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Posts posted by NaBrZHunter

  1. I'm definitely thinking this is hypnosis too.


    Maybe more MK-Ultra style brainwashing?  Or maybe it's to help resurface suppressed memories?


    The flashes of the helicopter and soldiers make me think that these might be the visual memories from a soldier.


    - Mix



    Treyarch has a history with MK-Ultra, etc. That would not surprise me at all. Anyone ever see Manchurian Candidate?




    Manchurian Candidate (2004) 






    I've never seen the original 1962 production, so I can't vouch for it, though it's very worth looking into now. However, 2004 was phenomenal. 


    Better yet, though, would probably to read the original 1959 novel by Richard Condon. Gonna have to add it to my bookshelf soonish here...

  2. I hate hopping on the hype train...I'm an adult, I should act like one, right? Hahaha! Yeah...prolly.

    This may be nothing, but researching that phrase brought me to a movie that I had come across a couple years ago. Treyarch puts deep stuff into their hints alotta times. But sometimes, it's just a riddle, or a simple message. Any association may be a real stretch, but the synopsis was oddly coincidental.

    The Sound of My Voice (2011)


  3. The last two pages of this thread floored me. Great work, guys. 


    @Stop mocking me0

    115. That seems so obvious, now that you point it out. Well done. I watched those dials repeatedly and kept coming up empty.


    I never saw this picture posted on any of the pages in this forum. As I'm sure y'all know, this immediately followed the Origins shot. Was it concluded that this is MotD?




    Going to read your Where I Think We Are Going thread, @Nightmare Voyager. Dunno what you suggested yet, but I'll be darned if it doesn't have Richtofen, 935, and 1915. I'm just fascinated by the resemblance between something at the end of BO2 to Der Riese, regarding the blueprint thing.

  4. Gotta agree, in response to a variety of posts, it seemed a little too reminiscent of Tranzit to really hook me, for one; and the realism of it all, like y'all were discussing...I hope for their sake they can find a solid explanation for how this spreads. Treyarch gets away with it easily, creating maps with solid story-IE, Der Riese (creation of zombies), Shi No Numa (research facility), Kino (reprogramming location), Moon (MPD charging process), Shangri-La (115 Meteor Site) and the story-continuous BO2 maps, resulting from the bombing. On and on, each map has a solid explanation for how the zombies came to be, and justifying their uniqueness. 


    Exo.....has not yet escaped the sensation of being a knock-off, for the experience only kinda project.


    Obviously, I'm spoiled.   :D

  5. When you have the 'youre noob im better than you fuck you my downs are your fault' make this happen... It some coaxing, but we finally lured him down...



    HAHAHAHA! Between your trolling @YdaJdiMstr® and @Stop mocking me0 's...man, those are some of the best I've seen. Trying not to laugh too hard here in the office.



    My favorite was one game I had on moon. One of the guys in the lobby noticed that one of our comrades was on the leaderboards as having reached round 94. The first guy, impressed, asked (granted, it's a broad question) how he had managed it. After a long silence, he asked again. Our comrade's GT line indicated he had a mic, so I finally concluded that his mic must not be on or perhaps nonfunctional. That got him started. 


    "No, my mic works. I was talking earlier."


    Ah! So it does. Hm. So the first fella tries to ask again, which is answered with silence. Again.


    "This is why we thought your mic wasn't working," I explained, to which, with apparent arrogance he replied,


    "I'm not gonna answer because I've answered that question too many times."


    "Hey, man, no offense intended, we were just impressed with your accomplishment," the first guy and I agreed. 


    The NML zombies began dashing, and being carelessly scattered, three of us went down, leaving Mr. R94 standing. When he finally went down, we started over. 


    In the same arrogant tone, he commanded, "everyone go to the back of the teleporter and stay there. Don't shoot, don't throw grenades. I can make a pro out of a n00b, if I'm in the mood. But I'm not."


    I am not a very confrontational zombies player, and I don't care who has more points or better weapons as long as it benefits the team. I wanted to game to progress, so despite having a good deal of experience in NML, I decided to comply, as did my other comrades.

    When the hoard broke out, down went Mr. R94 (instantly) and soon, both my comrades. I slipped around and jumped over the hoard as they entered the teleporter, and began my usual training route. 


    Mr. R94 ended the game.


    I left the lobby and had a good chuckle. 

  6. My best match of trolling involved a kid in tranzit thinking he kicked me from the lobby. 

    I spent the next hour with my mic unplugged personally avoiding other players and moving parts around. The other guys in the lobby said that it must be the "ghost of samantha". 


