle of Hangar 18 lol

  16. Well, even though we don't know everything, we can still decipher some things via the trailers, otherwise ppl wouldn't do analysis' of them. And IF they are placeholders... I WILL kill myself.

    True, true.... I'm betting money that this is after ascension, though (Hope I'm right!)

    lulz, I'll be you the map pack! xD We'll see, although I have a strange feeling it might be a while before we find out. I think it could be after this map pack. Map Pack 4 A51 anyone?

  17. Blood can be washed off.. his sleeve is ripped completely off in ascension, that would have been better proof. No matter what dude, I'm not going to give up that this is where they teleport to after ascension. I'm stubborn like that.

    Urgh. Fine. I just want someone to believe ME!

    You do, just not me. BTW, we really don't know anything about this map, we won't until we actually have them. For all we know, the skins could be placeholders.

    Well, even though we don't know everything, we can still decipher some things via the trailers, otherwise ppl wouldn't do analysis' of them. And IF they are placeholders... I WILL kill myself.

  18. Too lazy to post a pic but just look carefully at Richtofen going down the mine cart. Either he washed his cut veeerrry good or there is no cut. And Takeo does have a mustache on Ascension.

    Yup. posted pics on my other post, it's defo before Ascension

    Not proven!

    lulz check it again!

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