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If There Are Any Future Zombie Maps....

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... would you rather have it with the original crew? Or would you rather have a new batch of characters with a different (yet tied in) story-line behind them?

In my opinion, if the next Treyarch game has zombies in it (I'd be surprised if it didn't), I think that I'd like to see some new faces as long as they didn't warp the storyline too badly. It would be a good chance to add to the backstory.

At the same time, I like the story behind Richtofen and crew. I've gotten used to the characters, and it feels kind of weird when white player ISN'T Dempsey.

So, opinions?

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Guest TuUhmazyn

What i would do if I was treyarch is release a original hero map (kino) and a new crew map (five) on release, then alternate the crews accordingly by map packs. The second crew could be like 935 or 601 members and help fill out gaps between the story, while the OG (original Gang) could go on with the previous story line. My opinion on what i would do as treyarch, also I would actually fix the glitches (oooooooooooohhh)

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Guest Zombieofthedead

What i would do if I was treyarch is release a original hero map (kino) and a new crew map (five) on release, then alternate the crews accordingly by map packs. The second crew could be like 935 or 601 members and help fill out gaps between the story, while the OG (original Gang) could go on with the previous story line. My opinion on what i would do as treyarch, also I would actually fix the glitches (oooooooooooohhh)

Agreed, original crew group, as well as the second. I was thinking of a typical zombie survival group instead, not 935 scientists, but that could work as long as those maps go back in time.

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Guest i am richtofen

id like to see a black guy added at some point. I know it seems simple but come on, not one black guy this whole time?

uh does it matter what race the characters are ?

I would like it if Treyarch just stuck to Dempsey and gang and maybe for map pack 2 they bring in a new crew to mix things up a little. But not actors or the dudes from FIVE I was thinking more along the lines of nameless marines like from NDU and Verruckt. But they would be more insane and tie into the story more unlike the marines from NDU and Verruckt. Oh and when I say "more insane" I mean Richtofen on drugs insane. Then for map pack 3 and 4 they go back to Dempsey and gang like Black ops.

I also find it funny how MOST of the people who ask for a new a crew will be the people who are all: OMFG BBQ WALL HACKS WHERE THE F**K IS DEMPSEY AND GANG ??? WAKGJLSGAD. When a map pack comes out with out Dempsey and gang.

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Well, with FIVE and COTD they already showed us, that they tend to use other characters. As well, the young sound developper 'don't know his name' said here, that they run out of ideas for the character's speeches.

Therefore I think we get a new team. Maybe the old characters stay ingame in the COTD-style. But I think the new crew will be as crazy as this one ;)

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