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Posts posted by NaBrZHunter

  1. If you have a radio that proves me wrong-you know me, I will step right down off my soap box. :-) @Nightmare Voyager 

    you're referring to the SNN radio? I need to give it another listen. And yeah, you're right, he does say 'this is the place.'

    But again, @Shooter makes a good point. They could not have teleported all that equipment from Der Riese. He could not have risked Maxis finding out that he knew how to calibrate a teleporter. Which brings us to the question, which teleporter did he use? Where was the original prototype?

    Its a Moon radio, just google black ops moon radios and the transcripts on wikia should be there. I was listening and reading them while I wrote my message :P

    Okay, I'll take a listen. I pretty much have them memorized, but sometimes perspective changes everything. lol

    @PINNAZ I gotta agree with you on everything up until stating that Maxis sends the O4 to Agartha.

    • Maxis has been the Aethereal controller since the victory at Resolution 1295
    • He Opts to return to 1918, where he loses knowledge of what happened in the future, but is guided by Samantha's cross-dimensional voice, the gateway is successfully opened, he passes through to Agartha along with the 4.
    • Maxis and the 4 learn about the future from Samantha, who has been in Agartha since Moon (how she got there is still unknown, as last we checked, she was fighting for her life alongside Dempsey, Nickolai, and Takeo.)
    • The 4 pass back through the gateway and return to 1945.

    Peter would still be dead, chronologically, however, as Richtofen "tricked" him while the test subjects were still in beta. As cool as it would be to meet him, it does not seem possible. Groph and Schuster are still alive, however. 

  2. Before origins she doesnt need to do so, she just needed to influence Maxis.

    She had no influence over Maxis. As far as we know, she was powerless. Maxis wants to open the gateway, himself. Why would Samantha need to influence him to do what he already wanted to do?

  3. If you have a radio that proves me wrong-you know me, I will step right down off my soap box. :-) @Nightmare Voyager 

    you're referring to the SNN radio? I need to give it another listen. And yeah, you're right, he does say 'this is the place.'

    But again, @Shooter makes a good point. They could not have teleported all that equipment from Der Riese. He could not have risked Maxis finding out that he knew how to calibrate a teleporter. Which brings us to the question, which teleporter did he use? Where was the original prototype?

  4. Thank you, @Shooter. So solid.

    I gotta agree about Eagle's Nest being the Siberian base. That would explain his actions. Protocol 935 at Der Riese -> Proceed to Eagle's Nest to contact Griffin Station for a status update and retrieve test subjects  -> Transport them to SNN -> meet them at SNN to begin staging the ruse*  -> Return to Der Riese -> Flee via MPD.


    *What better place than SNN? It was in Japan, Dempsey was a Marine on the Pacific front, Nickolai was a Russian, American ally, and of course Russia had its' pacific front as well, while Takeo is, obviously, Japanese, all of which would reduce suspicion when they find themselves in a Japanese jungle. So in order to create a believable ruse, between Der Riese, the Siberian Base, and Shi No Numa, the latter would be the best place to start. Otherwise, the three would wonder how they ended up in the middle of Nazi Germany or some remote German hideout in Siberia.

  5. Thats weird though, I mean I came to the same conclusion but they leave Der Riese and then come back after what seems like a pointless zombie map? Unless they survive at Der Riese twice and they don't remember the first time, it wouldn't make much sense.

    It may have just been Treyarch beginning to form a story and wanting to wrap up WAW with a bang. I dunno. I mean, based on The Giant, they were kept at Der Riese while being tested. So that would mean DR->SNN->DR-KDT-etc, etc. But remember, they seemingly "met" Richtofen at SNN. They don't recall how they got there, so they don't remember being kept at Der Riese. A real pickle.

  6. I gotta agree with @Kill_All_Monkeys. It really did sound good at the outset, but in the end it does contradict what we know. I invoke Dempsey's pack-a-punch musings while at Ascension. SNN is the first thing he recalls after waking up.

