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8 Player map maximum

Takes place on the moon and a new area.

The new area starts in a place similar to Der Riese where there is a teleporter receiving pad. There are two doors each 750 leading down to hallways those hallways have small rooms where the box and perks can be found. The hallways connect to the main hub. The main hub has the main teleporter and the starting area for the Earth box. The teleporter will only work if all players are there and if the players on the moon are all on the teleporter there.

On the moon the four people will be the four original characters.

On Earth Misty, Marlton, Russman and Samuel.

The original group will follow Maxis while the other has a choice.

Eastetr Egg

The choice of the New group will decide. If they choose Maxis then all 8 players are on the moon trying to force Richtofen out of the machine and return Sam to power. Sam will then cease the madness while the others eliminate the Rictofen Character who will be given a new wonderweapon which is a one shot kill. (If they fail to kill Richtofen then a cut scene will Maxis will cause a shift of the Earth's gravity causing it to freeze over.)

If the New group chooses Richtofen they will obtain a Wonderwaffe and have to eliminate the Old group. If they succeed then a cut scene will show Richtofen killing them and find Maxis and kill him too. If they fail then the game will end showing a cut scene of the old characters being swarmed by the zombies.

Of course this is only an idea I just think an 8 player moon/earth map at the same time would be cool to have.

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