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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/2016 in Posts

  1. TranZit Virus: searching insanely for what may or may not be. Some of us here have been brainstorming, usurping our rest periods to obsess over a glitchy mess of a video game, rather than living our lives. Many things come to mind that we hide in the dark corners of our psyche, hoping they never spill out onto a respectable forum. Well, this is the place for them. Post the little things that can't be something, as maybe they are. (Cue insane music score). ----- Waterfront: by the cthulu statue. Why is there a wood-floored building with a huge bonfire in the middle of a gallery? It's not an accidental fire, nor a meteor strike, but a bonfire inside. There are sconces up each side and the 3 recurring artworks are all in this room. Smoke rises by the $1250 Upstairs Door, but not the other, which would make more sense since it is always open on the side with no smoke. Smoke also rises from some random sewers in game. Now, this is on 360, where trivial graphics are nonexistent, so why was the smoke so important? The huge, dilapidated, billboard above workbench. By the beast fire, by Jade coast trading: threw grenade behind boarded door, after it exploded, there was lots of metal-raining-down noise. ---- Junction: only place with open baskets, and lots of them. The table next to L-car-9 is unique and looks like it's waiting for something to be on it. CP switch area is glitchy. Glitchy 360 areas tend to match a map change area. No known change here yet. Code suggests that the cocoon hangs here once taken. I can't confirm that. Pointless grapple? Where tram leaves map. --- Nero's: theoretically, code has exploding candles script. The bookcase by the floating book is glitchy, probably due to the book. It had been fixed a little, but still off. May be more to it. These tables with the open book appear around the map, but always in the map. None with the book are unreachable. Some by rifts. Some in subway and pap, one in the Anvil. --- Anvil: (boxing gym) the showers in the rear are really glitchy, been fixed a little, but still off. No known use yet. Not close enough to bowtie to be the reason. ----- Footlight: Beast can get behind the 'escape the tomb' sign, but what for? Pointless grapple? Where tram leaves map. Unlit marquee with no words above perk. 360 version not fleshed out? Killers of the night poster is unique. Strange symbol on the bottom left makes no sense, even through sniper scope. The other huge poster is Gabbi Malone, and is similar to the other GM posters around the map. Shoot them all? ---- Canal: dead guy (not zombie) with letter. Tram map washed out with brightness. Smoking sewers, grate. Repetitive cherry blossom art. ---- Most zombie rooms are black with almost no furnishings, but some are fleshed out, seemingly randomly. Deadlines, cut corners? Or something else. Random same 3 artworks. ---- Why does the upgraded Devil-O Trip Mine look like the Molly's Cream Cakes image? Why does the MCC upgrade appear as a pink donut? Why one or the other? Can't mix them or do one after the other. Why does each one of them have a large sign that the tram rides real close to? ---- Anywhere but HereGobblgum, if used on the tram, puts you back on the tram when it arrives at it's destination. ---- Civil protector: sometimes revives you, sometimes doesn't. Sometimes saves your quick revive, sometimes doesn't. ---- Keepers: 2 show up with each ritual part, 4 in Subway, not the pap room itself, but subway. Are they there just to show that the keepers want to stop us? Then, why no points? 1. To show they are the good guys? 2. Because they serve a different purpose, so making them give no points leads us to figure out their purpose, so we won't just kill them? 4 spare ones in case we killed some off (cough, 97% chance of at least one nuke on round 3, cough)? ---- Pods: stay open for several seconds before closing. I want to give them the AS... One of these days, I'll try it. Edit: i did it, it didn't seem to matter. Box wouldn't give it back. Why do they snore/sound like they're sleeping? --- Fire AS at Margwa: sometimes he stands in it, usually he ignores it. What's up with that? Is that just an extremely unreliable way to get past him in a pinch? Or should we do something to him as he stands there? Edit: no matter how many heads on 360. More, sadly, to come...
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