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Posts posted by TimelordAlex

  1. i got round to playing this today and my thoughts are... well meh so far, i dont like the idea of having your game more or less interrupted to help out a survivor. I've no idea why there is toxic stuff at burger town - that killed me as i didnt know what was going on. I got landed with the 'Exo-Brutus' and i didnt know how to kill him so i passed him in on to other players, i got to try out the magnetron, not entirely sure how it works or what it does, but it seemed pretty sweet - on insta kill anyway. It also looks like there are no new regular weapons which sucks like the current selection - is the OHM in the box? I havent seen it.


    I'm not sure what to make of this map now, if it gonna be like this in future, i wont buy DLC and just wait for 3arc COD now. I dont entirely call it a waste of money, as i quite enjoy AW MP and like the maps on there.

  2. i dont play any of green run, so dont know about its appearence on there, i have had it multiple times on nuketown fairly early on. MOTD i get it all the time presumably cause there are less box weapons, but most games i dont have trouble getting it, or at least will end up with it at somepoint. But Die Rise and Origins, practically non-existant. I hope if it returns in BO3, its more common.

  3. I may have to re-affirm my statement on this, as after playing 31 rounds of Die Rise last night with two other guys, and we all had buried - none of us got the Mark 2, and my bank was maxed out so i put well over 50k in the box trying to get the damn thing and it never showed up, I saw it in rotation and i was offered every gun in the box at least 5-10 times, but never once the Mark 2, so dont think buying the DLC, means you or someone will get it every game - as that won't happen, the only map your guaranteed to get it on is Buried/Borough because it seems to have a good chance of being received and everyone can get it

  4. I never thought much of the grief mode at all, but i really enjoyed Cell Block and Borough as you could just play 8 player co-op and not worry about setting up, if cell block and borough had survival thats all id play, the grief mode on its own is not appealing. Turned they completely screwed up, they should've done a zombiefied version of Infected and that would've been awesome - obviously on the multiplayer maps, but the infected would be zombies, and maybe everyone starts of as humans and there are 3 wonder weapons in the map to be picked up - 1 of them will always be a ray gun, another one will always rotate between t-gun, waffle, howl, vr-11 etc and the other one would be red herring and tis actually 115 rock, you pick it up and you become the zombie and the game starts.

  5. ehh well, I think the exo suits add an interesting dynamic to the game and i enjoy using them. i agree with most weapons being useless, but the printer printing the gun you press X on is interesting and new. I somewhat like the perk down system, but i do not like 30 sec down time, 45 sec is reasonable like it is on BO1/2 but on WaW and here it is 30 sec and that is not long enough. Dying and losing your exo suit makes sense - except its a pain as i died and had my tombstone in one part of the map and had to get the exo suit in the other, i ended up getting the exo suit and then dying on my way to my tombstone which doesnt last long - so im not a fan of that setup. You take no fall damage now with exo suits which kinda negates the idea of PHD, but i guess there partial answer to that was exo slam in terms of the DtP explosion except slam is useless and you should not have to pay for it, by default it should be part of the suit. The electro zombies are not challenging and just annoying while the acid zombies dont appear to do anything. Security is kinda pointless - doesnt give you points for one, and depending where you are, the lasers can f*ck you up more than the zombies.


    But despite that, i still enjoy the map, cause its new and fresh and good training for 3arcs return :)

  6. That actually was My original idea for the "time bomb" trayarhc did something different: 


    Any zombie caught in the blast were sent to a future round. 


    do you mean i took your idea? because what i posted i had the idea way back in 2012 for BO2 but it never happened, but i and others liked the idea when i posted it on the official BO2 forums, thought i'd put it on here

  7. I have a new wonder weapon idea, this is powerful - but does not kill the zombies and has a massive con. Basically the ammo of the gun is 6/18, and this is meant as tactical gun, when you fire it it opens up a portal which lasts for the same as Gersch Device, the portal effect looks similar to that of the Anomalies from Primeval - cant be exactly the same but similar, zombies will be attracted to it and walk through it and disappear - but there not dead they've travelled in time - this is the con, the portal could potentially re-open any time in a future round and the zombies that went in before will come pouring out and this could screw you over if its in your training spot, it could re-open when you've got crawlers, or you may die before it re-opens.

    I'm not sure how it would work if it were to lead to the past, that would be interesting, like a portal opens on round 1 but you dont get the gun till round 10, but you'd have to go back to that spot on round 10 or some point to fulfill the past and to make sure the portal opened in round 1, confusing concept but would be an interesting challenge, maybe if you dont shoot it at that spot within a certain time,  the past gets altered and something could go wrong to one of the players, i.e perks/guns/points could be lost with the idea being you never got them in the first place in this altered timeline. But things could also change for the better - you could receive better guns, gain more points, gain a free perk. By fulfilling the past and shooting the gun, time would not change, you would not gain or lose anything. So you'd be gambling on yourself  (and other players?) by not shooting the gun.

    You may find this confusing and thats understandable but i thought this was such a cool idea and would be interesting to implement.


    Wonder Weapon Name: The Time Portal or perhaps Parodox

  8. :L I did the same thing in BO1 using the lobby leaderboard, if they hadnt made it past 15 particularly on kino or ascension i would leave instantly because it wouldnt be worth my time and it was proven every time i gave them a chance

  9. Hello everyone, I should've signed up here long ago but never did, some of you may recognize the name from other forums, i am the same person, i thought since this still seems like an active forum i'd join in :).

  10. I adore the Shrink Ray and its one my favourite WWs and technically is one of the best in general, i wish it was in more than just Shangri-La (that is one of my favourite maps, but no-one else plays it, so i cant use the gun) it hasnt even debuted properly in custom zombies yet, in fact its the only WW that hasnt and i dont know why, everyone overlooks it cause of the map it was in, but its a damn good WW.

  11. I agree, to me The Winters Howl should've been on COTD and the VR-11 should've gone on FIVE. Those weapons belong on those maps, even humans from the VR-11 look more like people from the pentagon than from Siberia. The VR-11 would be also effective on the pentagon thief, it could slow him down unupgraded until you shoot him then hes after you again, upgraded he would be permanently slowed down regardless of whether you shoot him.

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