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OP 40 Walkthrough (with Intel)


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You start out seeing a match lit up on the screen. Then when the light turns

on you are in a club in Cuba. You being told about your target Fidel Castro.

After a bit of dialogue, the Cuban military will come in speaking Spanish and

throw a woman down. One of the guards will come up you asking where you are

from with hostility and then you friend Woods will grab his arm and knife him

into the table. You will then draw a handgun and shoot the distracted guard.

The man behind the bar Carlos will toss you an assault rifle (M16).

You are now in control of your character. You can look out the windows until

they open up the front door. Now make your way outside and down the street.

You are fighting off the Cuban police. When you get a little down the street,

two police cars will ride past and crash. Take out the guys that get out and

continue down the street a bit and you will see a road block. Now make a left

down the alley. When you get to the end of the alley, you will enter a car.

You will start the car up and now hit LT or L1 to reverse and then you will

hit RT or R1 to go. Drive through the streets, you can’t turn or anything.

Just hold RT or R1 and the screen will go white and you will be back in the

interrogation room. The people holding you captive will shock you and you will

now be in the forest.

You will see a flare saying that’s the signal and now you will zipline down

to the compound. When you slide down the zipline, your two team mates

will take out the guards. Now enter the building and they will tell you

to take out a guard with his back turned. Run up and melee him from

behind and this will choke him to death. Now go out the front door and you

will see the Cuban military passing by. Let them pass and now follow Woods

up the path. He is the guy with the Yellow FOLLOW over his head. Make your

way up to the front across the path. You will see a guy running up some

stairs. Go ahead and shoot him and kill the other guy that runs out at the

top of the stairs along with the two guys that run right in front of you from

behind the fence. Run up the stairs and Woods will open up the door to the

house up there. Clear out the small room and then take out the guys that

are on the right outside path.

Intel – As soon as you enter this building, take out the two enemies and

go straight in front of the door and it is right behind the rocket


Make your way down the path up to the gate. You will now go up some more

steps into another house. Kill the two guys that run at you and now clear

the house. Make your way through the hall killing all the guys that have

hidden behind makeshift barriers. Once you have cleared the L shaped

hallway, you are told to stack up on the door at the end of the house. You

will breach the door and kill the 3 guys in that room in slow motion. You

can pick up the RPK gun off the coffee table in the middle of the room and

now breach the second door. When you go through this one, Castro will be

hiding behind a woman. Shoot him in the head with your pistol. This will

unlock an achievement or trophy. Now shoot the woman because she will

attack you. Make your way out the doors on the left and go along the porch

walkway. Kill the 3 guys here and continue to follow Woods. Make your way

through the second set of doors and see Bowman throw a guy over the balcony.

Intel – Go in the room that Bowman just came out of and grab the intel

off the table in the room to the left.

Clear out all the enemies up here and then make your way downstairs.

Make your way to the front door and fight off the soldiers in the

courtyard. Make your way out the front door and get on the left side and

pick up the rocket launcher and you can shoot enemies with it or if you

want to be lazy, you can just lay behind the barrier and let your

team mates kill a few people and then you will get support from Carlos and

then make your way to the sugar fields. Make your way through the sugar

field and you’ll come up to a blown stone wall and you will see a warzone

down beneath you. You will now have to rappel down. So run down the

mountain side and you will come to a hanger.

Intel – In this hangar, on the left. You will see a short stair piece.

walk up it to pick up this intel.

Make your way through and fight off the enemies on the airfield. You are

now fighting your way across the airfield to the marker. When you get to

the airplane, you will climb on and get a light machine gun with unlimited

ammo. Now take out the enemies shooting at you on the right. There are

quite a few, just hold down the trigger and keep killing. Once you have

gotten around the airfield a bit, Bowman will say the road is blocked and

you will jump off and get on the anti air craft gun. Clear the road and the

plane will take off leaving you.

You will then be ambushed while on the gun. You will be knocked out. You

will come to and you will see the real Castro and he will tell you you

killed a double. You will now be given to Castro’s general and you will

flash back to your seat in the interrogation room and this will end the

first level.

I got this Walkthrough from Cheatmasters.com, so it is not originally mine.


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