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About Kurt

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  1. Kurt


    You can't.... At least when I've tried....
  2. So, I didn't see this as a topic, so what do you guys think of the red gtag zombies? In every video I've seen(4 I think g4 2 inside xbox and zombie lab) there have been three players and occasionally you see an enemy with a red gamertag above it. So what do you guys think causes this?
  3. Very interesting idea..... That would be sweet waking up some monster or other zombie fighters....
  4. 35 minutes is a long time..... But the wunderwaffe as a wall gun...... Oh yeah....
  5. Doesn't Dempsey say at one time in the cotd Easter egg something about this not bieng a wild goose chase and them says stupid gersche? I might be wrong but just saying...
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