    The little kid, clearly male, then erupts into screams saying "I AM SAMANTHA!" DON"T TELL ME THAT IT WAS SAMANTHA! I AM THE LITTLE GURL WHO CONTROLS THE ZOMBIES FROM SPACE!" "I HAVE TINY BOOBS!!!"  AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGG!!!! (He then went down and backed out) 



    My trolling apparently causes kids to develop multiple personality disorder and in-vision a persona of samantha. 


    Gahahahaha! That's awesome.

  7. @Nightmare Voyager

    Yeah, a grappling hook would have been a good idea. I think the one thing, though, about Treyarch's creations, is that it's very rare that they have endless usage. The flame thrower was quickly discontinued, the paralyzer only worked for so long, and only so well before you had to wait to charge it-and (if I recall correctly) it was a heavier weapon to carry, so you were forced to use it wisely. Buildables like the trample steam, zombie shield and the turbine shared the same trait.


    In Treyarch's games, it has always been about frugality, strategy, and timing. Risk assessment. This challenges us, and though these objects helped us, using them was survival in itself. 


    So as I proposed in my jetpack idea (or a grappling hook, or whatever they may come up with), its usage is limited, making it more of a tool, available for use when needed, and less of a part of you, like the Exo Suits tend to be.


    With cheap, full-ammo refill upgrades, and plentiful powerups, plus perks and exo suits, Exo Zombies does not challenge the player to resource usage strategy and frugality.


    Hey, the more I think about it, the more I like the grappling hook idea. It limits it even more...if we were to have a grappling hook with the same properties as the jetpack, it could then only be used when there was an object (wall, ceiling, etc) within range. Think the hookshot, from Legend of Zelda, but with fuel limits in addition to range limits.  

  8. Yeah the jumping in Moon, and the Paralyzer are examples of messing with the physics of the game.

    Since AW is one of the worst selling COD, and it basically ruined the multiplayer, I don't see them going full Sledgehammer.

    If they do, it will be my last COD purchase. They have already alienated me from Ghosts extinction mode, I bought in to the Exo zombies hype and bought the dlc. Never again will I spend 120 dollars on something that I only play a dozen times.


    @BestOfAllTime32 Once again, I agree in terms of how I feel about what a waste of money AW was; but @Nightmare Voyager has a point. And what I meant was, Exo Suits weren't the first time a player or a zombie was capable of defying gravity in a Call of Duty game.


    I still believe that AW may still have an effect on the gameplay of COD 2015; but Treyarch is smart. They, I believe, are the most creative of the COD development groups; and I'm sure whatever they cook up will be good.


    Remember that time we almost nuked the Moon?  You don't?!?  Well neither did I, until recently.


    I'd been planning to make a thread on this for awhile, because I feel like it's SO GOOD it could almost be a part of the zombies storyline.  Obviously it's not, and this is just me having fun with theories - so that's why I threw this in "Future Zombies".



    Brilliant discovery. I concur, it would be ingenious of them to include this. Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to any more details you may come up with in this area!

  10. Let's get jet packs in so Treyarch can jump the shark? That's all i'm getting from any suggestion of a jet pack. Exo zombies can stay its own terrible mode, let's leave the masterpiece alone.



    Haha! Yep, you just shot down my idea, but this response gets a big like from me. TBH, I'm completely in agreement. This is a sort of "in the likely event that Treyarch makes a move to avoid losing the Exo Suit fans" suggestion, in hopes of them doing their own, improved and more challenging twist on it. Know what I'm saying? There are a lot of people out there spoiled on their new ability to fly. 


    Of course, Treyarch created all of that first, namely: Moon, "Skee-Skee" (aka, Panzer Soldat), and the paralyzer. 


    So in reality, the Exo Suit isn't entirely an original idea in the COD games.

  11. These days, there's so much debate about booster packs/exo suits showing up in Treyarch's next release. Sledgehammer has explored new territory, setting a standard that I'm sure much of the Call of Duty community expects Treyarch to meet. I have no solution for multiplayer, and don't really care what they do with it; but in terms of Zombies, I find them to be a little too much. Most of you will may disagree; but I have a suggestion:


    An Origins-style diesel punk buildable jetpack, which, like the zombie shield, has a limited number of usages before it breaks down and must be returned to the construction table/fueling station, if desired, to be refueled. Like the shield, and unlike the Exo Suits of Advanced Warfare, it would not be absolutely necessary for survival, providing the fun of the Exo Suit while not sacrificing the challenge of classic zombies.




    Pieces of 115 would be scattered around the map at the start of the game. Once each part of the jetpack is found and constructed (all jetpack parts can be carried at once, like in Origins), they can be found and carried one at a time to the charging station (these are 115 chunks...one does not simply pick them up and carry them  ;)). 

