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Posts posted by Shreebington

  1. On 12/31/2015 at 0:37 PM, Ragdo11706 said:

    @DrVonstool I'm sure Mr. Blundells' "Baked Goods" would have me geekin' like a giddy school girl. When it comes to the ladies, I always liked to pull a Pablo Escobar when I was younger. 

    Ok time to be serious....

    So if I'm reading what you guys are saying correctly, than your saying each weapon upon being built has 3 quotes. The Greeting of the Player Quote, the Upgrade Ready Quote, & the Upgrade Complete Quote (Which no one has been able to get yet).

    Greeting Player Quote

    • Kor-Maroth Arbgwaoth
    • Lor-Zarozzor Arbgwaoth
    • Mar-Astagua Arbgwaoth
    • Nar-Ullaqua Arbgwaoth

    Upgrade Ready Quote

    • Kor-Maroth: "Zornash Na'Orujja Zornash"
    • Lor-Zarozzor: *Dont know I Never get this version.*
    • Mar-Astagua: "Zoroth Orotho" 
    • Nar-Ullaqua: *I thought this one said "Zornash....."*

    So I've got 2 that I can confirm 100%. Mar-Astagua I just got literally 10 minutes ago. Kor-Maroth I normally get 50% of the time. So which 2 Ready-Up quotes am I missing. 

    @83457 Haha I've got 20+ pages of notes. You don't even want to know some of the shit that's going on in my head. 

    However with that being said, I will say I truly believe the Apothicon Servant is a "Crustacean". It would definitely fit the theme of the map as well as explain those little pleopods that eat the "Egg"/bullet we feed to it. Have a look at this page and read the Life-Cycle & Decapoda sections.


    This I found very interesting. I looked in the audio files of Black Ops 3, and found this exact thing.

    But it isn't what you expect.

    The quote "Zornash, Nar'Orujja Zornash" is titled vox_idgun1_upgrade_ready_2, hinting to a completed step and not a gun specific quote.

    The quote "Zoroth Ortoho" is also an upgrade ready file, named vox_idgun1_upgrade_ready_0, also hinting to steps completed.

    Before you think "Well, could the numbers just mean they are cues for different guns?" Let me explain. There are 4 audio cues, named vox_idgun1_upgrade_ready_0, vox_idgun1_upgrade_ready_1, vox_idgun1_upgrade_ready_2, and vox_idgun1_upgrade_complete_0. Clearly debunks the theory of there being a quote per gun. What this potentially means, is that you did a step towards upgrading. The two audio cues you didn't receive make much less sense, and I have listened to them over 200 times trying to translate or make some sense of it.

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