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Everything posted by Arussianmonkey

  1. what the shell does that have to do with the price of tea in goddamn china?
  2. well thats misleading but i think its nothing like dempsy complaining bout power.
  3. If you use the Pack-A-Punch machine on Ascension they all have a quote about updating their Facebook status huh.
  4. well i suppose but i think that she has developed feelings because shes been watching them. I dont know why Dempsys in a bad mood but he seems to not be too fazed about the happenings. After richtofen and samantha soul-switch he simply says "Hey the egg came back out!" and after exploading the earth he simply says "All this work we did just to blow up the earth?" Maybe he is upset because like most people he thinks treyarch ended it short and sweet. Dempsey has been saying things like that since accession, thats where he seemed to start being really pessimistic. At least they don't talk about checking their face book anymore. wtf they said things about checking their facebook? that was not around in the cold war.
  5. They obviously struck a deal a long time ago if they fit nightmare with the story. Im thinking that WHEN the next map comes out A7x will be doing richtofen which is very bittersweet. After 2 songs ive heard enough. Im officially addicted to a7x.
  6. i mean BY round one. you can spawn on the moon and stay in round one. a good stratgy is to go to the moon and buy your way to the teleporter to come back with a good gun. You can come back to round one after teleporting. Thats just a little easier than gaining all of the points nessicary with your colt. @louis right i forgot about that i will remove that.
  7. We can get jugernog by round one so I wanted to see other crap preformed by round one. If you do any of my challenges than i will give you brains and if its a youtube video than i will like it. Rules: You may only submit once per day To prove that this was you doing this than say "Charlie sheen is a winning machine" in your video. You can play with any amount of players but if the goal is to aquire something than you must aquire it. If you dont have a youtube than hit me up on xbox live at Mr.Sean711 and we play it together or if you wish to do it solo than i will die as soon as i spawn to watch you. you can submit an idea for a challange here and i will deem if its worthy. I will not watch more than 30 minutes of footage, but to make sure you dont hack your points than show screenshots for every 30 minutes of play. if im watching you than i will most likly go play minecraft or something with my headset. Keep it under 4 parts and i will like all of them. Any loopholes i left out than please tell me. Dont complain about the diffaculty. CHALLANGES: Get the bowie knife Get a wonder weapon get 100 kills get 1000 kills get 100 headshots buy all perks buy all wall weapons pack-a-punch 1 gun pack-a-punch 2 guns pack-a-punch 3 guns
  8. Your a little late for the first part, but if they are jews than shoester is not working for germany (We know he is not FROM germany.) because he says "may god have mercy on us all."
  9. During day at area 51 i tried to pack-a-punch and I died but i noticed earth in the background. It doesn't appear untill you teleport there.
  10. well i suppose but i think that she has developed feelings because shes been watching them. I dont know why Dempsys in a bad mood but he seems to not be too fazed about the happenings. After richtofen and samantha soul-switch he simply says "Hey the egg came back out!" and after exploading the earth he simply says "All this work we did just to blow up the earth?" Maybe he is upset because like most people he thinks treyarch ended it short and sweet. :lol:
  11. the close characters say that sort of thing. i never heard any of the CotD characters telling the zombies to attack someone else. Im saying shes already developing likes and dislikes of each character, and apparently a little girl can weild and shoot big-ass guns so...
  12. they have been brainwashed into beliving they are nazis. the testing is as you can hear real people screaming when shoester is filling the tank. When i saw NDU for the 1st time i assumed they were jews in uniforms.
  13. Wait... a vermin is.... A RAT!!! serously its a possibility because they killed the vermin to figure out the device. You sacrifice vermin zombies to open the device and they are martyrs because the zombie test subjects were most likly jews. song took time to get used to, but the chorous is good, but id rather try for round 20 nightmare than the ee song
  14. oh crap i heard the radios but not all the reels so i JUST looked it up online and i go OH SHPIT and come to change it. that was a blunder on my part... Its mere clear now!!
  15. Dont dance around it, but you do no this is Stwrtsbob right? Give him credit cause he WAS 1st in the world.
  16. 8CbpYqBJ9T8 I need you to sacrifice the vermin martyr martyr- someone dieing for their religion, including sacrifice by own will or not and killed for it. vermin martyr? samantha has something against a religion and knows someone who has it, not nessicarilly anti-semi by daddy. Bring me back where i saw you die. She saw him die at the pyrimid as he shot himself. I will make your last words come true!!! KILL THEM.... KILL THEM.....ALL Now i know what i must do!!! Now in death, bring me LIFE!!! My favroite line... All that i am will be coming home now (i did it all for you.) For maxis SILLY. Im becoming real now with all i am. O how i tried to seperate reality from truth. now youll see what i can do!!Richtofen will see what samantha can do after the soul switch. (Chorous) I swear to you ill kill them all, ill make them SUFFER!!!Swear to whom? who is she killing all of? the religion of the 'Vermin martyr'? (Chorous) Im coming home now (x alot.) So theres what i think of the song. it is the most angry song ive heard. they had elena do the screamo because "Shes becoming real now with all she is." nightmare by A7x: The lyrics dont matter because its been around, but we know m.c. shadows as richtofen, so maybe they have no song because a7x is doing it for richtofen now. (split feelings right now.) If your following my 'post stream' live then my next post is on defending all of us who thought richtofen was unplayable .
  17. Richtofen says after the soul switch: "I WIN!!! i will destroy them all! I will destroy you all!! BUT NOT UNTILL WE FINISH THE GAME." plus 2 characters seem to have some very important promises to keep: "I will destroy every last rement of 935, I will destroy them ALL!" "...and i will destroy that evil richtofen for taking daddy away!!" thus we are still here, and wouldnt it suck to blow up earth and THE END? Another noticible thing, sam will probably be playable in the future, as this is important and she is kind of already raging her comrads ("Go attack nikoli!"). This site just got back up so i have a crapload of stuff to put!!!!
  18. Can i say a few words of victory? I predicted that: Maxis was still alive, sam and richtofen would switch bodies, and the easter egg would be to set sam free!!! But now defeat: Goodbye planet earth, it pains me to know we cant say go to a russian space station after this disaster. But serously i think this is the end. The team is violiantly changed, the earth is gone, the eyes are blue, and theres no song at the end? They should have used elena as sams voice.
  19. YES!!! my theroy all along was that you set free samantha here. Im excited. KUDOS FOR MEEE!! anyway i kinda figured thats what she looks like, what does she say? cant find videos yet...
  20. I first heard abracadvre and I hear "i can fly like a bird not in the sky" in that weird voice and I thought the song was terrable. after i gave it a few listens i thought it wasent all that bad and now its my favroite. I dont like metal and this has a lot of metal so time to get used to it... EDIT: its also really bloody short!!!!
  21. really?? does it take that much time to download it?? i download the mappacks in 5 till 10 minutes.. how long do you have to wait then? I started downloading this at 5 but its 8 and its 45 percent!!!! I had to miss my livestream with FAUST. Y is this?
  22. I figured im not alone... you obviously didnt get the joke. no i did i think...
  23. P.A. ? and dude if we see green point color and hear richtofens voice then richtofen is probably there. *bangs head to wall*
  24. We dont know it was him. Think about this: If Richtofen is talking like this then why isint nikoli? when he throws the thing he says "Oh strange bomby thingie did something nice for Nikoli!!!" He didnt sound like the P.A. Richtofen.
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