    "Richtofen...I don't like him. I think I've seen him before Shi No Numa, but I don't remember. In fact, I don't remember much at all from before."


    I still need to pow-wow with you about this stuff when my laptop arrives.

  7. @Garret whatever the case may be, remember that Samantha had no influence from the time she was ousted at Griffin Station until after Origins. The idea that effected the reverse in time or brought the O4 back to origins is unfounded. There is no indication that an individual in Agartha has any influence over Terrestrial space-time. The precedent states that only Aethereal controllers have that capability. BTW-here's the thesis I told you I was writing about the Aether. It got so involved that I still haven't had a chance to discuss the controllers, but that is currently in the works and will hopefully be out by Thursday or so, depending on when it gets approved. 

    Sounds like you and I are on the same page, though. Good luck, my friend, I hope we are right.

  8. The theories surrounding "DAY X /2 ME" may be a little over-bloated. Just recently, someone presented this and suddenly it hit me like lightning. Is it possible to say that the phrase "DAY X /2 ME" is not a calculation nor is it a mathematically related problem, but just a phrase that when contorted just enough will sound like "STAY NEXT TO ME" which is the overall arch in the map about staying close to the pylon. 

    In short, "DAY X /2 ME" is nothing more than the Easter Egg Tower of Babble and the various hints that Treyarch claimed were in plain sight. They were, the community just bypassed all that bullshit in order to complete the Egg in a timely manner.

    Good one! Kinda falls into the same category as the alternate bus route and the idea that there was more to The Casamir Mechanism. I'll research this further!

    I appreciate you dropping some new content here. I can always use more.

  9. Right now I'm liking Mockings theory regarding Origins/The Giant. But I think that can be simplified still. I would say Samantha doesn't take them to Timeline C (I'll call them timelines rather than worlds), she takes them to Timeline A. But when the NO4 intervene and kill O4 Richtofen, that branches them off Timeline A into the newly created Timeline C.

    Regarding Mob, I've never really thought too much about it. Just that it's its own thing. Whether that it's own timeline or within a timeline, no idea. Shadows of Evil should give us answers though.

    But Samantha can't take anyone anywhere. She's in Agartha. 

  10. One thing to point out is that the loop(cycle) doesn't start until our characters die. If the O4 were repeating loops since the original Origins, then that means they would of died in the original Origins. This is totally possible, as we don't have quotes that contradict it. I personally think they never met originally, and didn't start dying and repeating cycles until Der Riese.

    This is something that I have never heard discussed, and has been a quiet theory of mine since I created the re-imagined Giant trailer and was repeatedly watching the original Der Riese trailer. Did you get that impression from the trailer too? It would appear...that the O4 actually died at Der Riese. But that's so extreme, I don't know if I have the energy to tackle it right now.

  11. Well that's not my theory. 

    My theory makes a lot of sense to me. 


    So you ignore a simple explanation and in turn have a really complicated one with different worlds labelled as different thins equivalent to Marvel and DC?

    I tend to agree with Nightmare. Except that it could be even simpler. As the Aethereal Controller, Maxis has brought the Terrestrial Time-Space progression back to this point in time to help him open the gateway to Agartha so that he could finally pass through the Aether and enter Agartha. It may have never happened before. If you want complex, it lies in the rest of the story, with the nature of the two dimensions and the process by which we have gotten to this point.

  12. @Nightmare Voyager I think that is a reasonable suggestion. Do we know which it becomes, though? It seems he will become heroic (please no ;-), but I think either is still possible. Like I said, though, it seems it's going to take a heroic route. 


    He's a hero in the Giant, I cannot imagine him being anything else because for once he isn't lying, things have changed. Bad Richtofen has no place in this loop, but if these guys fail he will come back. 

    Indeed, so it would seem.


    Nope he won't turn bad no matter how much you want him too. I know what you are thinking :P

    haha! Oh, I will never argue with what Treyarch dictates. It'll be epic, without a doubt. 

