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Posts posted by NaBrZHunter

  1. @Nightmare Voyager you're right about kill hogs. Just that, the deadlier the weapon, the more of a pain they are. 

    And when you have someone who spends the whole game spamming with the ray Gun and DG-2, the decrease in drops is painfully obvious. So everyone suffers. 


    My solution to all this: Do not play public matches. It is a good idea on paper to have it where you team up with randoms but in reality the games are mostly painful and hold back maps to be honest.

    If I could have a co-op game with people like y'all, I would never play a public match again. But as it stands, I don't have a very big Xbox network right now, and the friends I do have are usually playing other games and have minimal motivation to do EEs. So the EEs I have done have, regretfully, been done with ransoms. 

  2. I liked the way the staffs were handled in Origins, and I wish more maps would make Wonder Weapons available like that, rather than randomly pulling them from the box. MotD is another good example of at least a different way to get the WW (Not the Jet Gun though, that sucked balls).

    the staves though...smh. One of the biggest reasons I hate getting into an online match on Origins. People start arguing about staves, race to the shovels, and split up, all trying to find their own pieces instead of working together. Randomization resolves that, unless you have a bunch of people who are happy using any staff. 

  3. I would argue that it is random. Having the chance of obtaining a good weapon once in every 5 hits is still getting reward. Bar bus depot and nacht, there is no need to hit the box before round 25 - 30 anyway by which point you should have enough points to pull whichever gun you desire. 

    Take the survival maps as an example. If playing solo on bus depot, hit the box until you get the ray gun (shouldn't take more than 10-15 hits but sometimes you won't get it, that's the beauty of zombies). Then use the ray gun until round 20ish and get your points in the 75,000 to 100,000 range. Keep a crawler and hit the box until you get the mark 2 taking every weapon to speed up the process. You can almost guarantee you will pull the mark 2 with that number of points and the process shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes. The game rewards you for being patient. If you acquire enough points, then within reason you can pull whichever gun you desire from the box. I often cycle weapons in the box and points is the only obstacle. It won't work every game but if you played the 1st 25 rounds of Der Riese with a Thompson and mustangs and then used the points acquired to whore the box, in a couple of games you would have the wunderwaffe that you desire.


    Yeah but I still feel like it could be a bit more random as in you have an equal chance at every weapon.

    I would advocate reducing the odds for wonder weapons. They aren't necessary, they're abused by n00bs and kill hogs, and it sweetens the moment when you finally do get ahold of one. 


    I leave the game if I get the MTAR, no question. I have grown to hate it that much that I cannot obtain it from the box when its one of my first few weapons without leaving.

    I've only left the game once because of bad box weapons and that was on Nuketown (surprise suprise), i had 4k to spend on the box, RPG, War Machine, SMR and an Executioner, i was mad, i tried to make up more points, hit box again, got FAL, then again, a teddy - i then left.

    New Giant meme...the great evil is the mystery box.  Lol

  5. AN-94 was never a box weapon, and the type 25 as mentioned above was garbage for its recoil and low ammo count, it was like the Famas from BO1 but worse.

    I would say it was on par with Famas. Actually...may be on par with Commando. Famas is pretty poor. And Commando had high recoil, low clip count, and medium damage.

    I used to like the Commando but didn't after realizing the Galil was way better, I knew the Commando was only worth it if getting it at the beginning of a match. The Type 25 was honestly just Famas 2.0, and thus garbage.

    I can respect that-to each his own. You probably know better, anyway. I'm just now getting back into BO2, and only out of obligation.

    You wouldn't be inclined to do the Richtofen easter eggs with Pinnaz and I this weekend, would you?

    If I was on Xbox I would most certainly be inclined to. Or if I even had a PS3 that was still able to connect online.

    Ah! An impassible barrier, fo true.

  6. Does this mean he won't actually appear at all or literally just be shrouded in shadows the whole time? And I guess that's some good advice for solving the EE I suppose too?