    When the jetpack's fuel is used up, it "pops" like a concussion grenade, affecting not only you, but the zombies around you (but only momentarily), and the 115 bits are scattered around the map again.


    In order to use it again, the 115 pieces must be found again and returned to the charging station, where the jetpack will be placed until refueled. 


    Regular zombies will not have jetpacks (except maybe a dog-like boss round), making the jetpack optional, while not being overpowered.


    A lot of people appear to dislike buildables. I agree where Tranzit and Die Rise buildables are concerned. However, do y'all not think Origins made it worth it? The only real challenge being to find the part and transport it; it could still be constructed at any table.


    Could this make the map absurdly easy? Yes...so please, start punching holes in my concept and we'll see where they can be patched. For starters...fuel would need to be used wisely, lest that last jump end a moment too soon, dropping the playing right into a throng of our beloved undead. lol


    What do y'all think?


    Reposted from an independent thread that I created

    before realizing that's what this thread was for.

  12. For details, please visit page 5 of the Pinned Concept thread:


    Attn TREYARCH - Advancement of Zombies, Bringing New Excitement to Old Mode.







    I created this thread before realizing one

    was already dedicated to this subject matter. 

    Mods, please feel free to delete this thread at your convenience.

  13. Summed it up pretty well. I mean of course theories are welcome about things like this but your right that in the end everything is in some way canon.


    @Nightmare Voyager

    "everything is canon..." meaning everything Treyarch has unequivocally defined-ie, Element 115 is capable of reanimating dead cells. Sorry if that's what you meant. No redundancy intended. :-)

  14. Thank you, @Grill for addressing this so very sincerely.

    As a new member, myself, I have noticed some terse and rarely condescending comments here and there; but ever so rarely. I appreciate the way y'all work so hard to foster a positive community here-and y'all do a great job.


    In the same vein, though, let's be positive. Guys, we should be able to take a hit and brush it off-hey, we play zombies, folks. There have been plenty of times that Max Ammo got snagged before you were reloaded; plenty of times your kills got stolen; plenty of times we've bled out at a crucial point in the game. We're tough. We know how to take a hit, but keep playing for the team. So like Grill pointed out as well, there's the other side as well. A comment may have been made thoughtlessly; someone's passion may get the better of them, and while it is their job to practice self control, it is also important for us as a community to practice patience and forgiveness. Let's not jump the gun, either, for presumed bullying. Live the moral of team-survival. Many times, a hurtful action is taken, not in maliciousness, but in thoughtlessness, which, though not justified, can be forgiven as quickly as it was dealt. It's what they call 'heaping hot coals.' :-)


    I'll stop ranting. This wasn't my thread. Thanks again, Mods, for giving us a such a model forum.

  15. We need to know more about Nacht, for sure. It's bursting with potential-if they don't have special plans for it, it deserves them.


    Shi No Numa isn't as important, but holds secrets that would be great to know more about.


    Der Riese needs to be revisited. That place is the heart and soul of Zombies.


    Moon was left hanging. We need to return!


    Black Ops 2 was messy, but needed no further explanation. IMO, no need to recreate any of those maps.


    Though I always prefer Richtofen and his puppets, it would be interesting to know more about the American experimentation, and why (more clearly) there was a zombie breakout at the Pentagon, but preferably not a remake of 5.


    I would also like to see more interactive, or at least visible, if even for a moment, comp characters...preferably Maxis, any of the O4 (if they are not playable), Samantha, or members of Group 935.

  16. The whole storyline is hugely based on theories so its impossible to say whats "canon" and what isn't since Treyarch originally made up the story as they went. 


    It is impressive and fascinating that the opposite tends to be true: from the dialogue and commentary in World at War to the fact that the teddies, as well, have been around since before Black Ops, the idea that a complex story was well underway by the end of World at War is undeniable.


    So what is canon? If we ask Merriam-Webster, three definitions stand out:


    [1a] A regulation or dogma decreed by a church council

    [3b] The authentic works of a writer

    [4a] An accepted principal or rule


    So canon is dictated by, and only by, without exception, Treyarch itself. They are the "Church Council," as it were, for the existence, chemistry, laws, past, present and future of zombies, as well as each character, location, weapon, or any other feature of Call of Duty Zombies, past, present and future. Canon is THE AUTHENTIC WORKS OF A WRITER; the authoritative writer, being none other than Treyarch.


    And that which Treyarch presents as their authentic works; their regulations and decrees in regards to Call of Duty Nazi Zombie lore are inherent principals and rules which we accept, whether we like them or not. This is canon. Anything else is theory and speculation.


    Each map and all content within, from Nacht Der Untoten to Origins, is canon.



    Reposted to this forum for proper categorization of content.

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