  13. @Nightmare Voyager I think that is a reasonable suggestion. Do we know which it becomes, though? It seems he will become heroic (please no ;-), but I think either is still possible. Like I said, though, it seems it's going to take a heroic route. 


    He's a hero in the Giant, I cannot imagine him being anything else because for once he isn't lying, things have changed. Bad Richtofen has no place in this loop, but if these guys fail he will come back. 

    Indeed, so it would seem.

  14. @Garret I tried. I couldn't do it. My Aethereal thesis is only halfway finished. I have submitted the first half for approval in the Asylum section of the forums. I'll work on the rest tomorrow and hopefully have it approved soonish.

  15. DISCLAIMER: As a a stickler for canon accuracy and a fan of the story masterminded by the team at Treyarch, I do not presume to know for sure the processes and fictional (or real) science behind the concepts presented at any point in the CoD Zombies storyline outside of what has been expressly released to the community. My intention is for my own sake and for all others who are interested in exploring the possibility of a semi-realistic explanation for many of the incredible things we have encountered over the last 6 years, and doing so based as solidly as possible upon what we know to be absolutely true about CoDZ, while remaining open to debate on such content as is not, so as to avoid misleading anyone who invests the time in reading my works.

    That being said, here's to you, Treyarch! Hope my speculation does due honor to y'all's ingenuity!



    Inspired by this incredible post (Three Realms and the Fourth Dimension) by the renowned @Shooter, but having some slightly (ever so slightly) deviating viewpoints (or perhaps what I feel are more of "clarifying" viewpoints, without presuming upon the author's intentions), I present an in-depth thesis on the Nature of the Aether as a simultaneously uni-dimensional loop and a cross-dimensional gateway. 

