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  1. Found a Zombie in the MP Teaser Video @ 00:48.057 - 00:48.287. Pretty clear. See my post for Screen Shots. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1302&p=15750#p15750 http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1302&p=15750#p15750
  2. Hello Everyone. ***** I FOUND a Zombie in the MP Teaser JD posted ***** Look at what remains after the +100 points is scored when killing a player... A Zombie is standing in the remaining smoke, then the camera quickly pans-right. Start at 00:45.000 seconds, watch dude shoot someone through doorway - keep watching. Screen shots below. At time 00:48.057 - IN SMOKE / DOORWAY. If you watch video, you'll see the killed player is already dead, gone. This is not another player but remains after the kill is logged. At time 00:48.284 - In the LEFT HAND DOORWAY
  3. The TRUE/FALSE settings simply turn on or off (Make visible or invisible) various images within the SWF-Flash App. You can tell what happened in function PlayWeek1-6() of the ActionScript - when the various buttons became active. It's nothing special really. At Week 7, the TV Knob function activated and allowed the Password Screen to appear ".visible = true;" when someone turns it 90 degrees, etc.
  4. I think the punch card marker lines are a Decoder-Key - showing a number sequence. They are not really showing a computer program. They have that Chemical Company symbol which is interesting.
  5. The http://gknova6.com/password.php was written to store the login password (Used by the site's flash application) to access the Numbers Station when Transmission6 released. It is something the website developers built probably to allow someone at Treyarch to add or change the password [1146340]. Common thing to do. Point is, really won't find anything mystical there - not intended to be part of "The Story" The WebMail is probably a service installed to pull logs off the server, etc. I did not see any SendMail or other feature in the site - probably some back-office administrative stuff - not intented to be part of "The Story" is my guess.
  6. I think I found something regarding the hands in the Number Station/GKNOVA6.com are hacked-off. You can see something interesting at the arm of the Right Hand - Zombie Clue possibly? I posted some research here: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=7481#p7481
  7. I know this topic may been be beaten to death already but I found something interesting. I was doing some research about the Hands in the GKNOVA6.com site and stumbled on this... The image below is an extract from the STATION.SWF flash app that GKNOVA6 runs - not doctored in anyway except for the ZOOMed image. Because the hands are clearly VECTOR graphics - not RASTER graphics like the background machines (Number Station Equipment) I thought Treyarch might have simply cut paste a hand from a NZ map. The power switch hand is much nastier than the hands in GKNOVA6.com so that theory is out *But* it does look like the RIGHT HAND is hacked off a body. Check out the image below. Right Hand Image - Hacked Off? NZ Der Reise Power Switch Hand - Nasty!
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