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Politics, UFO, Meteorites and other things


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Hi All! I'm writing to you from the Russian community fans of zombie mode. We are much less than you, but some of us are very interested in this whole saga with zombies. I was long been reading your forum (where I found a lot of interesting hypotheses and theories) and finally decided to register =) Just want to apologize for my english =\

So, here are my thoughts and some questions about the zombie mode:


If Richthofen all figured out and arranged in time those things that he needs to go back for them later, what part of the story plays map "Five" and the Politics? On the map "The Call of the Dead" actors helped heroes to get the wand and send them on time, but what made ​​Politics in terms of Richthofen? On callofduty.wikia.com I found information that the events of maps "Ascention" and "Five" occur in the same time - this is October 1961. Also, these maps connect the red phones that are sure many of yours seen on both maps. Can these phones be used for communication, for example to send a signal to launch the rocket into space? And if such phones will be on the "Moon" map, then Politics could give a signal for launching mini rocket with a monkeys on the earth? Although such a signal could submit Pentagon Thief ... So, we can assume that the events of maps "Ascention", "Five" and "Moon" occur at the same time (October 1961). By the way, I'm very interested in what year the events take place on the map "Shangri-La"?

Another interesting fact. Yuri Gagarin first flew in space in April 1961, from the space station "Baikonur", on which the events take place in "Ascention" map. And Neil Armstrong and his team have visited the moon in 1969, but what prevents the tie all these events, and so when the action takes place in some alternate reality of those years? That's my theory about the astronauts characters on the "Moon" map...

The song "Pareidolia"

On that forum I found the assumption that the tips of the developers of these maps, including a front page "Ascention" map on loading screen. But did the developers know if we try to find word "Pareidolia" in Google and looking on Wikipedia to this term, we see on images those enigmatic forms on Mars? I mean, it could also be considered as a hint that the next map can be in space ...


As we know the moon is sometimes under attack to small meteorites from outer space. I had an idea about the round, like with monkeys, which could go a meteor rain, and we need at this time to hide from them in underground bunkers, or (to complicate the event) should go at the some point on map to activate protect barriers for teleports who can send us to Pack-A-Punch, or be destroyed by meteorites, if we do not have time ... I think this is logical, to the same meteorite has already been mentioned in "Shangri-La". Developers can use the script for the fall of meteorites, as well as mini-rockets with monkeys in the "Ascention" map. By the same script with the monkeys, they have already used twice. And the script is walking George Romero is the same as that of napalm zombie...


In zombie mode story have been affected by many things such as secret technologies, biological weapons, mysticism, and so on ... Why not make the plot more and UFO? The new map would be good just went for it. Maybe we'll see it on any documents or signs that are relevant to them. I have an idea that the place for Pack-A-Punch could be a UFO spaceship or satellite, and get inside there we could with teleport. Maybe developers will make in map something like the black hole. In addition, because there is an assumption that black holes can be a teleports through time. And it is a crazy idea - an opportunity to play on map is not for scientists or astronauts, but for UFO's =) What do you think about this?

Zombie Mode in future days

I'm sure many would like to "Moon" was not the last map. But why would people who know a lot about mapping does not begin to make their maps? Although I have heard that Treyarch is not added something to the Mod Tools for mappers who can that could comfortably create their maps. So I think more logical to seek from them the full version of Mod Tools, so the fans can create for us new maps =) (for COD5: WaW these maps is very much, and I think there would be people who want create for Black Ops)

Thank you that you have read all my things. I hope you enjoyed some of my thoughts or do you respond me to some of my questions ... I will try to add new ideas here, if I will have...

