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    • rvnleaks

      Amidst the dark and eerie night
      A choice to make – to run or fight?
      The undead horde approaches fast
      Armed with weapons, till the very last
      In Call of Duty: World at War - Zombies
      The battle for survival never ceases
      A test of skill, courage and wits
      As waves of zombies just never quits
      Blood-soaked grounds and a burning sky
      The stakes are high, the danger nigh
      But in this game, we rise above
      To conquer the undead with brute, tough love
      With finger on the trigger and heart in hand
      We face the terror, and take a stand
      For in this game, we live or die
      With Call of Duty: World at War - Zombies, we must survive.
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    • rvnleaks

      and later released worldwide on December 14, 2011.
      The game features the same gameplay mechanics as its predecessor, with players fighting off waves of zombies as they try to survive for as long as possible. The game also includes a new storyline set in a Cold War-era Pentagon, with the characters from the original Zombies mode returning to fight off the undead.
      The game allows for up to four players to play together via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, and also includes a single-player mode with a new leaderboard system to track high scores.
      Call of Duty: Black Ops – Zombies received mixed reviews upon release, with critics praising the game's addictive gameplay and multiplayer functionality, but criticizing the graphics and lack of content compared to the console versions of the game. Despite this, the game was a commercial success, with over a million downloads in its first week of release.
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    • rvnleaks

      The games in this series are primarily first-person shooters that simulate real-world combat scenarios, with a heavy emphasis on multiplayer gameplay. Call of Duty has become one of the most successful and popular video game franchises in history, with millions of copies sold and numerous accolades and awards.
      Each Call of Duty game typically has a different setting and storyline, ranging from World War II to present day and beyond. The games often incorporate real-world events and locations, as well as fictionalized versions of historical battles and conflicts. Single-player campaigns usually revolve around a central protagonist or group of protagonists, while multiplayer modes offer a range of gameplay options and customization features.
      In addition to the video games, the Call of Duty franchise has expanded into other media, including books, comics, and a feature film. The games have also spawned a vibrant esports community, with professional players and teams competing in tournaments and leagues all over the world.
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    • rvnleaks

      Dr Maxis is alive, the Maxis Drone is a buildable drone that helps kills zombies, revives players and even grabs power-ups. The Maxis Drone consists of a Brain, Frame and Rotors. The Drones weapon is a MG08/15 and shoots for 90 seconds before needing to recharge.
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    • rvnleaks

      The new Wonder Weapon G-Strike is a tactical Grenade that is an upgraded version of the Monkey Bomb and when activated attracts zombies and becomes the target of a single napalm missile, however, if there is a Giant Robot on the map, the robot will fire several more missiles at the target.
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  • Posts

    • Earlier this week, Xbox leadership made the decision to close multiple high-profile studios including Hi-Fi Rush developer Tango Gameworks and Arkane Austin, the studio behind Prey and Redfall. Though the unfortunate truth is that layoffs and studio closures are becoming increasingly common in the gaming industry, the internet was quick to point out that these two in particular felt a bit... confusing. Largely because they seem to go against many of Xbox's previous statements and goals. Back in 2023, Xbox reportedly claimed that Hi-Fi Rush had been a success for the company and it planned on reinvesting in the team in the future. The studio also admitted they had neglected to give Arkane Austin proper support, and expressed a desire to work alongside the team to improve Redfall. So what happened? All this confusion has resulted in discussions around what the platform holder's intent for the future of Xbox is, and speculation on what part Game Pass plays in it. On this episode of Spot On, Lucy and Tamoor discuss the closures, the aftermath of them—including some confusing statements from an exec—and what the future of Xbox may look like. Spot On is GameSpot's weekly news show in which managing editor Tamoor Hussain and senior producer Lucy James talk about the latest game news. Given the massive video game industry's highly dynamic and never-ending news cycle, there's always something to talk about. Unlike most news shows, Spot On will dive deep into a single topic instead of recapping all the news. Spot On airs each Friday. View the full article
    • Marvel Rivals, NetEase Games' upcoming 6v6 hero shooter, will feature limited destruction on its maps, along with special features depending on where the map is located. The destruction is limited to help show the power of the super heroes, while not completely destroying map layout. Detailed in a blog post, the Marvel Rivals development team explained that while it felt necessary to have destruction in the hero shooter, being able to completely level a map presented too many issues with the objective-based game. If everything could be destroyed, every match would likely end up a chaotic mess, as any small arenas or pathways designed for conflicts would just end up leveled. So instead, some parts of the map can be destroyed, with the ensuing rubble and new pathways offering a new strategic way to attack, while some of the more important aspects of the environment will be indestructible. In addition to those systems, the developers of Marvel Rivals have also paid close attention to the aftermath of the destruction. The blog said that they focused on making sure the rubble wouldn't hinder the movement of high-flying heroes, like Spider-Man or Iron Man, while also ensuring that even if an opening in a wall has jagged edges, that players won't get caught on the rough corners when trying to move. The developers also touched on how the map will respond to the destruction. One example provided was how the Yggsgard map, a blend of Asgard and Yggdrasill the World Tree, would naturally rebuild itself during a match, since Loki would want to keep his realm in top shape. The other example was the Tokyo 2099 map, which was teased as having anti-Spider-Man security measures that would kick in after a certain amount of destruction. Marvel Rivals doesn't have a release date yet but you can sign up for the PC Alpha Test. View the full article
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