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xAwe xStruck

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About xAwe xStruck

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  1. What if the Richtofen we play as is really not him. He just killed the actual one. Just an idea seeing as someone thought there was two Richtofens.
  2. xAwe xStruck

    Step 8

    Plant spikemoars in front of the holes in the cave by the waterfall. Then lead zombies into them. This will block up the holes. Then activate the waterfall.
  3. There are 3 dials in the light house. One on each level. They have numbers 0-9 on them. I think you have to put 115 on it. Ill try and upload pics later.
  4. This is exactly where I'm stuck. Maybe we could play and try to find the next step later? My GT is xAwe xStruck. Add me or message me if you want.
  5. If you need room, feel free to invite me . I sent you a message a couple of mins ago
  6. Yupp...thats the one I found :D
  7. Haha...looks like we both found something. I have also found a radio in the main room.
  8. Its by the lander over by the stamina up. When you walk through the doorways, there is a truck. It is right behind there in the cages. My friends an I found this.
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