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Zombies could be or not be over. Nobody knows for sure. But if it isn't, and there was an ending, how do you think it would end? I have different ideas.

1. This is all in someone's head. Like maybe Richtofen, Samantha, or Maxis just imagined a zombies infestation. But that seems to extreme.

2. What if Hitler was behind everything? What if after he was killed by the Russians during World War 2, he came back as a zombie and it turns out the real reason he researched the undead, was for him.

3. Maybe the gang go back in time and stop Ricthofen and Maxis from conducting the experiments, kinda like a campaign.

These are just some ideas. Please share some of yours and who knows, maybe Treyarch might pop in one day and pick one.

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Guest Spider Zombie

I think that second idea is really cool , I'd love to see hitler implemented into a German map as a zombie boss like George or the astronaut ... Brains for your idea!

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Guest Shooter

Number 3 would seem like the most plausible of the 3 options.

Edit: BTW i think the word you were looking for was hypothesis for your title? An educated guess right? Idk just a head's up.

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Guest Tankeo Dempsaki

First off, we all know (a great many of us) know zombies isn't over.

1. I don't think Treyarxh would betray us like that. That's what killed Dallas. The "Dream" thing is NEVER a good idea in ANY story.

2. Group 935 wasn't only Germans. They were made up of scientists from all over the world. Reanimating Hirler would cause the group to splinter and fall apart.

Also, No one was looking for a way to reanimate the dead, it was an effect of 115 that group 935 discovered. (presumably by accident).

They continued with the experiments under Maxis's command, I think to supply Germany with an army in exchange for funding.


(nothing personal. I vowed to say it whenever I saw those words next to each other)

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Guest Alter72

What if #1 was true? Richtofen wakes up from his nightmare in his home in berlin realizing it was all a dream, he urgently phones the local geschtapo just to make sure though. After reciveing an all clear he goes and pours a glass of water. He then goes back to bed, just as he gets under the covers he hears a quiet tapping at the door. He goes to the door to investigate. He opens the door to find the three other characters, zombified at the front door. It then shows a view of his street, with his ear piercing screech echoing as the screen abruptly turns black with a thud.

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Guest i am richtofen

What if #1 was true? Richtofen wakes up from his nightmare in his home in berlin realizing it was all a dream, he urgently phones the local geschtapo just to make sure though. After reciveing an all clear he goes and pours a glass of water. He then goes back to bed, just as he gets under the covers he hears a quiet tapping at the door. He goes to the door to investigate. He opens the door to find the three other characters, zombified at the front door. It then shows a view of his street, with his ear piercing screech echoing as the screen abruptly turns black with a thud.

First I would laugh, because that would be pretty funny.

But then I would be mad, because it means we did all that work for nothing. Blowing up the earth, saving the guys in Shangri La, saving Gersch, all for nothing! Plus it kinda seems like a unsatisfying ending in my opinion

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If you look at my title, it is different then APOTHEOSIS. The definition of my title is: The highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax. I believe it highy relates to my post and it is a great attention getter.

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Guest Superhands


1) The highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax.

2) Exaltation to divine rank or stature.


A place on the south side of the chancel in the primitive churches, furnished with shelves, for books, vestments, etc.

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Guest TexAvery08

I see our characters going back in time to try and stop themselves, then i realize, paradoxes. But what really gets to me is that Call of the Dead has famous actors and a director, but in this "zombie world" the world wouldn't have time for movies.

Maybe we'll just keep going and attempt to get Samantha her body back, then to stop the spread of the virus.

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