    The following thesis is broken down into four parts, each exploring the properties, segments, potential, and boundaries of the Aether.
    1. Aethereal Physics & Linear Timelines
    2. Uni-Dimensional Loop
    3. Cross-Dimensional Intrusion
    4. Introduction to Aethereal Control
    Aethereal Physics & Linear Timelines
    In the diagram above, notice the horizontal lines indicating the Agarthan and Terrestrial linear progressions in time. Despite the idea that Agartha may or may not be a subterranean location, each lies on the (obviously outsourced) background indicating separate fabrics of time and existence, separated by what might be described as a cosmic chasm which makes up the cross-dimensional field we know as the Aether, all of this making up what might be considered the fundamental properties of space-time. The separation of the two realms by the Aether is based on the precedent throughout zombies that it is accessed via Aethereal access points.
    The first correlation to be made between the linear progressions and the Aether's proximity is its consistent inherency; that the any individual's proximity to the Aether in time and space is consistent regardless of where they stand from a point-in-time perspective, which might lead to one thinking that the Aether ought to be graphed parallel to to Terrestrial and Agarthan timelines to illustrate this consistency; however, this would be inaccurate and unreliable as it would imply that the Aether is constrained by the limits of time, which contradicts everything we know about it. This, then, creates a paradox which I am unable to illustrate in the same graph, an issue I will attempt to resolve in the future.
    So, for the sake of clarification, assume that the first yellow point on Earth's timeline is 1945/46, the year Richtofen and the others time traveled to Kino, the second yellow dot, approximately 1963. If this is the case, then where on the timeline do they occur in relation to the Aether? If you're thinking that they occur at the same point, x=0, where the red text indicates "present time," then you are exactly right. This can be expressed by the equation (T2-T1=p) ~A =  A(p) = 0  where T is one of any two or more points in time (hence the numerical differentiation) and ~ A  is Aethereal proximity, a constant of 0. Therefore, on an axis of x, the present time and its relation to Aether is consistently x=0.
    The Aether itself might be described as a highly electromagnetic expanse that acts as a fourth-dimensional force field between the Terrestrial and the Agarthan space-time continuum, effectively resisting the majority of objects that might attempt to enter or pass through it, forcing that object back onto its respective timeline like a cosmic trampoline. This force is in place to essentially protect the different dimensions not only from themselves (should they attempt to cross it and expose themselves and their original dimension on an foreign plane of existence), as well as from each other, rejecting attempts to cross over between the two. This "firewall" would be inpenetrable if it weren't for an element that has been confirmed to occur naturally in Agartha, first documented on June 30, 1908 when a meteor entered the Earth's atmosphere and landed near the Stony Tunguska River, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia in what is known as the "Tunguska Event," and remains to be the largest impact event in recorded world history. This element contained 115 protons and was dubbed "Unumpentium" by German scientist Dr. Ludvig Maxis.
    His research showed the the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation emitted from 115 was incredibly abnormal, and, as we all know, discovered it to be capable of forcing dead cells into action, what we call reanimation.
    Uni-Dimensional Loop
    The best way to understand the potential of the Aether in relation to a space-time progression is to explore the history of the first successful Terrestrial attempts to harness it.
    It was discovered that inverting the inherent terrestrial charge of Unumpentium could be manipulated as needed, within certain limitations, to physically transport an individual from a point of origin to a pre-configured destination point at a time frequency ratio of 1:1, meaning that the rate at which the transported object travels to its destination is equal to the rate of the object's respective space-time progression. 
    This method harnessed the natural resistant force of the Aether and its independence from progressive time to allow the object to "space-jump," as were, from one point on its native space-time progression to another. The process is extremely unstable, however, and a variation in the electrical properties of the object requires appropriate calibration of the Matter Transference Device to successfully accomplish this goal.  
    The occurrence of the first successful matter transference, known as teleportation, took place on December 4, 1939, when scientists Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Schuster, members of the elite international scientific community Group 935, successfully calibrated a prototype machine to move an unmodified walnut from a given source to a destination. Inspired by this success, on January 4, 1940, Dr. Richtofen rashly decided to use himself as a test subject, resulting in a haphazard teleportation process that dropped him momentarily on Earth's moon, where he discovered a cavern containing a pyramid-shaped device now known today as the MPD, before being transported to the Himalayas. He did not return to Der Riese, the headquarters of Group 935 until 19 days later. At what point in those 19 days the matter transference process ended, and where he finally found himself is not known; however, the delicacy of the calibration was made evident.
    The process necessary to effectively use the "Matter Transference Device" on human subjects and other specific objects, as needed, was perfected  shortly thereafter. However, the next flaw was discovered when Dr. Richtofen's 115-powered weaponized plasma "tesla gun" known as the Wunderwaffe DG-2 was fired during the MTD sequence. Presumably, the energy added to the sequence caused a "glitch," re-routing it to a higher frequency, effecting what is illustrated in the graph above as a "uni-dimensional loop." How this is completed is explained by the equation previously presented: (T2-T1=x) ~A = A(x)=0. 
    This was the first instance of successful time travel, and due to the constant proximity of the Aether to all points-in-time, the matter transference sequence removed the objects (in this case, Dr. Richtofen, American Tank Dempsey, Russian Nikolai Belinski, and Japanese Takeo Masaki) from 1945 and placed them in 1963.
    The proposed process by which the energy in Unumpentium is used to "latch onto" the Aether and "space jump" seems extremely logical when watching the original teleportation process at work in places such as Der Riese and Kino Der Toten. The calibration process speeds up the electromagnetic charge reversal process in the 115, causing an attraction which creates a uni-dimensional vortex between the present dimension and the Aether. This process appears as a sort of lightning storm as this highly electromagnetic vortex creates strands of plasma from gases in our atmosphere (primarily Argon, based on the color) and electrifies them, finally breaking the dimensional barrier and momentarily entering the Aether, only to be rejected and dropped onto another terrestrial or cosmic coordinate within the same dimension. If you need clarification on the relationship between plasma and Unumpentium, I discussed it in great detain in Plasma Weaponization & Der Wunderwaffe (Link).
    Cross-Dimensional Intrusion 
    So, if the Aether is intended to resist objects whose trajectory would potentially put them through into another dimension, then how did 115 pass from the Agarthan dimension to the Terrestrial in the first place?
    As has been established, both the Aether and Unumpentium are highly electromagnetic, and therefore, with the appropriately arranged charges, can become cross-dimensionally attracted to each other. When the attraction becomes strong enough, the Aether can literally displace an entire given volume of the element, seemingly consuming it, and, due to the extremely high frequency of the attraction, eject it on the opposite dimension's space-time progression. This is illustrated as a "cross-dimensional intrusion" in the diagram above. Please note, however, that the trajectory of the the intrusion, though diagonal on the chart, still involves an object with an x=0 proximity to the Aether, and therefore, does not travel a "distance" before reaching the Aether. The cross-dimensional process is instantaneous from a space-time perspective, since any object that passes through the Aether does not consume time in so doing, due to the Aether's independence from progressive time. this can be expressed on a line graph through the equation x=A(p), y=p-A, where p is the x-axis space-time coordinate of any object as determined by the equation (T2-T1=p) ~A =  A(p) = 0, and A is the Aether, which, as previously stated, is a constant of 0. Since I won't be graphing it, I'll plug those numbers in: 
    y = 0-0 = 0, x = 0(0) = 0
    x=0, y=0
    The point in making equations that come out to zero here is to show absolute value. Therefore, a cross-dimensional intrusion is 0% travel time. 
    Introduction to Aethereal Control
    After some consideration, I have decided to break this off into a separate subject, as it could easily make comprise a post of its own, which I will write after this, and in which we will explore how the Aethereal field can be controlled by an intelligent being, what they are capable of, what their limitations are, and what are the potential effects upon physical entities.
  16. @Garret I actually appreciate you noting that! And JSYK, this is a rather friendly community. We get a little heated sometimes, but in the end, we're pretty much all comrades and work it out, so I hope you don't ever get the impression that I'm being condescending or high and mighty. 

