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What about AFTER season 2?

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I figured that if this zombie ends like season 1 did on the moon, then what comes after that? Well, I had these three visions:

"NAZI ZOMBIES III" the story taking place in 2029, Sam tries to find her daughter in the moon, Richtofen returns from the dead, zombie fans try to find Treyarch Studio, Soul Hunters search for Richtofen's soul, and zombie god defends 115 from other gods. The end has positive and alternative choice.

"CALL OF DUTY ORIGINS" the story taking place during the days of WWII. But this game is viewed by Dempsey, Nikolia, and Takeo. As a bonus, the fifth map of each map-pack will be the alternate story from the previous game.

"CALL OF DUTY: ZOMBIE WORLD WAR" the last zombie story (doesn't have to be) taking place in the first...ZOMBIE WORLD WAR!!! Three sides to play it: The Zombie Warriors (Sam), The Soul Hunters (me), and The Destroyers (Richtofen). This WW is Nazi vs Wunderwaffe vs mummies!

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Nazi Zombies III; not sure what you mean. Sam IS the one on moon so would it be her mom trying to find her? Fans try to find the studio? Google maps. :lol: Rictofen isn't dead, so unless Treyarch kills him off THIS season, idk. Soul Hunters? :roll: not too CODz-ish. There will always be the same ending. We die.

COD Origins:Not gonna lie. Even though this sounds alot like waw2. I wouldn't mind getting more of a back-story on the other three. Not too sure about the alternate ending thing though. Takes away from the added suspense of how desperate your situation really is.

COD Zombie WW: NO just...NO.

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Nazi Zombies III; not sure what you mean. Sam IS the one on moon so would it be her mom trying to find her? Fans try to find the studio? Google maps. :lol: Rictofen isn't dead, so unless Treyarch kills him off THIS season, idk. Soul Hunters? :roll: not too CODz-ish. There will always be the same ending. We die.

COD Origins:Not gonna lie. Even though this sounds alot like waw2. I wouldn't mind getting more of a back-story on the other three. Not too sure about the alternate ending thing though. Takes away from the added suspense of how desperate your situation really is.

COD Zombie WW: NO just...NO.

Well in III, Sam is retired from power and she has a daughter. And don't you remember, Sam's mother is dead! Richtofen's death was just my opinion, not what they think. The situation is that Treyarch Studios was moved because of a meteor accident (2029). The alternative ending lets you play as Adam and Eve. Zombie WW is a HUGE event in my eyes. Maps include damaged New York and Moon Empire destruction.

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I think you are going a little too far into the future. Not bad ideas but most of the people on this forum are racking their brains trying to think of stuff for this upcoming game. The end result of the story by the end is a little too far ahead. Again, good ideas. Bad timing.

I'm well aware of that. That's why I got do rush this project. I'm even writing and designing new zombies as we speak. Got a lot, a lot, A LOT AND LOTS OF WORK to do.

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