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Dr. Monty, a bad guy?


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Yo CoDZ! Been a while since I've posted here, but I just saw Milo's (MrRoflWaffles) video that revealed a cipher that him and SaggyBerries had decoded.



Now I'm going to be talking a bit about the Gorod Krovi end cutscene and what it said after it. With that being said if you have not seen the cutscene yet then you should not read any further, anyways, lets begin!


The cipher tells of a dark aether, a place we have never heard of before yet in our storyline. It's said to hold a corruption and evil that had infected the Keepers and then turned them into the apothicons. With a dark aether, shouldn't there be a light aether just as Milo proposed in the video? Well it is possible that we have caught glimpses of the gateways into both in the skies of our maps.


The top picture is taken from the sky in Origins, and the other from the end cutscene in Gorod Krovi when Richtofen releases the 3 souls into the sky. Both of them look quite similar apart from one being light and the other dark. Could what we have seen in Gorod Krovi be the dark aether? Here is my reasoning for why I think it might be.

In Gorod Krovi we hear 2 voice queues from Dr. Monty that sound awfully similar to the Shadow Man in Shadows of evil. The first one is the important one in which I'm going to be comparing the two.


"I have been watching, I have seen all of your misdeeds... I know who you are. Sounds ominous doesn't it? Well good! Because it fucking is!" - Dr. Monty



"I have been watching. I have seen each and every one of your misdeeds... I know who you are." - Shadow Man in the intro cutscene for SoE

Okay, now when I write it down I didn't know they were that spot on lol. Anyways, we know that Monty is in the aether along with with Eddy, Sam, and Maxis since he is speaking to us in the map just as Richtofen did throughout Black Ops II. In fact, I think Monty might be controlling the aether and also might be an apothicon due to his striking similarity to the Shadow Man through their quotes. I believe this supports why the aether in Gorod Krovi is dark and so different to the one we see in Origins. Might Monty have a motive to rule the aether with the apothicon race? There are also various notes and ciphers in the other maps which mention an "M" character.  I wanted to bring this up but it's getting pretty late around here and I'll be honest, this whole theory might be a huge mess. I haven't played zombies throughout BO III so my knowledge is limited but if you guys want to expand on the theory below or debunk it then I'd be glad to hear some feedback.

Thanks all and I apologize if I didn't make the connections I was aiming for!


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