    That being said, I'm still working on a dissertation, it was supposed to be out Friday, but being a dad and a husband, probably ADHD and having 7 other writings in the works has taken its toll on my progress. I will have it out by tonight and drop you the link, which should hopefully help clear up my POV, which is, though heavily based on zombies canon, still always debatable. 

    Anyway, actually, last we checked, believe it or not, no one occupies the Aether, which works perfectly for beginning a new cycle. This is based on Maxis' victory at Resolution 1295 in which he cast Richtofen out of the MPD and announced the beginning of the process of opening the gateway to Agartha, where Samantha has been since she was ousted at Griffin Station by Richtofen. Maxis then remained in the Aether until the gate was opened at Excavation Site 64, when he passed through the gateway into Agartha, leaving the Aether empty, ready to start the process again. 

    I agree, which is one of the reasons I don't want to see Richtofen become a moral hero. Maxis never has been, either, but the problem is that they were both insane to a certain extent due to the effects of 115. Richtofen is no longer necessarily affected, however, Maxis actually may still be, as even at ES64 he was so exposed to it. So yeah, I agree, I would like to see the rivalry go on to a certain extent, unless the time has perhaps come to close the Aethereal gateway between Agartha and Earth. Things are definitely getting exciting!

    Agreed! It may not be too late to save Groph and Schuster, which may very well be what Richtofen intends to do. Peter and the Mexican are indeed already dead, per Richtofen's logs found at the Siberian outpost, however. 

  17. Hey @Garret, welcome to the forum! I like your thinking, keep it up! 

    One particular thing I'd like to note/correct is that precedent states that the Aether can only be occupied by one individual (not including the 'something far more terrible' that Samantha describes. Sam filled the void, Richtofen displaced her, and Maxis displaced Richtofen, and Sam got pushed through to Agartha. I've got a post coming out today that I'm feeling pretty good about regarding the physics and nature of the Aether that should clarify. So last we checked, Maxis was the only entity in the Aether. 

    However, I have to agree with you about Richtofen. I don't believe he is genuinely benevolent. After all, he straight up says in Origins that he seeks the staves for himself. 

