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How Black Ops 2 Sucker punched the storyline. What we need to know by now

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After moon we had are answers. Everything we wanted to know was answered (besides hidden things like the blank portraits on kino) and it was done in a beautiful climatic ending. We were all pretty much satisfied besides the cliff hanger. Black Ops 2 created way too much questions. Basically 3 more storylines were implemented and I'll tell you what we should already know by now

Storyline 1: The New 4/ Richtofen and Maxis Fued- I'll start off by telling you the whole storyline from Green Run to Buried by the Easter Eggs.

Green Run- The Earth is destroyed and we have four new characters we don't care about. They are asked to power a tower for two different people Maxis and Richtofen. They power tower for one or the other and move on.

Die Rise- Samuel Stuhlinger talks to Richtofen and is revealed to have a secret that's mentioned only once. They power another tower

Buried- We finally get some storyline with the New 4 only in the beginning cutscene with Russman losing his memory and his affiliation with an organization named Broken Arrow (not mentioned again). The group activates the last things for Maxis and Richtofen and one or the other is completely in control. No idea on how it effects the other storylines but o well I mean who cares anyway, definitely not the 95% of the fans that care about the story! O yah and the new 4 are dead (for now)

As for hidden Easter eggs, there were too many to even count and of course unexplained.

What we should know- Broken Arrow and The Flesh, The New 4s back stories, and what Buried truly means to the Origins storyline and the overall Zombies storyline

Storyline 2: The 4 Mobsters and the cycle- We already know the cycle, but what happened if The Weasel broke the cycle? Why does Richtofen in 1917 have blood samples of two of the mobsters? Why is The Weasel hearing Nikolai? Who's in control of the red eyed zombies and what happened to the controller from Origins? Did the Weasel create the storylines with his comics? We just have to wait and see!

What we should know- something, anything, how MOTD relates to anything at all is all I want to know

Storyline 3: (The most confusing one of all) Origins and the ancients- this is apparently where the zombies truly began. We were delivered to DLC 4 with a lot of questions and left with countless. I honestly don't understand how the "ancients" relate to a WW2 nazi experiment at all. I just want to know how all 4 storylines could possibly link together. There is so much going on now and the Origins ending cutscene has just left us dumbfounded

Conclusion- I honestly think in Black Ops 2 Treyarch created so much questions and alternate storylines that they couldn't even answer all of them (or not any of them) and they winged it. They figured to use the Origins ending cutscene to keep us constantly theorizing until their next game where they can finally figure their plans out and link our storyline and answer our questions. Pressures on for 2015,make it happen Treyarch

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