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Posts posted by Tac

  1. I know! The 'search' button does exactly what it says on the tin!

    I'm sure he meant good, but research like NDU or SNN, not something that has the location on the start of the game. And I might have found SNN, check my second link in sig (time and location one) and reply, I want to nkow your thoughts

  2. doesn't call of the dead take place in 2013?

    because on the cutscene is says ??/13

    so the year is 13? get a pic soon...

    Dude your way late to the party, I've posted that around already, check my time and location thread in my sig :facepalm:

    Also, Smokey must have died before the trailer, but was there when playing? IDK, but I do remember there being a break in action and hes says it's only the beginning, so maybe they were sleeping and the first zombie infected Smokey, and it all started from there.

  3. Waffe is German for weapon. Wunder is Wonder. Wonderweapon.

    And sorry to piss on everyone's chips, but Wittenau got found ages ago, so did Der Riese. Or at least the general location is known for der riese.

    Exactly, that's why I don't understand the making of this thread

  4. So we know they stay in these maps for a little while. Does this open the door to any other theories?

    Idk, but it could mean that they were in these maps awhile. From 1945- early 46, from the quotes.

    Damn. But I doubt that they would have "rounds" so would a few people run laps solo while 1-2 slept?

  5. we already found der riese, and there was never a factory, it was an uderground base but then by the end of the war the germans took all there technology, all is left is tunnels ........ and the Fly Trap :o

    Regards Yellow-card8

    So you aren't aware that DR was once a weapons factory?

  6. Unless the amount of time the characters stay on the map is longer than we think. In Ascension Takeo says "Dempsey wakes up in the world everyday" referring to his memory loss. But if he wakes up "everyday" that would mean he was able to sleep...

    Can you link me to that quote or anything? In a vid, I wanna make sure that's factual before I break off of my theoiry

  7. Their outfits aren't going to change depending on the time period, the same guys who left Ascension and wound up in the room of CotD are going to Shangri-la. They suddenly wouldn't change their looks because they traveled back in time. I'd say they had enough time to heal/grow facial hair between the time in Ascension/Shangri-la and changed back into their normal clothes at some point.

    EXACTLY! Teleporting to the past wouldn't change their clothes, which means that they had to be there before Ascension, and then changed clothes in Ascension. And with how fast the story moves, I honestly doubt they would have time to get rid of their gray hairs, appear younger, clean their clothes, fix injuries, and grow facial hair.

  8. Hmm maybe instead of testing on a dead person they tested 115 on a live person and soon after the zombification happened. I know on PC behind one of the walls in SNN it says "The Power will destroy us all" so I'm not sure if the Japanese wrote that or Group 935.

    Well, we don't know that 115 makes people zombies when they are alive, since are characters drink 115. Although, it says it rots your mind, so maybe it'll transform them into Zombies.

    To football: Exactly. He said it would be easier to break the trust barrier with a live specimen, and Richtofen never believed him. And Maxis was never able to break that trust barrier, otherwise (according to Richtofen) he could of has his undead army.

  9. It sounds like it fits right so I think its a pretty good bet. You think they tested with or on zombies too?

    Well based off everything I know about them,, they were like Josef Mengele, and only did live testing. Whether it be heat tests to see how hot the soldiers could be, or injecting ink into children's eyes to make the ultimate race, I haven't come across anything that indicates they tested on anything dead.

    As far as the Hellhounds: I think it's like the Thief. He can caome in and out of Aether as he pleases and can use teleporters, the hellhounds were successful in going through teleporter to mainframe, so I think they can enter and exit Aether as they please, aka when Sam tells them to fetch our souls.

  10. See idk i feel stumped here because it seems like Treyarch decided to not help us and take actual places because if it is a real place, it isnt easy to find.

    Meanwhile as I'm saying this, Alpha is probably writing a 2 page theory on where SNN is but honestly I think he might feel the same way too. It doesnt give you a lot of hints to where this facility is.

    One thing I did find is that Unit 731 of Japan did a lot of weapon testing and biological testing but that was in Northeastern China and supposedly they excavated stuff near Tokyo I'm not sure.

    EDIT: after seeing your post...im still stumped :lol:

    Let's say hypothetically it's 1946 considering Richtofen seems pretty stationed there. There wasn't a meteor landing anywhere at this time so once again it seems confusing. This is honestly why I think that S-L will tie up some loose ends because IMO i believe that it is after SNN although that seems unlikely with the Takeo moustache. There seems to be TOO MUCH missing between SNN and DR.

    Lulz Ya SNN is the hardest ever so far. I was thinking Unit 731 is part of this, it's fits so well. They ran tests and were stationed from 1935-1945. Which would fit the Nazi's infiltrating a station of theirs (SNN maybe) before testing began! They were a research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army, which is what Takeo is in. There were eight divisions of 731, one of which was research for biological weapons used in the field, in particular the production of devices to spread germs and parasites. Remember how we found Ray Gun blueprints in SNN? That's them. Takeo is in Division 2 of Unit 731 based out of the Rising Sun Facility. Does that sound about right?

    As far as your edit, there is a lot of loose ends between there, but the uniforms are the same as in Kino but different from the W@W maps, so I think it's before Ascension and after Kino.

  11. Well I am trying to find the area so I can see the weather patterns.

    Ex. If it usually snows in like November-February...SNN most likely takes place in March or later etc. etc.

    It's on Peleliu Island, would you like to know my reasoning? I posted this earlier in this thread:

    Ok, in basically every situation before, the map that the Zombies map is based off of, it's in the same location. An example:

    Verruckt = Wittenau Sanatorium. It is located on the outskirts of Berlin.

    Verruckt = Asylum = Ring of Steel (SP). Ring of Steel takes place in a suburb on the outskirts of Berlin, in Pankow.

    Therefore, I believe Verruckt is in Pankow. See where I'm going with this?

    So in SNN:

    SNN = Knee Deep and Makin. Knee Deep is in Pelelui Island in the Pacific Ocean. Makin is in Makin Atoll, which is a small island in Pacific Island, just like Pelelui Island. We face the same enemies in each map, Imperial Army.

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