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The Story of FIVE+My Pentagon Thief theory


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This is kind of like a super analysis of the Five story, for info on my proof of this read my Five Analysis topic in the Asylum and the link at the bottom.

Here it goes:

In the 60's there was the space and arms race going on between the USA and Russia. After WW II we took many of Germany's finest scientists, to improve our technology. For the USA, it was called Project Paperclip, for Russia, I'm not sure. But we got hold of our unnamed scientists, the Russians got the Ascension Group and Frederick Steiner, AG made the rockets, Steiner introduced and worked on Nova6 with them. The USA, had to compete. So in the 60's, the followed old intel from one of the OSS's top spies in Group 935, Harvey Yena, or Peter McCay, to find Kino Der Toten. Which they stripped of all that it contained. They took the chalkboards, containers, teleporters, weapons, documents, etc. They took all the experiments to a newly added lab beneath the Pentagon, modeled after the one at Rebirth Island. Here they conducted experiments with an element the Russians were working with at the same time, 115. They recreated a ThunderGun, and modified the Ray Gun that they recovered.

They also made a new weapon with the powers to freeze it's enemies, the Winter's Howl.

They also recreated the teleporters, a VERY upgraded version of the teleporters. Which required minimal cooling and no linking, but the destination was was rather randomized. They were also far more compact, but could only allow one person to go through at a time, but the next to go in as soon as the other person had passed through. Evidence of this is the teleporter shell in the Ray Gun room, and the chalkboard right next to the main teleporter in the Power Room.

They also recreated the experiments on the pigs to the lab, as they can be seen in the basement as well.

They also took the small containers on the stage of Kino, which house small humanoid creatures in them, they have been rumored as being anything from monkeys to Vril-Ya aliens.

Even Sam's room was picked through, as the small model of the Berlin wall in her room with model's of the characters is found on a desk outside of the spawn, viewable by looking out with a sniper scope from the MPL spot.

Notes, diagrams, and notes and written documents were also taken, in one of the zombies spawns behind the claymore, in that room the note in the PaP, dentist room, and under the stairs, can be found. The pictures of the dog, zombie, and brains and such can be seen by one of the mystery box spawns next to many Nova6 containers. The nova6 was made into canisters which they recovered from Rebirth which were used to weaponize the gas into small grenades, these can be seen in the window of the weapons room with mods.

sorry only pic I could find and it's the original one from the ship :P

They even moved the perk machines and Pack a Punch into the building.

Now this is where it gets interesting. In one room, they recreated the human testing that was on Rebirth. After the failures at Kino to control the zombies, the Illuminati was looking for another way to attempt it. So one of them took the role of a genius scientist and went to work. He programmed the minds of the corpses to respond to the Illuminati's broadcasts at the right timing so they could use them to take over the world, as had been the purpose of the Projectionist at Kino Der Toten. But the 115 was their failure again. Before they had time to finish programming all of them or power the station, the 115 re-animated the corpses. And the scientist who did this, went insane as Maxis did from over exposure by the element. This person became who we know as the Pentagon Thief. the Illuminati still had command over him for as all members, they are brainwashed into following the elder's commands incase of an event like this. You can see the numbers emitting from the thief as well the odd sound he makes. So they used him to take the weapons of the 4 survivors to try and stop them from surviving the onslaught and let the infection spread so they would have more minions, but it was likely unsuccessful.

And that is the story of what happened at FIVE. I'm sure that you don't get what the hell I was talking about in that last paragraph so you might want to read this to understand it better:


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