    Did you ever have a chance to check out that episode? I think I've asked you a couple times, but it's pretty mind-blowing. lol

    I would think so...and hope so. 

    @Rissole25 D-: Not an Exo Zombies comparison... :-P How could you. LOL!

  7. AN-94 was never a box weapon, and the type 25 as mentioned above was garbage for its recoil and low ammo count, it was like the Famas from BO1 but worse.

    I would say it was on par with Famas. Actually...may be on par with Commando. Famas is pretty poor. And Commando had high recoil, low clip count, and medium damage.

    I used to like the Commando but didn't after realizing the Galil was way better, I knew the Commando was only worth it if getting it at the beginning of a match. The Type 25 was honestly just Famas 2.0, and thus garbage.

    I can respect that-to each his own. You probably know better, anyway. I'm just now getting back into BO2, and only out of obligation.

    You wouldn't be inclined to do the Richtofen easter eggs with Pinnaz and I this weekend, would you?

  8. "Unlike my previous roles in the series, this time around I am a character within the zombie mode. A shadowy figure aptly named 'The Shadow Man'. I cannot say too much about the role as I am sworn to secrecy but my character is an unseen figure who guides these 4 damned characters who are trapped in hell set to the backdrop of a city set in the 1940's. It's a brilliantly dark film noir setting."


    Actually, I think his choice of words is interesting. "Unseen" is kinda...specific and perspective-oriented. Once again, sounds like The Shadow.

  9. In spite of this though. The unamrked man. The SoE guys are marked with the cursed mark. But maybe this character could hold some relevance in zombies.

    "Only the cursed survive" does not indicate that they are marked. If I recall, that comes from the misconception relating the "curse" to the Mark of the Beast. What most people don't seem to realize is that 666, AKA, the number of man (six, threescore and six) is a actually a number used in relation to economics. See below.

    Revelation 13, verse...

    "16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

    It is the "number of man," and is a number permitting politically correct economic transactions. People associating it with witchcraft and magic and the undead...need a lesson in Christian end times prophesy. 

    It might, however, tie into Black Ops 3 Campaign. The mark of the Beast has long been associated with technological advancement and human cyber-integration.


    No, um if you didn't know "Only the Cursed Survive." Relates to Shadows of Evil. That card, with the symbol on it. That symbol is on the characters hands in Shadows of Evil. Although Only the Cursed Survive can relate to all characters really. The lucky ones die and become zombies but the cursed survive. Thats why we never really have any characters in zombies who are good people and they always have done something bad or have had a shady history. Thats kinda why I think the unmarked man, as a name, could relate to zombies since the O3 need a 4th and have a truly good character leading them would be interesting. But thats just conjecture idk if they are even coming back.

    Oh! I'd forgotten about that. True, they do have a mark. Still don't think it'll be the Unmarked Man, though. And yes, I recall it does. I just went on a rant because people are really kinda silly about 666-treating it like an evil and powerful unlucky 13 or something.

    Hm. I can't say the zombies are lucky. They're miserable, and just want to be dead. Which inevitably comes, but in the meantime, they are in a virtual hell. 

    I wouldn't say that Dempsey is shady or "bad," though. Just a soldier. His backstory involves him managing to escape POW status using a bobby pin and a metal of honor. Same with Misty and Marleton. I'm thinking the "only the cursed survive" is, like you said, but exclusively for SoE and maybe Alcatraz. 

  10. In spite of this though. The unamrked man. The SoE guys are marked with the cursed mark. But maybe this character could hold some relevance in zombies.

    "Only the cursed survive" does not indicate that they are marked. If I recall, that comes from the misconception relating the "curse" to the Mark of the Beast. What most people don't seem to realize is that 666, AKA, the number of man (six, threescore and six) is a actually a number used in relation to economics. See below.

    Revelation 13, verse...

    "16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

    It is the "number of man," and is a number permitting politically correct economic transactions. People associating it with witchcraft and magic and the undead...need a lesson in Christian end times prophesy. 

