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Map Patterns?


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A lot of talk about Moon is about the story. Well, what about how the map is layed out? Well, some say to find about the future, look to the past. So I did. Ok, let's look at Black Ops. It's gonna have 4 map packs soon. Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La, and Moon. We know this. Check this out:

Ascension = Der Riese. Both are VERY similar. 3 quick escape devices that must be used to open Pack A Punch. Very balanced map, with open and tight areas. Box is always in power room at the start. Similar amount of door and paths to take.

Call of the Dead = Shi No Numa. Both are very open. Lots of ares with water to slow you and the zombies down. Call of the Dead even has a hut at the end of a bit of water with a perk machine in it as well as a weapon and two windows, which could be a reference to Shi No Numa.

Shangri-La = Verruckt. Both are very tight maps. Two paths that both end up at the power. Not many places for rape trains, and running the whole map is usually the best strategy.

So as the maps go up on Black Ops, they go down on World at War. So could that mean:

Moon = Nacht der Untoten? Moon is supposedly the hardest map yet. Nacht der Untoten is a brutal map, very various reasons. It was also said that none of our strategies we use now will work. The way I see it, there are three basic strategies. Full map rape trains, small rape trains, and camping. The first two are very difficult to manage on Nacht der Untoten, due to the small nature of the map. So could this mean that Moon will be a super small map that will make every other map look like a cakewalk? Obviously there will be perks, there's supposed to be a new one. But could Moon be super small with very awkward layout and inconveniently placed windows?


Another theory I had, what if it's all of the map designs put together? Like, what if it has features from every map thus far? The way I see it, there are a few archetypes of maps that have been used a few times.

- Small maps (Nacht der Untoten, maybe "Five")

- Tight maps (Verruckt, "Five", Shangri-La)

- Open maps (Shi No Numa, Call of the Dead)

- Mixed maps (Der Riese, Ascension)

- Circle maps (Kino der Toten, Shangri-La, maybe Verruckt)

So maybe Moon has an area for all of these archetypes, to kinda symbolize all of the zombie slaying fun we've had over the course of World at War and Black Ops, maybe as a good bye, like a highlight reel? Hopefully not, but hey, it's up to Treyarch.


The last theory I have is kind of a mixture of Verruckt and Shi No Numa. There's four spawns, so no matter how many players, you'll always be split up. The map is designed very much like Shi No Numa, where it has the four legs, and a big area in the middle connecting the four. On each leg is a random perk. The four perks that can be randomly added to these four legs are Quick Revive, Deadshot Daiquiri, Double Tap Root Beer, and PhD Flopper, kinda like Shangri-La. Obviously on Solo, you'd start on one of these four, (it changes) with Quick Revive. As you move into the middle, you go inside the moon base, which has the power, and Jugger-nog, Speed Cola, Stamin-up and the new perk that makes Zombies "thrice the fun", as these are usually more valued by players. The base would have the power and the box would start there always, then move after a teddy bear (duh). In the base would be very tight, like Verruckt, but on the lunar surface would be open like Shi No Numa. It would symbolize the story in a pretty cool way. We have four heroes from different nations that were at war with each other. (This being represented by all players on separate legs.) They all come together in the middle and help. (Them starting to get along a little better than before.) But as they get into the base, it could represent them never being able to escape the zombie horde, and eventually getting swarmed. So Moon could be a mixture of all the maps. It would reference all of the maps as such:

Nacht der Untoten: no escape routes

Verruckt: tight inside the base

Shi No Numa: open outside the base

Der Riese: box always starts in same room as power

Kino der Toten: base is a big circle

Five: base has multiple floors

Ascension: must activate parts of all map to access Pack a Punch

Call of the Dead: make the map HUGE

Shangri-La: random perks, but in sets

That would make this map GREAT. Some say it's the last map ever. If so, Treyarch better make it the best of all time, and what better way to do that than by incorporating pieces of all the maps in one, to kind of symbolize the greatness that is:

Nazi Zombies.

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