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Reversing the Tower of Babble

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In TranZit, our goal is to light the tower for either Maxis or Richtofen, with your choice ultimately determining who will gain power at the end of it all.  This side quest is known as "Tower of Babble."  An interesting name, mostly due to it's biblical origins.  The Tower of Babel was an attempt for man to build a tower to the heavens.  God disapproves of this and causes all of the peoples to speak different languages so that no one can understand each other and the tower construction ends.  The ultimate issue here was not that man wanted to do a great building project, but that their pride wanted to show that they were better than God and that they could reach Him.  The Tower of Babel was an attempt to becoming greater than God, and God disapproved.


Now, in TranZit, we have two men seeking to gain the power that would equate them to being a god through syncing all towers in the trichotomous system together.  Through this tower, man would become like god, just as in the biblical tale.


But a reversal must occur.  No man can be a god.  But how will this occur?


In Acts, we have the Day of Pentecost occur, where the Holy Spirit falls on the disciples after Jesus' ascension and it says that they spoke in many different tongues.  This isn't the "speaking in tongues" you may think of from today.  What this means and is clearly shown is that they all spoke different languages, the languages of all the people in Jerusalem at that time.  People were there for Pentecost from all over the world, and it says they each understood the disciples in their own language.  Many biblical scholars see this as a reversal of the Tower of Babel in a way.  Now man is united and can all understand each other.


So now that someone has power in our zombie universe, what do our heroes do?  The confusion that was before because of the Tower of Babble must be reversed, which would mean Richtofen/Maxis losing power, possibly because the people left on earth no longer were divided in their understanding of what to do, but united together for a common purpose.  I don't know what that will look like yet, and maybe this is nothing at all.  I was just wondering if any of you had thoughts toward this as well, or if I'm just thinking a bit too deep at what might occur and what "Tower of Babble" really means for Treyarch and for zombies.

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