    It might, however, tie into Black Ops 3 Campaign. The mark of the Beast has long been associated with technological advancement and human cyber-integration.

  11. Virtually confirmed: the unmarked man is not related to Black Ops 3 Zombies or the 'only the cursed survive' death card promo.

    This may be obvious, or already concluded, but I just wanted to provide that in the form of a concrete post. He appears to be a 'freethinker,' 'conspiracy theorist,' and/or 'whistleblower.' I'm thinking we've already seen his face. 


    The tone and attitude is very familiar.

    Apologies for the format. I'm on mobile and I can't access the gallery to add images to the post.


    From Black Ops 3 "Ember" trailer.


  12. Hey all,


    I have actively played zombies since black ops 1. I remember before that, my friend showed me the zombies mode on W@W in college and I died really quickly - wasn't initially impressed. When I finally returned to it by way of mistake (purchased the game on instinct for the MP after enjoying the last COD) - ended up playing zombies one night and was completely blown away. Kino was such a peculiar map, this morbid theatre of the dead and what it felt like to go down in the tiny strip of outside are with the box near the side stage - it actually felt like dying outside vs inside at that stage or nearby it. When the 2nd came out, I purchased the prestige edition and was in line for the midnight release. At this point in life, I was hooked on zombies. I had purchased every map pack from blops 1 as they went on sale, I had mastered shangri la and Moon, I had found the spawn death circle at Der Reise to be my favorite spot to train in any map ever. I was hooked.


    I spent much of my black ops 2 career on transit, running a circle I had found and perfected near the AK-74u. Many people will tell you that they discovered this perfectly difficult dead end to train in, and some of them may be telling the truth. I am one of those people who found this dead end training paradise, apropos of any influence from other players on that map. I learned the dead end train on Der Reise at the spawn under the chain length fence and spent an exhaustive amount of time attempting to find a dead end that resembled its uniqueness. I found this on the very first map of Blops 2, and never found it again on another map. 

    I told myself as the new maps came out, that I would play them. I didn't. In late February that year, I received my Shotguns (something I thought would never come) and perhaps the most uninspiring validation I had received in the game. I told myself in this time, that I would go back at the end of the season and would pick the best side of the EE, and complete one. I never did. 

    After that, I built a PC for W@W custom zombies and became a purist.l started playing on an xbone and put my 360 into my closet until just today when I decided - it's time to do those damn easter eggs.




    So there is my story, guys. I need a team of 3 to do the EE's with me. 




    Any Takers?


    We're looking to start Richtofen's side of the BO2 EEs this weekend - would you be down?

  13. Going to go off on a limb, the Mexican could have "dark sorcery" ties to the undead culture through Mexican culture. You know, the Zimmerman Note from Germany to Mexico. There could be a a Richtofen Note, requiring the aid from dark magician who is Mexican. Lawls, just for lawls.

    yeah, no...I'm thinking that's way out in left field. He was a test subject. 

  14. To be hones I never thought of Buries as being that important because of Origins, which really kind of made all the N4 maps pointless in my mind story wise. They really only matter in the sense of the hints they provide regarding the time loop, and maybe for the purpose of showing how the world went to hell after Moon and why it must be changed.


    Thats exactly how I have always seen them. It doesn't make sense for them to have story significance linking to Origins really, thats just how people who don't have an as clear view on the time loop view it. E.g. they think Maxis goes back in time to fix everything.

    Y'know, when I first heard the theory that he reversed time, I was very opposed. Since then, I have somewhat changed my mind. I think you have changed my mind again. What I really wanna know is, what, like Weasel killing his fellows in MotD, is the catalyst for the original story?

  15. The Mexican is more or less in Schrodinger's Cat status, we don't really know what his status is. My best guess is that we'll never actually see him short of maybe a brief glimpse in any kind of flashback to the O3 being experimented on. Beyond that, I'm predicting that should we continue to play as the O4 post The Giant, then it will be with their Origins versions as they seem to be on a mission. That's my 2 cents on that anyway.

    Well put. Brains.

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