    Perhaps Maxis seeks to win the war for the Nazis by finally achieving what he failed to do at Kino when he attempted to mind-control the zombies? Just a thought, you have a good point...

  18. I have skype if you want, its my name with no caps or spaces so we could talk there. I would love to talk about theories. Also you should look into that Xenon Belt thing because I have never made heads or tails of it in the story.

    Okaydoke! I will try to hit you up ASAP-it's been crazy lately, but I should.

  19. I um, this needs to be stickied. This is like a perfect post in my eyes. I was really excited to see this but I didn't think the post would be as good of a read as it was. I shouldn't have underestimated how good the post would've been really since you have been amazing with theories and the like lately. Amazing post.

    Also to just fuel the fire about the Xenon thing, on the Moon loading screen there is a belt called a Xenon belt.

    Dude, this was really encouraging. Thanks!!!

    NO SHYTE? I actually...never knew that. Whoa. Man, we need to talk. I've got a very special theory on Xenon, and sometimes I feel like a need a second brain. In the last couple days I have accrued six theories, and only one (this one) has made it onto paper, and it now needs heavy research and revision (see Cold Cell Battery discrepancy.)

  20. Brilliant. Someone needs to start an archive of great overviews like this. Please, for starters, someone sticky this one somewhere appropriate. 

    I was going to respond with some thoughts on the nature of the Aether, but they got so massive that I need to start a separate thread and not distract from what you've got going on here.

    Great work. I know I'll be archiving this.

  21. Since its my first real post I'll keep it quick and simple.  Any questions please ask. 

    Round 1-4: Stay in the mainframe room using only your knife and pistol. Keeping windows closed as much as possible. 

    5-7: Buy your way into the Thompson room. Buy Thompson. Camp in there for these rounds. DO NOT OPEN THE STAIRS TO DOUBLE TAP! 

    Intermission: Leave a crawler at the end of round 7. Open the doors the Fly Trap and then to the Trench Gun. Open the stairs to Juggernog. Jump down turn power on. Run around to Jugg and buy it. From there if you havethe points try your luck with the Mystery Box. You want either PPSh or Monkeys. Please note that you'll eventually want both of these. 

    8-11: You have the Thompson and Jugg. You're unstoppable for the most part. Open the doors to the Catwalk/STG. Camp the catwalk a little bit passed the opening in the railing. Aim for the head and save your points. During the break between round 8 and 9 grab the STG (swap your Thompson if you have the PPSh) Between 9 and 10 grab Speed Cola.

    Intermission: Again leave a crawler. Link those teleporters! This involves having 2500 points to open the MP40 room (1200) and the Type 100 room (750). 

    Note: If you have enough then PAP your PPSh.

    11-End Game: Camp the Catwalk. This time in the Large Open Window close to the stairs. This way when (not if) the zombies over run you, you can jump ON TO THE RUBBLE (no fall damage) and haul all sorts of ass to the Double Barrel room. Turn around and aim for the head. When they get too close run to the stairs and open them to Double Tap (I put this is now because this is the first time you should be there, feel free to open it before hand) run to the left side of the Draw Bridge and sit there and aim for the head. When the zombie load becomes too much jump down and head to the Catwalk. By this time the round will be over or close to over.

    Note: Keep the STG PAPd. The ammo is on the way and easily accessed. 

    Thank you for reading. I hope this helps happy Killing :)



    Nice strategy! Well documented and laid out. Brains to you!

    Personal preference, but I would actually suggest relying purely on wall weapons (Thompson and STG or MP40) throughout, unless you get the PPSh while trying for Monkeys. Then, WTH, why not? Thanks to this strategy, I usually accrue all perks, have at least one PAPed weapon with 15,000 or so points to spare by round 12.

    I'm not a camper, so from round 11, I would suggest picking your favorite training spot and just running your pattern. There are 4 unbelievably good areas, namely, the Thompson Room, Spawn, Power, and Double-Tap. 

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