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Hi All! I'm writing to you from the Russian community fans of zombie mode. We are much less than you, but some of us are very interested in this whole saga with zombies. I was long been reading your forum (where I found a lot of interesting hypotheses and theories) and finally decided to register =) Just want to apologize for my english =\

So, here are my thoughts and some questions about the zombie mode:


If Richthofen all figured out and arranged in time those things that he needs to go back for them later, what part of the story plays map "Five" and the Politics? On the map "The Call of the Dead" actors helped heroes to get the wand and send them on time, but what made ​​Politics in terms of Richthofen? On callofduty.wikia.com I found information that the events of maps "Ascention" and "Five" occur in the same time - this is October 1961. Also, these maps connect the red phones that are sure many of yours seen on both maps. Can these phones be used for communication, for example to send a signal to launch the rocket into space? And if such phones will be on the "Moon" map, then Politics could give a signal for launching mini rocket with a monkeys on the earth? Although such a signal could submit Pentagon Thief ... So, we can assume that the events of maps "Ascention", "Five" and "Moon" occur at the same time (October 1961). By the way, I'm very interested in what year the events take place on the map "Shangri-La"?

Another interesting fact. Yuri Gagarin first flew in space in April 1961, from the space station "Baikonur", on which the events take place in "Ascention" map. And Neil Armstrong and his team have visited the moon in 1969, but what prevents the tie all these events, and so when the action takes place in some alternate reality of those years? That's my theory about the astronauts characters on the "Moon" map...

The song "Pareidolia"

On that forum I found the assumption that the tips of the developers of these maps, including a front page "Ascention" map on loading screen. But did the developers know if we try to find word "Pareidolia" in Google and looking on Wikipedia to this term, we see on images those enigmatic forms on Mars? I mean, it could also be considered as a hint that the next map can be in space ...


As we know the moon is sometimes under attack to small meteorites from outer space. I had an idea about the round, like with monkeys, which could go a meteor rain, and we need at this time to hide from them in underground bunkers, or (to complicate the event) should go at the some point on map to activate protect barriers for teleports who can send us to Pack-A-Punch, or be destroyed by meteorites, if we do not have time ... I think this is logical, to the same meteorite has already been mentioned in "Shangri-La". Developers can use the script for the fall of meteorites, as well as mini-rockets with monkeys in the "Ascention" map. By the same script with the monkeys, they have already used twice. And the script is walking George Romero is the same as that of napalm zombie...


In zombie mode story have been affected by many things such as secret technologies, biological weapons, mysticism, and so on ... Why not make the plot more and UFO? The new map would be good just went for it. Maybe we'll see it on any documents or signs that are relevant to them. I have an idea that the place for Pack-A-Punch could be a UFO spaceship or satellite, and get inside there we could with teleport. Maybe developers will make in map something like the black hole. In addition, because there is an assumption that black holes can be a teleports through time. And it is a crazy idea - an opportunity to play on map is not for scientists or astronauts, but for UFO's =) What do you think about this?

Zombie Mode in future days

I'm sure many would like to "Moon" was not the last map. But why would people who know a lot about mapping does not begin to make their maps? Although I have heard that Treyarch is not added something to the Mod Tools for mappers who can that could comfortably create their maps. So I think more logical to seek from them the full version of Mod Tools, so the fans can create for us new maps =) (for COD5: WaW these maps is very much, and I think there would be people who want create for Black Ops)

Thank you that you have read all my things. I hope you enjoyed some of my thoughts or do you respond me to some of my questions ... I will try to add new ideas here, if I will have...

Ok first off your theroy of the ascension five and the moon connection...i have thought this too. Another good point is that at the end of COTD romero says he came across documents about zombies. makes me wonder if we stop the zombies before modern time aka our own time?

i will have to say its not a different dimension. BUT richtofen IS in the different dimension. he knows whats going on which is why hes teleporting to all these different times. Its mind warping on how it works. As far as Armstrong going up into space. that was all media. for all we know it could have been staged or it could possibly have not happened due to the fact that sarah michelle gellar and the rest of the COTD crew was in the game even though the film could have been set in the 80's which would make gellar REALLY young.

Paraodilia is an amazing discovery [brains] and the theroy of UFO's ....i dont know if that will work. but its as good of theroy as all the others

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